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Architecture Rococo   2
Architecture Rococo Germany Bavaria : The Bavarian rococo church : between faith and aestheticism.; Harries, Karsten.  1983 1
Architecture Roman   20
Architecture Roman Croatia Split : Ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatra in Dalmatia.; Adam, Robert,    1
Architecture Roman Europe : Roman villas : a study in social structure / drawings by A.T. Adams.; Smith, J. T.  1997 1
Architecture Roman Great Britain   3
Architecture Roman Italy : The houses of Roman Italy, 100 B.C.-A.D. 250 : ritual, space, and decoration.; Clarke, John R.,  1991 1
Architecture Roman Italy Herculaneum Extinct City : Houses and society in Pompeii and Herculaneum.; Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew,  1994 1
Architecture Roman Italy Pompeii Extinct City : Houses and society in Pompeii and Herculaneum.; Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew,  1994 1
Architecture Roman Italy Rome   5
Architecture Roman Italy Tivoli : Hadrian's villa and its legacy / William L. MacDonald and John A. Pinto.; MacDonald, William L.  1995 1
Architecture Roman Political Aspects : Architecture and politics in Republican Rome / Penelope J.E. Davies.; Davies, Penelope J. E.,  2017 1
Architecture Romanesque : Romanesque architecture : the first style of the European age / Eric Fernie.; Fernie, Eric,  2014 1
Architecture Romanesque France Normandy : Architecture and society in Normandy, 1120-1270 / Lindy Grant.; Grant, Lindy.  c2005 1
Architecture Russia   21
Architecture Russia Federation   2
Architecture Russia Federation Pskov : Pskov / khudozhnik G.M. Manizer ; [tekst E. Morozkina].; Manizer, G. M.  1968 1
Architecture Russia Federation Saint Petersburg   2
Architecture Russia History : Gold in azure : one thousand years of Russian architecture.; Brumfield, William Craft.  1983 1
Architecture Scotland   2
Architecture Scotland Dumfries And Galloway : Dumfries and Galloway.; Gifford, John,  1996 1
Architecture Scotland Early Works To 1800 : Theatrum Scotiæ. : Containing the prospects of their Majesties castles and palaces: together with those of the most considerable towns and colleges; the ruins of many ancient abbeys, churches, monasteries and convents, within the said kingdom. All curiously engraven on copper plates. With a short description of each place. / By John Slezer, Captain of the Artillery Company, and surveyor of their Majesties stores and magazines in the kingdom of Scotland.; Slezer, John,  1693 1
Architecture Scotland Edinburgh : Edinburgh / by John Gifford, Colin McWilliam, and David Walker ; Medieval buildings by Christopher Wilson.; Gifford, John,  1984 1
Architecture Scotland Glasgow   2
Architecture Scotland Lothian : Lothian, except Edinburgh.; McWilliam, Colin.  1978 1
Architecture Scotland Scottish Borders Guidebooks : Borders / by Kitty Cruft, John Dunbar and Richard Fawcett ; with contributions from Sabina Strachan, John Gifford and Ian Gow.; Cruft, Kitty.  c2006 1
Architecture Sierra Leone Freetown Exhibitions : Den Ol Bod Ose : Creole architecture in Sierra Leone.; James, Esme.  2005 1
Architecture Social Aspects Cross Cultural Studies : Domestic architecture and the use of space : an interdisciplinary cross-cultural study / edited by Susan Kent  1990 1
Architecture South Africa : African identity in post-apartheid public architecture : white skin, black masks.; Noble, Jonathan Alfred.  c2011 1
Architecture South Africa History 20th Century : Falling monuments, reluctant ruins : the persistence of the past in the architecture of apartheid / edited by Hilton Judin.  2021 1
Architecture Soviet Union : An introduction to Russian art and architecture / edited by Robert Auty and Dimitri Obolensky, with the editorial assistance of Anthony Kingsford ; with chapters by Robin Milner-Gulland & John Bowlt.  1981 1
Architecture Soviet Union Exhibitions : Building the revolution : Soviet art and architecture, 1915-1935 / [exhibition curators, Mary Anne Stevens, Maria Tsantsanoglou with the collaboration of Richard Pare].  c2011 1
Architecture Soviet Union History   8
Architecture Spain   2
Architecture Spain Barcelona History 20th Century : Gaudí, 1852-1926 : Antoni Gaudí i Cornet : a life devoted to architecture / Rainer Zerbst ; [English translation, Doris Jones and Jeremy Gaines].; Zerbst, Rainer,  c1985 1
Architecture Spain Salamanca : Salamanca : ciudad monumental y universitaria.; Salamanca.  1928 1
Architecture Spain Spain Architecture   5
Architecture Spanish 20th Century : Franco's crypt : Spanish culture and memory since 1936 / Jeremy Treglown.; Treglown, Jeremy.  2015 1
Architecture Sustainability And Green Design : Renewable energy resources / John Twidell and Tony Weir.; Twidell, John,  2015 1
Architecture Sweden Sweden Architecture   4
Architecture Switzerland Zurich : Zürich : ein Füherer durch seine Kunstdenkmäler.; Futterer, Ilse.  1928 1
Architecture Syria Ancient Syria Ancient Architecture : Al-Asrafiyya : an imperial madrasa in Jerusalem.; Tamari, Shmuel.  1976 1
Architecture Thailand Bangkok   2
Architecture Tudor : The Tudor & Jacobean country house : a building history.; Airs, Malcolm.  1995 1
Architecture Tudor England Yorkshire History : Temple Newsam and Temple Hirst : Tudor palaces of Lord Darcy of the north / Peter Brears.; Brears, Peter C. D.,  2022 1
Architecture Tudor London : The birth of modern London : the development and design of the city, 1660-1720 / Elizabeth McKellar.; McKellar, Elizabeth.  1999 1
Architecture Turkish : Imagining the Turkish house : collective visions of home / Carel Bertram.; Bertram, Carel,  2008 1
Architecture United States : Cesar Pelli.; Pelli, Cesar.  1981 1
Architecture United States 20th Century : The theming of America : dreams, media fantasies, and themed environments / Mark Gottdiener.; Gottdiener, Mark.  2001 1
Architecture United States History   2
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