Avant Garde Aesthetics Soviet Union Exhibitions : Revolution : Russian art 1917-1932 / artistic director, Tim Marlow ; exhibition curators, John Milner, Natalia Murray, Ann Dumas, assisted by Rebecca Bray ; exhibition catalogue, Beatrice Gullström, Alison Hissey, Carola Krueger, Peter Sawbridge, Nick Tite ; translation from the Russian, Ruth Addison, Antonina Bouis.
Avant Garde Music New York State New York : The New York schools of music and visual arts : John Cage, Morton Feldman, Edgard Varèse, Willem de Kooning, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg / edited by Steven Johnson.
Avant Garde Music United States : The San Francisco Tape Music Center : 1960s counterculture and the avant-garde / edited by David W. Bernstein ; foreword by John Rockwell ; preface by Johannes Goebel.
Avarice Moral And Ethical Aspects : A Spectacle for vsurers and succors of poore folkes bloud : whereby they may see, Gods iust dislike and reuenge, vpon their vncharitable and vnciuill oppression, with a horrible murther committed by a young man, that hanged his owne mother in August last, 1606.
Avarice Religious Aspects Early Works To 1800 : The arraignement of covetousnesse : in three sermons. By John Stoughton, Doctor in Divinitie, sometimes fellow of Immanuel Colledge in Cambridge, late of Aldermanbury, London.; Stoughton, John,
Avaux Comte D Jean Antoine De Mesmes 1640 1709 : An Answer to a paper written by Count d'Avaux, the French king's ambassador in Sweden : concerning the proposals of peace made by France to the confederates.