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Bible Romans Viii 3 : A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall on Christmas-Day, 1682 / by N. Stratford ...; Stratford, Nicholas,  1683 1
Bible Romans Viii 4 5   2
Bible Romans Viii 6 : A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, March the 13th, 1691/2 / by the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward, Lord Bishop of Worcester.; Stillingfleet, Edward,  1692 1
Bible Romans Viii 7 : Two discourses : the first, Of man's enmity to God, from Rom. VIII,7 ... : the second, Of the salvation of sinners, from I Tim. I, 15 ... / by the late learned divine Stephen Charnock ; published from his manuscripts by Edward Veel.; Charnock, Stephen,  1699 1
Bible Romans Viii 8 : A description of the natural condition of being in the flesh. : A sermon / preached by Nicholas Smyth ... And published at the request of some private friends for the publique good.; Smith, Nicholas,  1657 1
Bible Romans Viii 13   3
Bible Romans Viii 17 : The Christian's inheritance : a sermon at the funeral of the Reverend Gabriel Towerson ... : preach'd at Welwyn, Octob. 21, 1697 / by George Stanhope ...; Stanhope, George,  1698 1
Bible Romans Viii 18 : An exhortation to charity (and a word of comfort) to the Irish Protestants : being a sermon preached at Steeple in Dorsetshire, upon occasion of the collection for relief of the poor Protestants in this kingdom lately fled from Ireland / by Samuel Bold.; Bold, S.  1689 1
Bible Romans Viii 18 23 : A Christian and learned exposition : vpon certaine verses of that eight chapter of the Epistle of that blessed Apostle Paule to the Romanes, and namely, vpon verse, VVritten long agoe, by T.W. for a most deare friend of his in Christ, and now lately published in print, for the benefite and good of Gods people wheresoeuer.; T. W.  1587 1
Bible Romans Viii 20 : A sermon preached at the solemnity of the funeral of Mrs. Dorothy St. John, fourth daughter of the late Sir Oliver St. John, Knight and Baronet, of Woodford in Northamptonshire, in the parish church of St. Martins in the Fields, on the 24th of June, 1677 / by Anthony Horneck ...; Horneck, Anthony,  1677 1
Bible Romans Viii 28   4
Bible Romans Viii 30 : The golden chaine of mans saluation, and the fearefull point of hardening, : opened and set downe in two seuerall sermons preached before the king. / By Anthony Maxey Batchelar in Diuinitie, and chaplaine to his Majesty in ordinary ...; Maxey, Anthony,  1606 1
Bible Romans Viii 31   2
Bible Romans Viii 32 : Elisij Campi. A paradise of delights: or an Elixier of comforts : Offered to believers, in two short discourses of I. The confirmation of the Covenant from Heb. 6. 17. 18. II. The donation of Christ from Romans. 8. 32. By R.W. minister of the Gospel and sometime preacher at Tamerton-Foliot, in the county of Devon.; Wyne, Robert.  1672 1
Bible Romans Viii 34   7
Bible Romans Viii 37 : The unconquerable, all-conquering, & more-then-conquering souldier, or, The successful warre which a believer wageth with the enemies of his soul : as also, the absolute and unparalleld victory that he obtains finally over them through the love of God in Jesus Christ : as it was discussed in a sermon preached at Boston in New-England, on the day of the artillery-election there, June 3d., 1692 / by Urian Oakes ...; Oakes, Urian,  1674 1
Bible Romans Viii 38 39   3
Bible Romans Viii Xi   2
Bible Romans X 2 : A sermon preached before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, in the Abbey-church at Westminster : on the fifth of November, 1691 / by the Archbishop of York.; Sharp, John,  1691 1
Bible Romans X 3 : Submission to the righteousness of God, or, The necessity of trusting to a better righteousness than our own / opened and defended in a plain practical discourse upon Rom. X, 3 by Ben. Jenks.; Jenks, Benjamin,  1700 1
