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M 2079 R11 G5 / q : Songs of the Church, op 37 Glory be to God : songs of the church (fifteen anthems.; BJL     
      Songs of the Church, op 37 Glory be to God : songs of the church (fifteen anthems. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1920
M 2079 R64 M9 / q : Motets pour la chapelle du Roy; BJL     
      Deux motets pour la chapelle du Roy / édition par Hélène Charnassé ; ré BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
M 2079 R79 A7 / q : Arise, shine : an anthem of thanksgiving for the peace in 1713 / edited by P.M.Young.; BJL     
      Arise, shine : an anthem of thanksgiving for the peace in 1713 / edited by P.M.Young. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 R83 S7 / q : Stabat mater, per soli, cori misti ed orchestra.; BJL     
      Stabat mater, per soli, cori misti ed orchestra. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1952
M 2079 R88 F4 / q : Festival Te deum op 71.; BJL     
      Festival Te deum op 71. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1951
M 2079 S2 : A manual of psalm tunes; harmonized in three parts.; BJL     
      A manual of psalm tunes; harmonized in three parts. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1859
M 2079 S28 A9 / q : Audi tilia : gradual for St Cecilia's day (1720) / edited from Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense MS 2257 by J. Steele.; BJL     
      Audi tilia : gradual for St Cecilia's day (1720) / edited from Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense MS 2257 b BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 S28 D6 / q : Dixit Dominus:Psalms 109 (Authorized Version 110).; BJL     
      Dixit Dominus:Psalms 109 (Authorized Version 110). BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1975
M 2079 S28 L3 / q : Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes psalm 117 : concerts / transcribed and edited by J.E. Shaffer.; BJL     
      Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes psalm 117 : concerts / transcribed and edited by J.E. Shaffer. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1973
M 2079 S31 A1 / q : Ah' My beloved Jesus child (Ach, mein Jesulein) : motet.; BJL     
      Ah' My beloved Jesus child (Ach, mein Jesulein) : motet. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1965
M 2079 S35    
      Geistliche Arien für hohe Stimme / bearb.von L. Dite. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1947
      Geistliche Arien für hohe Stimme / bearb.von L. Dite. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1947
M 2079 S35 A9 / q : Ave Maria, for four-part chorus of mixed voices, op. 52, no. 6 / arr. by W. Riegger.; BJL     
      Ave Maria, for four-part chorus of mixed voices, op. 52, no. 6 / arr. by W. Riegger. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1937
M 2079 S35 M2    
      Magnificat, D486 : for SATB chorus, soloists and orchestra / edited by ... Brian Newbould. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 2000
      Magnificat, D486 : for SATB chorus, soloists and orchestra / edited by ... Brian Newbould. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 2000
M 2079 S35 T2 / q : Tantum ergo : für Soloquartet, Chor und Orchester / revidiert und herausgegeben von M Friedlaender.; BJL     
      Tantum ergo : für Soloquartet, Chor und Orchester / revidiert und herausgegeben von M Friedlaen BJL  PRINTED MUSIC  
M 2079 S35 T7 / q : Totus in corde lanqueo : offertorium.; BJL     
      Totus in corde lanqueo : offertorium. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1978
M 2079 S39 / q : Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore (Psalm 33, Versen 2469) / antgefunden und herausgegeben von C Engelbrecht.; BJL     
      Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore (Psalm 33, Versen 2469) / antgefunden und herausgegeben von C Engel BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1959
M 2079 S39 L7 / q : Lobe den Herren, meine Seele = Sing, o my soul, the father's praises.; BJL     
      Lobe den Herren, meine Seele = Sing, o my soul, the father's praises. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1967
M 2079 S39 O5 / q : 150 psalms / edited by G.Lynn and H.S.Drinker.; BJL     
      150 psalms / edited by G.Lynn and H.S.Drinker. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1950
M 2079 S39 P9 / q : Psalmen Davids 1619,"Die mit Tranen saen,(Psalm 126,5.6),Nr 21,SWV 42:Motette für zwei funfstimmige Chore und Basso continuo / herausgegeben von W.Ehmann,Continio-Aussetzung H.Ehmann.; BJL     
      Psalmen Davids 1619,"Die mit Tranen saen,(Psalm 126,5.6),Nr 21,SWV 42:Motette für zwei funfstim BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
M 2079 S39 S4 / q : Selig sind die Toten : Blessed are the faithful / edited by R. Shaw and K. Speer.; BJL     
      Selig sind die Toten : Blessed are the faithful / edited by R. Shaw and K. Speer. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1952
M 2079 S39 S8 / q : The voice of the Lord sounds upon the waters.; BJL     
      The voice of the Lord sounds upon the waters. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1903
M 2079 S39 S9    
      Attendite, popule meas sic, legern mean : psalm LXXVIII, 1-3 / edited by A Lumsden, continus set by R BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1962
      Deutsches Konzert "Der Herr ist mein licht". BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1953
      Mein Sohn warum hast du uns das getan? (My son why hast thou so dealt with us?). BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1962
      O God, my heart is ready, Paratum cor meum; aria from the Symphoniae sacrae, 1629 / edited and transl BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1952
      Psalm 18 : "Herzlich lieb hab' ich dich, o Herr" / herausgegeben von W Upmeyr. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1928
M 2079 S39 T2 / q : Ten psalms from the Becker psalter,1628 / by H.Schuetz, edited and translated by R.E. Wunderlich.; BJL     
      Ten psalms from the Becker psalter,1628 / by H.Schuetz, edited and translated by R.E. Wunderlich. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1958
