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Attorneys General California Biography Juvenile Literature : The truths we hold : an American journey / Kamala Harris ; adapted for young readers for Ruby Shamir.; Harris, Kamala,  2020 1
Attorneys General United States States : Federalism on trial : state attorneys general and national policymaking in contemporary America / Paul Nolette.; Nolette, Paul,  2015 1
Attractors Mathematics   3
Attribution Of News : News and news sources : a critical introduction / Paul Manning.; Manning, Paul,  2001 1
Attribution Social Psychology   8
Attrition Military Science : German strategy and the path to Verdun : Erich von Falkenhayn and the development of attrition, 1870-1916.; Foley, Robert T.,  2005 1
Atwell Hugh 1621 : For a funerall elegie on the death of Hugh Atwell, seruant to Prince Charles : this fellow-feeling farewell : who died the 25 of Sept. 1621 / [by] Will. Rowley.; Rowley, William,  1621 1
Atwick England Genealogy : Atwick : monumental inscriptions.  c1996 1
Atwick England Maps   4
Atwick Sands England Maps : [Atwick Sands [cartographic material] : Yorkshire, East Riding 180.15].; Great Britain.  1910 1
Atwood Elizabeth 1673 : A sermon preached at the funeral of that eminently vertuous and pious gentlewoman, Mrs. Elizabeth Atwood, relict of John Atwood, late of Bromfield in the county of Essex, Esquire, who was there interred December 24, 1673 / by William Alchorne ...; Alchorne, William.  1674 1
Atwood Margaret 1939   23
Atwood Margaret 1939 Criticism And Interpretation : Margaret Atwood's Apocalypses / edited by Karma Waltonen.  2015 1
Atwood Margaret 1939 Knowledge Literature : In other worlds : SF and the human imagination / Margaret Atwood.; Atwood, Margaret,  2012 1
Atwood Margaret 1939 Knowledge Science Fiction : In other worlds : SF and the human imagination / Margaret Atwood.; Atwood, Margaret,  2012 1
Atwood Margaret Atwood Margaret 1939 : Margaret Atwood's Apocalypses / edited by Karma Waltonen.  2015 1
Atwood William 1705 Jani Anglorum Facies Nova : A fvll and clear answer to a book, written by William Petit Esq., printed in the year 1680 : by which it appears, that he hath mistaken the meaning of the histories and records he hath cited, and misapplyed them : and that he hath added to, or taken from them, or left unrecited such words and matters as he thought would either advance, or destroy his assertion : with a true historical account of the famous colloqvivm or Parliament, 49 Hen. III, and a glossary, expounding some few words used frequently in our antient records, laws and historians : together with some animadversions upon a book, called, Jani Anglorvm facies nova.; Brady, Robert,  1681 1
Atwood William 1705 Jus Anglorum Ab Antiquo : Additions answering the omissions of our reverend author; Atwood, William,  1681 1
Atwood William 1705 Three Letters To Dr Sherlock Concerning Church Comm : A letter to Anonymus in answer to his Three letters to Dr. Sherlock about church-communion; Sherlock, William,  1683 1
Atworth England Maps : Wiltshire [cartographic material] : sheet ST 86 NE.; Great Britain.  1960 1
Au Pairs   2
Au Pairs Legal Status Laws Etc Europe : Explanatory report on the European agreement on au pair placement.; Council of Europe.  1972 1
Aubert Jacques Approximately 1587 De Metallorum Ortu Et Causis Contra C : Ad Jacobi Auberti De ortu et causis metallorum contra chymicos explicationem brevis responsio. English; Du Chesne, Joseph,  1591 1
Aubignac Francois Hedelin Abbe D 1604 1676 Pratique Du Theat : Theatrical legitimation : allegories of genius in seventeenth-century England and France / Timothy Murray.; Murray, Timothy.  1987 1
Aubigne Agrippa D 1552 1630   10
