Astronomy United States Early Works To 1800 : An almanack for the provinces of Virginia & Maryland : shewing the day of the month, golden number, dominicall letter, & epact, and a table of the new moons for XXX years : also the suns place, it's riseing and setting, the length of ye dayes & nights, and moveable feasts for ever : with severall other usefull remarques calculated for ye meridian of the said provinces / by John Seller.; Seller, John,
Asylum Right Of Early Works To 1800 : A Memoriall intended to be delivered to the Lords State, Monday 10 March, stilo novo : to the High and mighty Lords the States of Holland / by the forraign Anabaptist Churches, upon the apprehending and giving up Colonel Barkestead, Colonel Okey, and Mr. Miles Corbet to the English resident ; written originally in Dutch, and translated into English.
Asylum Right Of Europe Congresses : The law of asylum and refugees : present tendencies and future perspectives : proceedings of the sixteenth Colloquy on European Law, Lund, 15-17 Sept. 1986.; Colloquy on European Law
Asylum Right Of Europe Eastern : Safe third countries : extending the EU asylum amd immigration policies to Central and Eastern Europe.; Lavenex, Sandra.
Asylum Right Of France : Cases of Tomasi, Vijayanathand and Pusparajah v. France : judgments of 27 August, 1992.; European Court of Human Rights.
Asylum Right Of Germany : The use and abuse of political asylum in Britain and Germany / Liza Schuster.; Schuster, Liza.
Asylum Right Of Government Policy Great Britain : Secure borders, safe haven : integration with diversity in modern Britain ; presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Home Department by Command of Her Majesty, February 2002.; Great Britain.
Asylum Right Of Netherlands Early Works To 1800 : A Memoriall intended to be delivered to the Lords State, Monday 10 March, stilo novo : to the High and mighty Lords the States of Holland / by the forraign Anabaptist Churches, upon the apprehending and giving up Colonel Barkestead, Colonel Okey, and Mr. Miles Corbet to the English resident ; written originally in Dutch, and translated into English.
Asylum Statistics European Union : An assessment of the impact of asylum policies in Europe 1990-2000 / Roger Zetter .... [et al.].
Asylums : Asylum in the community / edited by Dylan Tomlinson and John Carrier.
Asylums England History : At home in the institution : material life in asylums, lodging houses and schools in Victorian and Edwardian England / Jane Hamlett.; Hamlett, Jane.
Asylums Great Britain History : A geographical history of institutional provision for the insane from medieval times to the 1860's in England and Wales : the space reserved for insanity.; Philo, Chris.
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Lines : ADSL/VDSL principles : a practical and precise study of asymmetric digital subscriber lines and very high speed digital subscriber lines / Dennis J. Rauschmayer.; Rauschmayer, Dennis J.,
Asymmetric Information : Asymmetric information, financial intermediaries and debt.; Schnure, Galvin David.