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QA 4 L47(736) / q : M-structure and the Banach-Stone theorem / Ehrhard Behrends.; BJL     
      M-structure and the Banach-Stone theorem / Ehrhard Behrends. BJL  BOOK 1979
QA 4 L47(739) / q : Analyse harmonique sur les groupes de Lie II : séminaire Nancy-Strasbourg, 1976-78 / edité par P. Eymard ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Analyse harmonique sur les groupes de Lie II : séminaire Nancy-Strasbourg, 1976-78 / edité par P. E BJL  BOOK 1979
QA 4 L47(745) / q : Equational compactness in rings, with applications to the theory of topological rings / David K. Haley.; BJL     
      Equational compactness in rings, with applications to the theory of topological rings / David K. Hale BJL  BOOK 1979
QA 4 L47(749) / q : Finite element approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations / V. Girault, P.-A. Raviart.; BJL     
      Finite element approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations / V. Girault, P.-A. Raviart. BJL  BOOK 1979
QA 4 L47(753) / q : Applications of sheaves : proceedings of the Research Symposium on Applications of Sheaf Theory to Logic, Algebra and Analysis, Durham, July 9-21, 1977 / edited by M.P. Fourman, C.J. Mulvey, and D.S. Scott.; BJL     
      Applications of sheaves : proceedings of the Research Symposium on Applications of Sheaf Theory to Lo BJL  BOOK 1979
QA 4 L47(755) / q : Global analysis : proceedings of the biennial seminar of the Canadian Mathematical Congress, Calgary, Alberta, June 12-27, 1978 / edited by M. Grmela and J. E. Marsden.; BJL     
      Global analysis : proceedings of the biennial seminar of the Canadian Mathematical Congress, Calgary, BJL  BOOK 1979
QA 4 L47(758) / q : Graded and filtered rings and modules / edited by C. Nastasescu and F. Van Oystaeyen.; BJL     
      Graded and filtered rings and modules / edited by C. Nastasescu and F. Van Oystaeyen. BJL  BOOK 1979
QA 4 L47(759) / q : Degrees of unsolvability : structure and theory / Richard L. Epstein.; BJL     
      Degrees of unsolvability : structure and theory / Richard L. Epstein. BJL  BOOK 1979
QA 4 L47(761) / q : Homotopy equivalences of 3-manifolds with boundaries / Klaus Johannson.; BJL     
      Homotopy equivalences of 3-manifolds with boundaries / Klaus Johannson. BJL  BOOK 1979
QA 4 L47(764) / q : Representations of finite Chevalley groups : a survey / Bhama Srinivasan.; BJL     
      Representations of finite Chevalley groups : a survey / Bhama Srinivasan. BJL  BOOK 1979
QA 4 L47(765) / q : Padé approximation and its applications : proceedings of a conference held in Antwerp, Belgium, 1979 / edited by L. Wuytack.; BJL     
      Padé approximation and its applications : proceedings of a conference held in Antwerp, Belgium, 1979 BJL  BOOK 1979
QA 4 L47(77) / q : Processus de Markov : la frontière de Martin / Paul-André Meyer.; BJL     
      Processus de Markov : la frontière de Martin / Paul-André Meyer. BJL  BOOK 1968
QA 4 L47(772) / q : Algebraic structure of knot modules / Jerome P. Levine.; BJL     
      Algebraic structure of knot modules / Jerome P. Levine. BJL  BOOK 1980
QA 4 L47(79) / q : Catégories cofibrées additives et complexe cotangent relatif / A. Grothendieck.; BJL     
      Catégories cofibrées additives et complexe cotangent relatif / A. Grothendieck. BJL  BOOK 1968
QA 4 L47(802) / q : Étude géométrique des espaces vectoriels II / Jacques Bair [et] René Fourneau.; BJL     
      Étude géométrique des espaces vectoriels II / Jacques Bair [et] René Fourneau. BJL  BOOK 1980
QA 4 L47(807) / q : Fonctions de plusieurs variables complexes : seminaire Francois Norguet ... / edite par F. Norguet.; BJL     
      Fonctions de plusieurs variables complexes : seminaire Francois Norguet ... / edite par F. Norguet. BJL  BOOK 1975-
QA 4 L47(81) / q : Méthodes algébriques en mécanique statistique / J.-P. Eckmann, M. Guenin.; BJL     
      Méthodes algébriques en mécanique statistique / J.-P. Eckmann, M. Guenin. BJL  BOOK 1969