M 2079 S39 V3 / q : Vater unser Konzert : The Lord's Prayer,verse anthem / edited by G Granlich.; BJL     
      Vater unser Konzert : The Lord's Prayer,verse anthem / edited by G Granlich. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
M 2079 S39 W4 / q : Woman, why weepest thou? Weib, was weirest du? dialogo per la pascua / edited by R.T.Gore.; BJL     
      Woman, why weepest thou? Weib, was weirest du? dialogo per la pascua / edited by R.T.Gore. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1961
M 2079 S469 S1 / q : Salmi passaggiati 1615 / edited by M.C. Bradshaw ; Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era, v.38.; BJL     
      Salmi passaggiati 1615 / edited by M.C. Bradshaw ; Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era, BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1981
M 2079 S54 H3 / q : Haste thee O God : full anthem for four voices / John Shepherd ; edited by Percy C. Buck ; revised edition by John Morehen.; BJL     
      Haste thee O God : full anthem for four voices / John Shepherd ; edited by Percy C. Buck ; revised ed BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
M 2079 S73 L2 / q : Lamentacion a solo / edited and arranged by F Marvin.; BJL     
      Lamentacion a solo / edited and arranged by F Marvin. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1970
M 2079 S73 S1 / q : Salve.; BJL     
      Salve. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1970
M 2079 S73 S7 / q : Stabat Mater.; BJL     
      Stabat Mater. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1970
M 2079 S77 V4 / q : Veri Conolator : a carto e clarino con basso continuo.; BJL     
      Veri Conolator : a carto e clarino con basso continuo. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1959
M 2079 S775 M1 / q : Magnificats. Selections; BJL     
      Selected magnificats / edited by H. Junkermann with basso continuo realizations and commentary by M. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1980
M 2079 S848 I3 / q : In te Domine, speravi : In thee, O Lord have I put my trust, verses from Psalm 31.; BJL     
      In te Domine, speravi : In thee, O Lord have I put my trust, verses from Psalm 31. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1962
M 2079 S91 C2    
      Canticum sacrum ad honorem Sancti Marci nominis. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1956
      Canticum sacrum ad honorem Sancti Marci nominis for tenor and baritone soli,chorus and orchestra. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1956
M 2079 S91 I6 : Introitus : T.S.Eliot in memoriam for male chorus and chamber ensemble.; BJL     
      Introitus : T.S.Eliot in memoriam for male chorus and chamber ensemble. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1965
M 2079 S91 T5    
      Threni, id est lamentationes Jeremiae prophetae / vocal score by E. Stein. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1958
      Threni,id est Lamentationes Jeremiae prophetae for soli,mixed chorus and orchestra. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1958
M 2079 T1 H9 / q : Five hymns / edited by D.W. Stevens.; BJL     
      Five hymns / edited by D.W. Stevens. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1961
M 2079 T26 K5 : Kirchenmusik,in Ausgaben des Hanssler-Verlages.; BJL     
      Kirchenmusik,in Ausgaben des Hanssler-Verlages. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1978
M 2079 T65 T4 / q : Thirteen Anthems.; BJL     
      Thirteen Anthems. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 T97 D3 / q : Deliver as, good Lord.; BJL     
      Deliver as, good Lord. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 T97 P8 / q : Praise ye the Lord, ye children : anthem.; BJL     
      Praise ye the Lord, ye children : anthem. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1967
M 2079 V34 A4 / q : All people that on earth do dwell : The Old Hundredth psalm tune / arranged for choir, congregation, orchestra and organ by R. Vaughan Williams.; BJL     
      All people that on earth do dwell : The Old Hundredth psalm tune / arranged for choir, congregation, BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1953
M 2079 V34 A8 / q : At the name of Jesus, to the tune Kings Weston (Songs of praise 443) / arranged with varied settings for a festival service by R.Vaughan Williams.; BJL     
      At the name of Jesus, to the tune Kings Weston (Songs of praise 443) / arranged with varied settings BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1927
M 2079 V34 O1 / q : O how amiable : anthem.; BJL     
      O how amiable : anthem. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1940
M 2079 V34 P6 / q : The pilgrim pavement : hymn.; BJL     
      The pilgrim pavement : hymn. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1934
M 2079 V39 O1 / q : O dulcis Jesu / herausgegeben von O Ulf.; BJL     
      O dulcis Jesu / herausgegeben von O Ulf. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
M 2079 V59 C3 / q : Cento concerti ecclesiastici opera dusdecima 1602.; BJL     
      Cento concerti ecclesiastici opera dusdecima 1602. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1964
M 2079 V59 C5 / q : Christus resurgens (Christ being raised), for mixed chorus (SS[A]B) and organ.; BJL     
      Christus resurgens (Christ being raised), for mixed chorus (SS[A]B) and organ. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1964
M 2079 V85 A2 / q : Motetti a carto solo con stromerti.; BJL     
      Motetti a carto solo con stromerti. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
M 2079 V85 B3    
      Beatus vir / testo originale a cura di K.H.Fussel. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
      Beatus vir in due cori : partitura; revisione e realizzazione del continus entrambe a cura di R Fasan BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
      Beatus vir, Salmo III, in due cori / testo originale a cura di Renato Fasano. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
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