Animated Films Sweden History And Criticism : A history of Swedish experimental film culture : from early animation to video art / Lars Gustaf Andersson, John Sundholm, Astrid Söderbergh Widding.; Andersson, Lars Gustaf.
Animators United States : Before the animation begins : the art and lives of Disney inspirational sketch artists / by John Canemaker.; Canemaker, John.
Animism : Animism.; Kennedy, Kenneth William Stewart.
Animism England Early Works To 1800 : Two discourses concerning the soul of brutes : which is that of the vital and sensitive of man. The first is physiological, shewing the nature, parts, powers, and affections of the same. The other is pathological, which unfolds the diseases which affect it and its primary seat; to wit, the brain and nervous stock, and treats of their cures: with copper cuts. By Thomas Willis doctor in physick, professor of natural philosophy in Oxford, and also one of the Royal Society, and of the renowned college of physicians in London. Englished by S. Pordage, student in physick.; Willis, Thomas,
Animo Acids Metabolism : Plant amino acids : biochemistry and biotechnology / edited by Bijay K. Singh.
Anions : Determination of anions : a guide for the analytical chemist.; Crompton, Thomas Roy.
Anit Catholicism England Early Works To 1800 : By the King, a proclamation, commanding all papists and reputed papists to depart from the cities of London and Westminster, and from within ten miles from the same..; England and Wales.
Anjou France Church History : Canon law, careers and conquest : episcopal elections in Normandy and Greater Anjou, c.1140-c.1230 / Jörg Peltzer.; Peltzer, Jörg Henning,
Anjou Francois Duc D : The Duke of Anjou and the politique struggle during the wars of religion.; Holt, Mack P.