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ND 526 D37 B4 : Mostra di Nicolo dell'Abate : catalogo critico ....; BJL     
      Mostra di Nicolo dell'Abate : catalogo critico .... BJL  BOOK 1969
ND 526 D82 W5 : Duccio : Tuscan art and the medieval workshop ...; BJL     
      Duccio : Tuscan art and the medieval workshop ... BJL  BOOK 1979
ND 526 F25 M6 : Giovanni Fattori.; BJL     
      Giovanni Fattori. BJL  BOOK 1961
ND 526 F37 H1 : Gaudenzio Ferrari.; BJL     
      Gaudenzio Ferrari. BJL  BOOK 1904
ND 526 F5 G7 / q : The problem of Fiorenzo di Lorenzo of Perugia : a critical and historical study.; BJL     
      The problem of Fiorenzo di Lorenzo of Perugia : a critical and historical study. BJL  BOOK 1903
ND 526 F6 F4 / q : Vincenzo Foppa of Brescia... his life and work.; BJL     
      Vincenzo Foppa of Brescia... his life and work. BJL  BOOK 1909
ND 526 G 49 : Giorgione : la pala di Castelfranco Veneto / catalogo a cura di L. Lazzarini (ed altri).; BJL     
      Giorgione : la pala di Castelfranco Veneto / catalogo a cura di L. Lazzarini (ed altri). BJL  BOOK 1978
ND 526 G 49 Z2 : Giorgione e i giorgioneschi.; BJL     
      Giorgione e i giorgioneschi. BJL  BOOK 1955
ND 526 G 51 : Tutta la pittura di Giotto / a cura di R. Salvini.; BJL     
      Tutta la pittura di Giotto / a cura di R. Salvini. BJL  BOOK 1962
ND 526 G 51 B3 : Giotto : biographical and critical study.; BJL     
      Giotto : biographical and critical study. BJL  BOOK 1960
ND 526 G 51 C6 : Giotto and Florentine painting, 1280-1375.; BJL     
      Giotto and Florentine painting, 1280-1375. BJL  BOOK 1976
ND 526 G 51 C7 : Giotto e il suo tempo.; BJL     
      Giotto e il suo tempo. BJL  BOOK 1971
ND 526 G 51 D4 : Giotto.; BJL     
      Giotto. BJL  BOOK 1905
ND 526 G116 C6 / q : Agnolo Gaddi.; BJL     
      Agnolo Gaddi. BJL  BOOK 1977
ND 526 G23 : Pier Antonio Gariazzo and his works.; BJL     
      Pier Antonio Gariazzo and his works. BJL  BOOK 1926
ND 526 G33 C5 : Gentile da Fabriano.; BJL     
      Gentile da Fabriano. BJL  BOOK 1982
ND 526 G33 C6 : Gentile da Fabriano ...; BJL     
      Gentile da Fabriano ... BJL  BOOK 1909
ND 526 G35 A7    
      The Artemisia files : Artemisia Gentileschi for feminists and other thinking people / edited by Mieke BJL  BOOK 2005
      Artemisia Gentileschi : the story of a passion / edited by Robert Contini and Francesco Solinas. BJL  BOOK 2011
ND 526 G35 B6 / q : Artemisia Gentileschi and the authority of art : critical reading and catalogue raisonné.; BJL     
      Artemisia Gentileschi and the authority of art : critical reading and catalogue raisonné. BJL  BOOK 1999
ND 526 G35 G2    
      Artemisia Gentileschi around 1622 : the shaping and reshaping of an artistic identity. BJL  BOOK 2001
      Artemisia Gentileschi : the image of the female hero in Italian Baroque art. BJL  BOOK 1989
ND 526 G35 S9 : Violence and virtue : Artemisia Gentileschi's "Judith slaying Holofernes" / Eve Straussman-Pflanzer.; BJL     
      Violence and virtue : Artemisia Gentileschi's "Judith slaying Holofernes" / Eve Straussman-Pflanzer. BJL  BOOK 2013
ND 526 G366 C5 / q : Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi / Keith Christiansen, Judith W. Mann.; BJL     
      Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi / Keith Christiansen, Judith W. Mann. BJL  BOOK c2001
ND 526 G43 D2 : Ghirlandaio.; BJL     
      Ghirlandaio. BJL  BOOK 1908
ND 526 G49 / q : The complete paintings of Giorgione / introduced by C. Gould, notes and catalogue by P. Zampetti.; BJL     
      The complete paintings of Giorgione / introduced by C. Gould, notes and catalogue by P. Zampetti. BJL  BOOK 1970
ND 526 G49 A5 / q : Giorgione : the painter of "poetic brevity" : including catalogue raisonné.; BJL     
      Giorgione : the painter of "poetic brevity" : including catalogue raisonné. BJL  BOOK 1997
