Annandale John Murray Earl Of 1640 : A letter vvritt[en to] the L. Viscunt Anan : decl[aring the] nature and reason of the late [clemency] extended to the lay-recus[ants in] England.
Annapolis Md Antiquities : A Chesapeake family and their slaves : a study in historical archaeology / illustrations by Julie Hunter.; Yentsch, Anne Elizabeth.
Annapolis Md History : A Chesapeake family and their slaves : a study in historical archaeology / illustrations by Julie Hunter.; Yentsch, Anne Elizabeth.
Annapolis Md History Colonial Period Ca 1600 1775 : Hammond versus Heamans, or, An answer to an audacious pamphlet, published by an impudent and ridiculous fellow, named Roger Heamans, calling himself Commander of the Ship Golden Lion : wherein he endeavours by lies and holy expressions, to colour over his murthers and treacheries committed in the Province of Maryland, to the utter ruine of that florishing plantation : having a great sum sold himself to proceed in those cruelties, it being altogether answered out of the abstract of credible oaths taken here in England :in which is published His Highnesses absolute (though neglected) command to Richard Bennet Esq., late governour of Virginia and all others, not to disturbe the Lord Baltamores plantation in Maryland / by John Hammond ...; Hammond, John,
Annates Early Works To 1800 : First fruits : Rec'd from the last of June to 29 Sept. 1692 ... pencons charg'd on first fruits.
Anne Queen Of Great Britain 1665 1714 Drama : The favourite / Fox Searchlight Pictures, Film4 and Waypoint Entertainment present an Element Pictures/Scarlet Films production ; produced by Ceci Dempsey, Ed Guiney, Lee Magiday, Yorgos Lanthimos ; written by Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara ; directed by Yorgos Lanthimos.
Anne Queen Of Great Britain 1665 1727 : The four Indian Kings speech to Her Majesty. London, April 20. 1710. : Yesterday the four princes of the continent of America, between New-England and Canada, had their publick audience of Her Majesty with great solemnity, and by their interpreter made the following speech to Her Majesty.
Annealing Of Glass Early Works To 1800 : A booke of sundry draughtes : principaly serving for glasiers: and not impertinent for plasterers, and gardiners: be sides sundry other professions. Whereunto is annexed the manner how to anniel in glas: and also the true forme of the fornace, and the secretes thereof.; Gedde, Walter.
Annelida Classification : Additions to the family Eulepethidae Chamberlin (Polychaeta: Aphroditacea).; Pettibone, Marian H.
Annelida Reproduction : Reproductive biology and phylogeny of Annelida / volume edited by Greg Rouse and Fredrik Pleijel.
Annesley England Maps : Nottinghamshire [cartographic material] : sheet SK 55 SW.; Great Britain.
Annesley Maurice : The case of Maurice Annesley, ....; Annesley, Maurice.
Annet England Maps : Cornwall [cartographic material] : sheet SV 80 NE.; Great Britain.
Annexation International Law : The right of conquest : the acquisition of territory by force in international law and practice / Sharon Korman.; Korman, Sharon,
Anniversaries : The Shah's imperial celebrations of 1971 : nationalism, culture and politics in late Pahlavi Iran / Robert Steele.; Steele, Robert D.,
Anniversary Sermons : A sermon preached to those, who had been scholars of St. Paul's school : in Guild-Hall Chapel, London, at their anniversary-meeting on St. Paul's Day, 1678/9 / by W. Wyatt ...; Wyatt, W.
Anno Regni Caroli Ii Regis Angliae Scotiae Franciae And Hiberniae Duodecimo : A ponderation upon certain branches and partes of an Act of free and general pardon, indempnity and oblivion granted anno Regni Caroli 2 : Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ 12. at the Parliament begun at Westminster the 25 of April anno Dni. 1660. With a discourse of F.W.P. by way of premonition to the reader of the said ponderation.
Annuities England London Early Works To 1800 : Secure provision for men women and children. : Pray consider this paper well, for an advantage so great, and well secured, was never offered in any age or country..