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Architects Spain Catalonia 19th Century : Antoni Gaudí : complete works / Isabel Artigas.; Artigas, Isabel,  c2008 1
Architects Spain Catalonia 20th Century : Antoni Gaudí : complete works / Isabel Artigas.; Artigas, Isabel,  c2008 1
Architects United States Bibliography   2
Architects United States History 20th Century : Frank Lloyd Wright / text by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer ; edited by Peter Gössel and Gabriele Leuthäuser.; Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks,  1994 1
Architectural Acoustics   9
Architectural Decoration   42
Architectural Design   10
Architectural Design 20th Century : Architect's choice : art in architecture in Great Britain since 1945.; Rosenberg, Eugene.  1992 1
Architectural Design Data Processing   2
Architectural Design Italy History : Dreaming of Italy : Las Vegas and the virtual grand tour / text by Giovanna Franci, photographs by Federico Zignani ; afterword by José Gamez.; Franci, Giovanna.  c2005 1
Architectural Design Nevada Las Vegas : Dreaming of Italy : Las Vegas and the virtual grand tour / text by Giovanna Franci, photographs by Federico Zignani ; afterword by José Gamez.; Franci, Giovanna.  c2005 1
Architectural Design Philosophy : Ambient commons : attention in the age of embodied information / Malcolm McCullough.; McCullough, Malcolm.  2013 1
Architectural Design Psychological Aspects : How designers think : the design process demystified / Bryan Lawson.; Lawson, Bryan.  2006 1
Architectural Design Psychological Aspects Congresses : Mind in architecture : neuroscience, embodiment, and the future of design / edited by Sarah Robinson and Juhani Pallasmaa.; Minding Design (Symposium)  2015 1
Architectural Design Technological Innovations : Smart materials and new technologies : for the architecture and design professions / D. Michelle Addington, Daniel L. Schodek.; Addington, D. Michelle.  2005 1
Architectural Drawing   3
Architectural Drawing 17th Century : An Excellent introduction to architecture : being a book of geometrical practice, which is the first degree of all arts : wherein is contained variety of examples of that admirable science ...  1679 1
Architectural Drawing 18th Century Catalogues : Lord Elgin and ancient Greek architecture : the Elgin drawings at the British Museum / Luciana Gallo.; Gallo, Luciana.  2009 1
Architectural Drawing 19th Century Catalogues : Lord Elgin and ancient Greek architecture : the Elgin drawings at the British Museum / Luciana Gallo.; Gallo, Luciana.  2009 1
Architectural Drawing England London Catalogues : Lord Elgin and ancient Greek architecture : the Elgin drawings at the British Museum / Luciana Gallo.; Gallo, Luciana.  2009 1
Architectural Drawing Italy 16th Century Exhibitions   2
Architectural Drawing Medieval France : Villard's legacy : studies in medieval technology, science, and art in memory of Jean Gimpel / edited by Marie-Thérèse Zenner.  2004 1
Architectural Drawing Standards : Interior graphic and design standards / S.C. Reznikoff.; Reznikoff, S. C.,  1986 1
Architectural Drawing Technique : Interior graphic and design standards / S.C. Reznikoff.; Reznikoff, S. C.,  1986 1
Architectural Engineering   10
Architectural Inscriptions Europe : The allegory of the church : Romanesque portals and their verse inscriptions.; Kendall, Calvin B.  1998 1
Architectural Models : The model as performance : staging space in theatre and architecture / Thea Brejzek and Lawrence Wallen.; Brejzek, Thea,  2019 1
Architectural Practice : Architecture depends / Jeremy Till.; Till, Jeremy.  2013 1
Architectural Practice Social Aspects   2
Architectural Practice United States Management : Management for the small design firm : handling your practice, personnel, finances and projects.; Morgan, Jim,  1998 1
Architectural Rendering : Interior graphic and design standards / S.C. Reznikoff.; Reznikoff, S. C.,  1986 1
Architectural Rendering Early Works To 1800   3
Architectural Writing : The buildings of England : a celebration : compiled to mark fifty years of the Pevsner Architectural guides / edited by Simon Bradley and Bridget Cherry.  2001 1
Architecture   41
Architecture 20th Century : Art in a machine age.; Fry, Maxwell.  1969 1
Architecture Aesthetics   7
Architecture Afghanistan : The Afghan architecture of India : an historical study, 1451-1526; repr. from "Rivista degli studi orientali", v.35(1960), p.149-155.; Hamid-ud-Din.    1
Architecture Analysis And Design Language : Model-based engineering with AADL : an introduction to the SAE Architecture Analysis & Design Language / Peter H. Feiler, David P. Gluch.; Feiler, Peter H.  2013 1
Architecture Ancient : Aegean art and architecture / Donald Preziosi and Louise A. Hitchcock.; Preziosi, Donald,  1999 1
Architecture Ancient Egypt   2
Architecture Ancient Influence : Housing the new Romans [electronic resource] : architectural reception and classical style in the modern world / edited by Katharine T. von Stackelberg and Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis.  2017 1
Architecture Ancient Iraq : Mesopotamia : ancient art and architecture / Zainab Bahrani.; Bahrani, Zainab,  2017 1
Architecture And Anthropology : Making : anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture / Tim Ingold.; Ingold, Tim,  2013 1
Architecture And Children : Designing modern childhoods : history, space, and the material culture of children / edited by Marta Gutman, Ning de Coninck-Smith.  c2008 1
Architecture And Energy Conservation : Renewable energy & sustainable design / Scott Grinnell.; Grinnell, Scott,  2016 1
Architecture And Energy Conservation Case Studies : Case studies in sustainable consumption and production. Energy use and the built environment / edited by Saadi Lahlou.  2011 1
Architecture And Energy Conservation New York State New York : Research, design, construction, and evaluation of a low energy utilization school. Research, phase 1 : Interim report / Richard G. Stein, Carl Stein.; Stein, Richard G.  1975 1
Architecture And Fame : The edifice complex : the architecture of power / Deyan Sudjic.; Sudjic, Deyan.  2006 1
Architecture And History   2
Architecture And History Europe : Designing memory : the architecture of commemoration in Europe, 1914 to the present / Sabina Tanovic.; Tanovic, Sabina,  2019 1
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