QA 4 L47(831) / q : Representation theory I : proceedings of the Workshop on the Present Trends in Representation Theory, Ottawa, Carleton University, August 13-28, 1979 / edited by V. Dlab and P. Gabriel.; BJL     
      Representation theory I : proceedings of the Workshop on the Present Trends in Representation Theory BJL  BOOK 1980
QA 4 L47(85) / q : Problèmes combinatoires de commutation et réarrangements / P. Cartier, D. Foata.; BJL     
      Problèmes combinatoires de commutation et réarrangements / P. Cartier, D. Foata. BJL  BOOK 1969
QA 4 L47(882) / q : Integral representations and applications : proceedings of a Conference / edited by K.W. Roggenkamp.; BJL     
      Integral representations and applications : proceedings of a Conference / edited by K.W. Roggenkamp. BJL  BOOK 1981
QA 4 L47(889) / q : New classes of Lp - spaces.; BJL     
      New classes of Lp - spaces. BJL  BOOK 1981
QA 4 L47(893) / q : Geometries and groups : proceedings of a colloquium held at the Freie Universität, Berlin May 1981 / edited by M. Aigner and D. Jungnickel.; BJL     
      Geometries and groups : proceedings of a colloquium held at the Freie Universität, Berlin May 1981 / BJL  BOOK 1981
QA 4 L47(896) / q : Familles de cycle algébriques : schéma de Chow / Bernard Angéniol.; BJL     
      Familles de cycle algébriques : schéma de Chow / Bernard Angéniol. BJL  BOOK 1981
QA 4 L47(897) / q : Iterated inductive definitions and subsystems of analysis : recent proof-theoretical studies / Wilfried Buchholz ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Iterated inductive definitions and subsystems of analysis : recent proof-theoretical studies / Wilfri BJL  BOOK 1981
QA 4 L47(898) / q : Dynamical systems and turbulence, Warwick 1980 : proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Warwick 1979-80 / edited by D.A. Rand and L.-S. Young.; BJL     
      Dynamical systems and turbulence, Warwick 1980 : proceedings of a symposium held at the University o BJL  BOOK 1981
QA 4 L47(902) / q : Germs of diffeomorphisms in the plane / Freddy Dumortier, Paulo R. Rodrigues, Robert Roussarie.; BJL     
      Germs of diffeomorphisms in the plane / Freddy Dumortier, Paulo R. Rodrigues, Robert Roussarie. BJL  BOOK 1981
QA 4 L47(903) / q : Representations of algebras : proceedings of the third International Conference on Representations of Algebras, held in Puebla, Mexico, August, 4-8, 1980 / edited by M. Auslander and E. Lluis.; BJL     
      Representations of algebras : proceedings of the third International Conference on Representations of BJL  BOOK 1981
QA 4 L47(913) / q : Extremum problems for bounded univalent functions II.; BJL     
      Extremum problems for bounded univalent functions II. BJL  BOOK 1982
QA 4 L47(92) / q : Category theory, homology theory and their applications II : proceedings of the conference held at the Seattle Research Center of the Battelle Memorial Institute, June 24-July 19, 1968. Vol. 2.; BJL     
      Category theory, homology theory and their applications II : proceedings of the conference held at th BJL  BOOK 1969
QA 4 L47(95) / q : Principles of intuitionism : lectures.; BJL     
      Principles of intuitionism : lectures. BJL  BOOK  
QA 4 L47(952) / q : Combinatorial mathematics IX : proceedings of the 9th Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics held at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, August 24-28, 1981.; BJL     
      Combinatorial mathematics IX : proceedings of the 9th Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathemat BJL  BOOK 1982
QA 4 L47(97) / q : Hopf algebras and Galois theory / Stephen U. Chase, Moss E. Sweedler.; BJL     
      Hopf algebras and Galois theory / Stephen U. Chase, Moss E. Sweedler. BJL  BOOK 1969
QA 4 L47(99) / q : Category theory, homology theory and their applications III : proceedings of the conference held at the Seattle Research Center of the Battelle Memorial Institute, June 24-July 19, 1968 volume three.; BJL     
      Category theory, homology theory and their applications III : proceedings of the conference held at t BJL  BOOK 1969
