Bible And Science England Early Works To 1800 : A new and cleer discovery, of the true, and proper, natural cause, of the ebbing and flowing of the main sea. : Convincingly held forth, both from Scripture and reason. So as any rational man, may easily apprehend, the proper cause on its flucnt [sic] motion: and that it is not the Moon, as some have imagined, and gone about to prove. / Written by Ellis Bradshawe of the Parish of Boulton in the County of Lancaster, Husbandman.; Bradshaw, Ellis.
Bible And Sociology : Psalms in the early modern world / edited by Linda Phyllis Austern, Kari Boyd McBride, David L. Orvis.
Bible Apocrypha Esdras 2nd Vii 15 16 : A true copy of the Welch sermon preached before the two princes, Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice, at Dover, : a little before they imbarked themselves, with what they had plundered out of England and Wales, to passe beyond the seas. / Preached by Shon up Owen, priest. His text being 2. Esdras Chap. 7. verse 15. Published according to order.; Owen, John,
Bible Apocrypha Esdras 4th : Babilon is fallen : Wherein briefly in vnfolded all the matters of greatest moment, which hath hapned from the rising of Iulius Cesar Emperor of Rome, to the present affaires (now) in Germany; and which shall ensue to the worlds end. Published according to the first copie, printed, Anno Dom. 1595.; T. L.,
Bible Bible Song Of Solomon Ii 3 : The trauellers ioy: or, A sermon on the third verse of the second chapter of Salomons song. / By Master Iohn Adamson, minister of the Word of God at Liberton.; Adamson, John,
Bible Biography : A brief discourse of the most renowned actes and right valiant conquests of those puisant princes, called the nine worthies : wherein is declared their seuerall proportions and dispositions, and what armes euerie one gaue, as also in what time ech of them liued, and how at the length they ended their liues. Compiled by Richard Lloyd gentleman.; Lloyd, Richard,
Bible Black Interpretations : Denmark Vesey's Bible : the thwarted revolt that put slavery and scripture on trial / Jeremy Schipper.; Schipper, Jeremy,
Bible Chronicles 1st Xv 25 29 : Ane meditatioun vpon the xxv, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, and xxix verses of the XV chapt. of the first buke of the Chronicles of the Kingis / set doun be the maist Christiane king and sincere professour of the treuth Iames the Sext King of Scottis.; James
Bible Chronicles 1st Xvi 22 : A sermon preached before His Maiestie on Sunday the fifth of August last at Holdenbie / by the Bishop of Elie, His Maiesties almoner.; Andrewes, Lancelot,
Bible Chronicles 1st Xxi : The Kings medicine for this present yeere 1604 : prescribed by the whole colledge of the spirituall physitions, made after the coppy of the corporall kings medicine, which was vsed in the city the former yeere. Giuen as a new yeers-gift, to the honorable city of London, to be taken in this yeere for the soule, as the other was for the bodie. Herevnto are intermixed, first, the wonders of the former yeer, his triumphs, two funeralls, two coronations, two preachers. Secondlie, Londons and Englands newyeers-gift, to offer vp vnto the Lord for his new-yeers-gift, containing King Dauids sacrificing after the ceasing of the pestilence, necessarie to teach vs the duty of our deliuerance. The whole collected out of the first book of Chr. ch. 21. / Made and vvritten by Iames Godskall, preacher of the vvorde.; Godskall, James.
Bible Chronicles 1st Xxii 32 : The first dish at the Wil-shire feast, Novemb. 9, 1654, or, A sermon preached at Laurence Jury to those that there offered their peace-offerings, and went thence to dine at Merchant-Taylors-Hall / by Samuel Annesley ...; Annesley, Samuel,
Bible Chronicles 1st Xxix 18 : A sermon on I Chron. 29, 18 : and now published, because of the exceeding usefulness of this subject, unto all Christians of every perswasion or denomination whatsoever ... : wherein also is shewed what it is to teach for hire, and divine for money, and that objection is answered, which some do frame ... against that maintenance ... which true gospel ministers ought to have in these dayes under that dispensation / by Richard Stafford.; Stafford, Richard,
Bible Chronicles 1st Xxxv 24 : A sermon preached at East Dearham in Norf. Jan. 30, 1661 : being the day of the most horrid murther of that most pious and incomparable prince, King Charles the First of England &c. / by John Winter ...; Winter, John,
Bible Chronicles 2nd Ii : The universal medicine : a sermon. Together with four more, viz. God just, and man miserable. The reward of the faithful. Saul amongst the prophets. and Jesus the desired object. Preached on several texts of Scripture. By Geo. Lesly, minister of the Gospel.; Lesly, George,
Bible Chronicles 2nd Ix 5 9 : A sermon at the solemnizing of the happie inauguration of our most gracious and religious soueraigne King Iames : wherein is manifestly proued, that the soueraignty of kings is immediatly from God, and second to no authority on earth whatsoeuer : preached at Paules Crosse, the 24. of March last 1608 / by Richard Crakanthorpe ...; Crakanthorpe, Richard,
Bible Chronicles 2nd Ix 8 : God's king the people's blessing. : A sermon preached on the day of thanksgiving for peace, at St. Ann's Church in Dungannon, in the diocese of Armagh. / By Edm. Arwaker, rector of Drumglass, and chaplain to his grace the Duke of Ormond.; Arwaker, Edmund
Bible Chronicles 2nd Vii 13 14 : Pillulæ pestilentiales, or, A spiritual receipt for cure of the plague : delivered in a sermon preach'd in St. Paul's Church London, in the mid'st of our late sore visitation / by Rich. Kingston ...; Kingston, Richard,
Bible Chronicles 2nd Xii 5 : A sermon preach'd upon the first Sunday after the proclamation of the high and mighty prince, James the II : by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland &c. / by Benj. Camfield ...; Camfield, Benjamin,