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Architecture And Society Italy Ostia Extinct City : Rethinking Ostia : a spatial enquiry into the urban society of Rome's imperial port-town / Johanna Stöger.; Stöger, Hanna.  2011 1
Architecture And Society Italy Pompeii Extinct City : Reading space : social interaction and identity in the houses of Roman Pompeii, a syntactical approach to the analysis and interpretation of built space.; Grahame, Mark.  2000 1
Architecture And Society Italy Venice : The Jewish ghetto and the visual imagination of early modern Venice [electronic resource] : Dana E. Katz, Reed College.; Katz, Dana E.,  2017 1
Architecture And Society Jamaica History : Architecture and empire in Jamaica / Louis P. Nelson.; Nelson, Louis P.,  2016 1
Architecture And Society Rome   4
Architecture And Society Russia Federation Saint Petersburg : The empress & the architect : British architecture and gardens at the court of Catherine the Great / Dimitri Shvidkovsky.; Shvidkovskiĭ, D. O.  c1996 1
Architecture And Society South Africa   3
Architecture And Society Turkey : Imagining the Turkish house : collective visions of home / Carel Bertram.; Bertram, Carel,  2008 1
Architecture And Society United States   2
Architecture And State : Architecture, power, and national identity.; Vale, Lawrence J.,  1992 1
Architecture And State Europe History To 1500 : Seats of power in Europe during the Hundred Years War : an architectural study from 1330 to 1480 / Anthony Emery.; Emery, Anthony.  2016 1
Architecture And State France Normandy : Architecture and society in Normandy, 1120-1270 / Lindy Grant.; Grant, Lindy.  c2005 1
Architecture And State France Paris : Building Paris : architectural institutions and the transformation of the French capital, 1830-1870.; Van Zanten, David,  1994 1
Architecture And State Germany : Politics and culture in Wilhelmine Germany : the case of industrial architecture.; Jefferies, Matthew.  1995 1
Architecture And State Germany Berlin : Capital dilemma : Germany's search for a new architecture of democracy.; Wise, Michael Z.  1998 1
Architecture And State Germany History 20th Century : Germany's transient pasts : preservation and national memory in the twentieth century / Rudy Koshar.; Koshar, Rudy.  c1998 1
Architecture And State Great Britain : Westminster Abbey and the Plantagenets : kingship and the representation of power, 1200-1400.; Binski, Paul.  1995 1
Architecture And State Italy History : The politics of the piazza : the history and meaning of the Italian square / Eamonn Canniffe.; Canniffe, Eamonn.  c2008 1
Architecture And State Italy Venice History 16th Century : Venice disputed : Marc'Antonio Barbaro and Venetian architecture, 1550-1600 / Deborah Howard.; Howard, Deborah,  c2011 1
Architecture And Technology   2
Architecture And The Handicapped   2
Architecture And Tourism : Architecture and tourism : perception, performance and place / edited by D. Medina Lasansky and Brian McLaren.  2004 1
Architecture And Tourism Libya : Architecture and tourism in Italian colonial Libya : an ambivalent modernism.; McLaren, Brian.  c2005 1
Architecture And War : Ordnance : war + architecture & space / edited by Gary A. Boyd and Denis Linehan.  2016 1
Architecture And War Europe   2
Architecture And Women Great Britain : Making space : women and the man made environment / Matrix.  2022 1
Architecture And Women United States : Discrimination by design : a feminist critique of the man-made environment / Leslie Kanes Weisman.; Weisman, Leslie,  1994 1
Architecture Anglo Norman Congresses : Castles and the Anglo-Norman world : proceedings of a conference held at Norwich Castle in 2012 / edited by John A. Davies, Angela Riley, Jean-Marie Levesque and Charlotte Lapiche.  2016 1
Architecture Anglo Norman Ireland : The use of GIS in determining the role of visibilty in the siting of early Anglo-Norman stone castles in Ireland / Lisa Karen McManama-Kearin.; McManama-Kearin, Lisa Karen.  2013 1
Architecture Anglo Saxon England South Yorkshire : Saxon churches in South Yorkshire.; Ryder, Peter F.  1982? 1
Architecture Art Music : Uptown conversation : the new jazz studies / edited by Robert G. O'Meally, Brent Hayes Edwards, and Farah Jasmine Griffin.  2004 1
Architecture Asia South Eastern : Transforming traditions : architecture in the ASEAN countries : Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand / edited by Jon Lim with contributions by Adnan bin Pengiran Badarudin ... [et al.].  2001 1
Architecture Austria History 20th Century Exhibitions : The architecture of Adolf Loos : an Arts Council exhibition / [catalogue written and edited by Yehuda Safran and Wilfried Wang, assisted by Mildred Budny ; translations of Loos's writings and contributors' essays by Wilfried Wang, with Rosamund Diamond and Robert Godsill].; Safran, Yehuda,  1985 1
Architecture Austria Vienna : The city as a work of art : London, Paris, Vienna.; Olsen, Donald J.,  c1986 1
Architecture Austria Vienna 19th Century   2
Architecture Austria Vienna 20th Century : Architecture and truth in fin-de-siecle Vienna / Leslie Topp.; Topp, Leslie,  2004 1
Architecture Baroque   2
Architecture Baroque Austria : Embodiments of power : building baroque cities in Europe / edited by Gary B. Cohen and Franz A.J. Szabo.  2008 1
Architecture Baroque Early Works To 1800 : The ornaments of architecture. : Containing compartments, shields, mantlings, foldige, festones, monuments for tombs, alphabets of large letters plain and enrich'd, with the order of making them. With some new designes for carving and painting of eminent coaches, useful for painters, carvers, stone-cutters, plaisterers. Containing fifty copper-plate-prints.; Pricke, Robert.  1674 1
Architecture Baroque England : Baroque 1685-1915.; Lees-Milne, James.  1970 1
Architecture Baroque Europe : Embodiments of power : building baroque cities in Europe / edited by Gary B. Cohen and Franz A.J. Szabo.  2008 1
Architecture Baroque Russia Federation : The Petrine revolution in Russian architecture / James Cracraft.; Cracraft, James,  1988 1
Architecture Baroque Russia Federation Saint Petersburg : Saint Pétersbourg. English; Shvidkovskiĭ, D. O.  1996 1
Architecture British Colonial South Africa Cape Town : Building apartheid : on architecture and order in imperial Cape Town / Nicholas Coetzer.; Coetzer, Nic.  2013 1
Architecture British Developing Countries : Of planting and planning [electronic resource] : the making of British colonial cities / Robert Home.; Home, Robert K.  1997 1
Architecture Buddhist : Buddhist art and architecture.; Fisher, Robert E.  1993 1
Architecture Buddhist Thailand : Palaces of the gods : Khmer art & architecture in Thailand / Smitthi Siribhadra, Elizabeth Moore ; photography Michael Freeman.; Smitthi Siribhadra.  1997 1
Architecture Byzantine   2
Architecture Byzantine Greece Thessalonike : Hagia Sophia : the great church of Thessaloniki / Chrysanthi Mavropoulou-Tsioumi ; translated by Nicola Wardle.; Mauropoulou-Tsioumē, Chrysanthe,  2014 1
Architecture Byzantine Turkey Istanbul   2
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