QA 4 M42 S9(17) : Studies in combinatorics / G-C Rota editor.; BJL     
      Studies in combinatorics / G-C Rota editor. BJL  BOOK 1978
QA 4 M42 S9(2) : Studies in modern algebra / Saunders MacLane ... [et al.] ; A.A. Albert, editor.; BJL     
      Studies in modern algebra / Saunders MacLane ... [et al.] ; A.A. Albert, editor. BJL  BOOK 1963
QA 4 M42 S9(20) : Studies in algebraic geometry / [contributions by] Steven L. Kleiman ... [et al.] ; A. Seidenberg, editor.; South East Asian Collection     
      Studies in algebraic geometry / [contributions by] Steven L. Kleiman ... [et al.] ; A. Seidenberg, ed South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1980
QA 4 O83(128) / q : A Horn logic approach to modularity in knowledge based systems / G. Antoniou & V. Sperschneider.; BJL     
      A Horn logic approach to modularity in knowledge based systems / G. Antoniou & V. Sperschneider. BJL  BOOK 1991
QA 4 O83(D10) : Abschlussbericht eines Projeckts über Schulerstrategien und Unterrichtseffecte : Proportionen und Antiproportionen / W. Kurth...[et al.].; BJL     
      Abschlussbericht eines Projeckts über Schulerstrategien und Unterrichtseffecte : Proportionen und Ant BJL  BOOK 1989
QA 4 O83(D10A) : Unterrichtsbeobachtungen und Testauswertungen in 6 Klassen der Realschule Dom, Osnabrück / W. Kurth...[et al.].; BJL     
      Unterrichtsbeobachtungen und Testauswertungen in 6 Klassen der Realschule Dom, Osnabrück / W. Kurth.. BJL  BOOK 1989
QA 4 O83(D11) : Untersuchungen zur Behebung der Defizite von Mädchen im Mathematikunterricht / U. Viet ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Untersuchungen zur Behebung der Defizite von Mädchen im Mathematikunterricht / U. Viet ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1990
QA 4 O83(D12) : Untersuchungen über bereichsspezifische Defizite von Jungen und Mädchen in Mathematikuntericht. Arbeitsgruppe Lern-Lehrforschung. Leitung / Arbeitsgruppe Lern-Lehrforschung. Leitung. Prof. U. Viet.; BJL     
      Untersuchungen über bereichsspezifische Defizite von Jungen und Mädchen in Mathematikuntericht. Arbei BJL  BOOK 1991
QA 4 O83(D13) : Fahigkeitsgerechte fordermmarnahmen im mathematikunterricht des 7. schuljahrs.; BJL     
      Fahigkeitsgerechte fordermmarnahmen im mathematikunterricht des 7. schuljahrs. BJL  BOOK 1992
QA 4 O83(I22) : Modulare Programme und ihre Verifikation / G. Antoniou, V. Sperschneider.; BJL     
      Modulare Programme und ihre Verifikation / G. Antoniou, V. Sperschneider. BJL  BOOK 1988
QA 4 O83(I23) : On the definition and verification of modular software systems / G. Antoniou, V. Sperschneider.; BJL     
      On the definition and verification of modular software systems / G. Antoniou, V. Sperschneider. BJL  BOOK 1989
QA 4 O83(I24) : Vad / Vcc : teaching machine-oriented programming.; BJL     
      Vad / Vcc : teaching machine-oriented programming. BJL  BOOK 1989
QA 4 O83(I25) : A parallel branch-&-bound approach for solving a two-dimensional cutting stock problem / B. Kroger, O. Vornberger.; BJL     
      A parallel branch-&-bound approach for solving a two-dimensional cutting stock problem / B. Kroger, O BJL  BOOK 1990
QA 4 O83(I26) : Modules in computer science and artificial intelligence.; BJL     
      Modules in computer science and artificial intelligence. BJL  BOOK 1991
QA 4 O83(I27) : Knowledge-based systems : the logic programming approach.; BJL     
      Knowledge-based systems : the logic programming approach. BJL  BOOK 1991
QA 4 O83(I29) : Parallel genetic packing on trnsputers / B. Kroger, P. Schwenderling, O. Vornberger.; BJL     
      Parallel genetic packing on trnsputers / B. Kroger, P. Schwenderling, O. Vornberger. BJL  BOOK 1992
QA 4 O83(I30) : Proving consistency of concurrency constraints for object-oriented parallel systems.; BJL     
      Proving consistency of concurrency constraints for object-oriented parallel systems. BJL  BOOK 1992
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