Aubigne Agrippa D 1552 1630 Histoire Universelle : Autour de l'Histoire universelle d'Agrippa d'Aubigné : mélanges à la mémoire d'André Thierry / choix d'articles et études recueillis par Gilbert Schrenck.  2006 1
Aubigny Beraud Stuart 1447 1508 : The memorie of the most worthie and renowmed Bernard Stuart, Lord D'Aubigni renewed : VVhereunto are added vvishes presented to the Prince at his creation. By Walter Quin, seruant to his Highnesse.; Quin, Walter.  1619 1
Aubourn England Maps : [Lincolnshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SK 96 SW.; Great Britain.  1956 1
Aubrac Lucie 1912   2
Aubrey John 1626 1697   2
Aubrey John 1626 1697 Monumenta Britannica : Proposals for printing Monumenta Britannica, written by Mr. John Aubrey, fellow of the Royal Society : viz., I.1. Tempala Druidum, 2. A review, 3. Religion and manners of the Druids, II. 1. Camps, 2. Castles, 3. Military architecture of the old times, 4. Roman towns, 5. Pits, 6. Horns, III. 1. Barrows, 2. Urnes, 3. Sepulchres, 4. Ditches, 5. High-ways. 6. Roman pavements, 7. Coines, 8. Embanking and draining ...  1690? 1
Aubry Mary 1687 : An account of the manner, behaviour and execution of Mary Aubry, who was burnt to ashes, in Leicester Fields, on Friday the 2d day of March, 1687 for the barbarous and inhumane murther, committed on the body of Dennis Aubry, her husband, in the parish of St. Martins in the Fields, on the 27th of January last. And the same day, Daniel Sconley was executed at Tyburn  1687 1
Auburn Village England Maps : [Auburn Village [cartographic material] : Yorkshire, East Riding 146.14].; Great Britain.  1911 1
Aubusson Pierre D 1423 1503   2
Aucassin Et Nicolette : "Aucassin et Nicolete" : the poetry of gender and growing up in the French Middle Ages.; Pensom, Roger,  1999 1
Auchinleck Claude John Eyre 1884 1981 : Pendulum of war : the three battles of El Alamein / Niall Barr.; Barr, Niall.  2005 1
Auchinleck Claude John Eyre Sir 1884 1981 : Auchinleck.; Connell, John.  1959 1
Auchinleck Manuscript : Fragments and assemblages : forming compilations of medieval London / Arthur Bahr.; Bahr, Arthur,  2013 1
Auchinleck Scotland Maps : Tarbolton, Maucline & Auchinleck [cartographic material].; Great Britain.  1993 1
Auchterarder Scotland Maps : Auchterarder and Muthill [cartographic material].; Great Britain.  1982 1
Auckland John George 1944 : Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Provision and Co-Ordination of Services to the Family of John George Auckland.; Great Britain.  1975 1
Auckley England Maps   2
Auctioneers Language : Smooth talkers : the linguistic performance of auctioneers and sportscasters.; Kuiper, Koenraad.  1996 1
Auctions : Auction finance.; Nooteboom, S.G.  1956 1
Auctions Computer Network Resources   3
Auctions England : Auctions law and practice / Brian W. Harvey, Franklin Meisel.; Harvey, Brian W.,  c2006 1
Auctions Great Britain   2
Auctions Mathematical Models   2
Auctions Scotland Edinburgh Catalogues Early Works To 1800 : A catalogue of books : being the apendix promised in the last catalogue which are to be sold by way of auction the last day of March being on Friday. The books are to be seen three dayes before the day sale, from ten till 12 in the forenoon, and from 2 to 5 in the afternoon, in the Parliament-Closs, the highest story of the Kirk Heugh stairs where a placad [sic] will be affixed on the entry of the stairs and as ye enter the House. The catalogue are to had [sic] at Alexander Hendersons shop, book-seller in the Locken-booths. The time of sale is betwixt 10 and 12 in the forenoon 2 and 6 in the afternoon.  1693 1
Auctions Wales : Auctions law and practice / Brian W. Harvey, Franklin Meisel.; Harvey, Brian W.,  c2006 1
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