ND 526 G49 C6 : Tutta la pittura di Giorgione.; BJL     
      Tutta la pittura di Giorgione. BJL  BOOK 1955
ND 526 G49 C7    
      Giorgione. BJL  BOOK 1900
      Giorgione : a new study of his art as a landscape painter. BJL  BOOK 1929
      The portrait of Caterina Cornaro by Giorgione : (finished by Titian) in Sir Frederick Cook's gallery BJL  BOOK 1915
ND 526 G49 E4 / q : Giorgione : catalogue raisonné : mystery unveiled / Wolfgang Eller ; [translation: Ingeborg Elizabeth Pendl].; BJL     
      Giorgione : catalogue raisonné : mystery unveiled / Wolfgang Eller ; [translation: Ingeborg Eli BJL  BOOK c2007
ND 526 G49 G5 / q : Giorgione : myth and enigma / edited by Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, Giovanna Nepi Sciré.; BJL     
      Giorgione : myth and enigma / edited by Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, Giovanna Nepi Sciré. BJL  BOOK c2004
ND 526 G49 M7 : Giorgione da Castelfranco : studio critico ...; BJL     
      Giorgione da Castelfranco : studio critico ... BJL  BOOK 1904
ND 526 G49 P6    
      Giorgione : complete edition. BJL  BOOK 1971
      Giorgione : complete edition / by T. Pignatti. BJL  BOOK 1971
ND 526 G49 S4 : Giorgione's Tempest : interpreting the hidden subject.; BJL     
      Giorgione's Tempest : interpreting the hidden subject. BJL  BOOK 1990
ND 526 G49 W3 : Giorgione.; BJL     
      Giorgione. BJL  BOOK 1974
ND 526 G49 W7 / q : Giorgione's Tempesta, with comments on Giorgione's poetic allegories.; BJL     
      Giorgione's Tempesta, with comments on Giorgione's poetic allegories. BJL  BOOK 1969
ND 526 G5 S6 : Giottino und Seine Stollung in der gleichzeitigen florentinischen Malerei.; BJL     
      Giottino und Seine Stollung in der gleichzeitigen florentinischen Malerei. BJL  BOOK 1908
ND 526 G51    
      Giotto. BJL  BOOK 1977
      Giotto. BJL  BOOK 1977
ND 526 G51 C3 : Giotto.; BJL     
      Giotto. BJL  BOOK 1925
ND 526 G51 G5 / q : Giotto : Arena Chapel frescoes / edited by G. Basile.; BJL     
      Giotto : Arena Chapel frescoes / edited by G. Basile. BJL  BOOK 1993
ND 526 G51 L9 : L'arte di Giotto.; BJL     
      L'arte di Giotto. BJL  BOOK 1927
ND 526 G51 P4 : Giotto.; BJL     
      Giotto. BJL  BOOK 1902
ND 526 G51 S6    
      The Assis problem and the art of Giotto : a study of the Legend of St. Francis. BJL  BOOK 1971
      Giotto and some of his followers / English translation by Frederic Schenck. BJL  BOOK 1917
ND 526 G51 T4 : Giotto.; BJL     
      Giotto. BJL  BOOK  
ND 526 G72 : Benozzo Gozzoli.; BJL     
      Benozzo Gozzoli. BJL  BOOK 1904
ND 526 G91 F5 : Francesco Guardi.; BJL     
      Francesco Guardi. BJL  BOOK 1923
ND 526 G91 S6 / q : Francesco Guardi, 1712-1793...; BJL     
      Francesco Guardi, 1712-1793... BJL  BOOK 1904
ND 526 G92 H4 / q : Guercino in Britain : paintings from British collections : catalogue / by Michael Helston and Tom Henry based on the researches of Denis Mahon.; BJL     
      Guercino in Britain : paintings from British collections : catalogue / by Michael Helston and Tom Hen BJL  BOOK 1991
ND 526 G92 M2 : I disegni del Guercino della collezione Mahon / cura di D. Mahon.; BJL     
      I disegni del Guercino della collezione Mahon / cura di D. Mahon. BJL  BOOK 1967
ND 526 G92 T9 : Drawings by Guercino from British collections : with an appendix describing the drawings by Guercino, his school and his followers in the British Museum / Nicholas Turner and Carol Plazzotta.; BJL     
      Drawings by Guercino from British collections : with an appendix describing the drawings by Guercino, BJL  BOOK 1991
ND 526 L58 B3    
      Leonardo da Vinci. BJL  BOOK 1932
      Leonardo's rules of painting : an unconventional approach to modern art. BJL  BOOK 1979
ND 526 L58 B4    
      Leonardo. BJL  BOOK 1939
      Leonardo e i disfattisti suoi. BJL  BOOK 1919
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