Astronomy Arab Early Works To 1800 : Jadawel mavādeh thavābet dar tool wa ard keh be rasad yāft-e Oloq Bayk ben Sharokh ben Taymoor sive Tabulæ long. ac lat. stellarum fixarum, ex observatione Ulugh Beighi, tamerlanis magni nepotis, regionum ultra citràque Gjihun (i. Oxum) pricipis potentissimi. Ex tribus invicèm collatis MSS Persicis jam primùm luce ac Lation donavit, & commentariis illustravit, Thomas Hyde A.M. è Coll. Reginæ Oxon. In calce Libri accesserunt Mohammedis Tizini tabulæ declinationum & rectarum ascensionum. Additur demum elenchus nominum stellarum; Ulugh Beg,
Astronomy Atlases Early Works To 1800 : Atlas coelestis : containing the systems and theoryes of the planets the constellations of the starrs. And other phenomina's of the heavens.; Seller, John,
Astronomy Congresses : Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series [electronic resource].
Astronomy Data Processing : Statistics, data mining, and machine learning in astronomy : a practical Python guide for the analysis of survey data / Željko Ivezić, Andrew J. Connolly, Jacob T. VanderPlas, and Alexander Gray.; Ivezić, Željko.
Astronomy Early Works To 1800 Handbooks Manuals Etc : A book of knowledge : in three parts : the first containing a brief introduction to astrology : the second, a treatise of physick ... : the third, the countrey-mans guide to good husbandry ... / composed by Samuel Strangehopes.; Strangehopes, Samuel.
Astronomy Encyclopedias : Encyclopedia of astronomy and astrophysics / editor-in chief : Paul Murdin.
Astronomy History 20th Century : Observatories and telescopes of modern times : ground-based optical and radio astronomy facilities since 1945 / David Leverington.; Leverington, David,
Astronomy History Congresses : The astronomy revolution [electronic resource] : 400 years of exploring the cosmos / edited by Donald G. York, Owen Gingerich, Shuang-Nan Zhang.; New Vision 400
Astronomy In Literature : Thomas Hardy's novel universe : astronomy, cosmology, and gender in the post-Darwinian world / by Pamela S. Gossin.; Gossin, Pamela.
Astronomy Mathematics : Tabulæ Britannicæ = the British tables : wherein is contained logistical arithmetick, the doctrine of the sphere, astronomicall chronologie, the ecclesiastical accompt, the equation and reduction of time : together with the calculation of the motions of the fixed and wandering stars and the eclipses of the luminaries / calculated for the meridian of London from the hypothesis of Bullialdus and the observations of Mr. Horrox by Jeremy Shakerley.; Shakerley, Jeremy,
Astronomy Mathematics Tables : A help to calculation, or, Two tables : the one of decimal numbers and the other of their logarithmes for the ready converting of sexagenary tables into decimal and the contrary ... : as also tables of declination, right and oblique ascensions, ascensional difference, and other tables of the primum mobile for the speedy and exact effecting of a figure ...; Newton, John,
Astronomy Medieval : Os guias náuticos de Munique e Évora.; Albuquerque, Luís de.
Astronomy Observations : The observational approach to cosmology / by Edwin Hubble.; Hubble, Edwin,
Astronomy Poetry : A responsibilty to awe / Rebecca Elson ; [edited by Anne Berkeley, Angelo di Cintio and Bernard O'Donoghue].; Elson, Rebecca,
Astronomy Popular Works : A responsibilty to awe / Rebecca Elson ; [edited by Anne Berkeley, Angelo di Cintio and Bernard O'Donoghue].; Elson, Rebecca,
Astronomy Study And Teaching Higher : Observing the universe : a guide to observational astronomy and planetary science / edited by Andrew J. Norton ; authors: W. Alan Cooper ... [et al.].