Bible Romans X 11 : The Christians encouragement to believe: or a sermon preached on Rom, 10.11. By Thomas Cleland, minister of the gospel at Chivelston in Devon; Cleland, Thomas,  1660 1
Bible Romans X 15 : Not fear, but love : a sermon preached before the governors of the Charity for Relief of Poor Widows and Orphans of Clergy-men, at St. Mary le Bow, on the 7th day of Decemb., 1682 / by Ar. Bury ...; Bury, Arthur,  1683 1
Bible Romans Xi   2
Bible Romans Xi 2 8   2
Bible Romans Xii 1   4
Bible Romans Xii 1 8 : Gospel publique worship: or, The translation, metaphrase, analysis, and exposition of Rom. 12. from v.1. to 8. : Describing, and prescribing, the compleat pattern of gospel-worship. Also, an exposition of the 18th. chapter of Matthew. To which is added A discovery of Adam's three-fold estate in paradise, viz. moral, legal, and evangelical. / By Thomas Brewer.; Brewer, Thomas,  1656 1
Bible Romans Xii 2   5
Bible Romans Xii 3 8   2
Bible Romans Xii 5 : A sermon preached before the King and Queen at Hampton-Covrt, July 14th, 1689 / by Richard Meggott ...; Meggott, Richard,  1689 1
Bible Romans Xii 10 : A sermon preached at the Temple-Church on Sunday, the 18th of February 1699/1700 / by William Stephens.; Stephens, William,  1700 1
Bible Romans Xii 12   2
Bible Romans Xii 13 : A spittle-sermon preached before the right honourable the Lord mayor and Aldermen of the city of London, at S. Sepulchres-church, on Wednesday in Easter-week, being on March 30. 1687 / by Tho. Clutterbuck ...; Clutterbuck, Thomas,  1687 1
Bible Romans Xii 16 : Two sermons : one from Exod. 20, 7 about swearing, the other from Rom. 12, 16 about conceited wisedom : preached at Bury Saint Edmunds in Suffolk : the former at the assizes there held Mar. 13, 1680, the latter at the following assizes July 21, 1681.; Cutlore, Joseph.  1682 1
Bible Romans Xii 17   2
Bible Romans Xii 18   3
Bible Romans Xii 19 : Two sermons of assise : the one intituled A prohibition of reuenge, the other, A sword of maintenance : preached at two seuerall times, before the right worshipfull iudges of assise, and gentlemen assembled in Hertford, for the execution of iustice, and now published / by W. Westerman ...; Westerman, William.  1600 1
Bible Romans Xii Xiii Criticism Interpretation Etc : Dimensions de la vie Chretienne (Rm 12-13) / C.K. Barrett ... [et al.] ; par le soin de Lorenzo De Lorenzi.  1979 1
Bible Romans Xii Xvi : Two new sermons preached in Oxford, fitted for these times : the one of diuine mysteries, the other of church-schismes, but the vnity of orthodox professors / by J.D.; Doughty, John,  1629 1
Bible Romans Xiii   3
Bible Romans Xiii 1   15
Bible Romans Xiii 2   6
Bible Romans Xiii 4   5
Bible Romans Xiii 5   10
Bible Romans Xiii 6 : Theou diakonos. Or The civil deacon's sacred power. : In a sermon upon Rom. 13. 6. Preached in the Cathedral church of St. Peters, York, at the summer assize, 1669. before the right honourable Baron Turner, and Serjeant Waller. The right worshipful Sir John Armitage being then High Sheriff of Yorkshire. / By Sam. Drake, D.D. vicar of Pontefract, and sometime Fellow of St. John's Col. Camb.; Drake, Samuel,  1670 1
Bible Romans Xiii 7   2
Bible Romans Xiii 8 : Debts discharge, or Some considerations on Rom. 13. 8. the former part. Owe nothing to any man, but to love one another : Being an endeavour to state that case of conscience, and designed to perswade all men to get and keep out of debt as much as may be. By C.M.; Morton, Charles,  1684 1
Bible Romans Xiii 12 14   2
Bible Romans Xiii 14   3
Bible Romans Xiii Xvi : A plaine exposition vpon the whole thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth chapters of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romanes : Wherein the text is diligently and methodically resolued, the sense giuen, and many doctrines thence gathered, are by liuely vses applied for the benefit of Gods children. Performed with much varietie, and conuenient breuitie, by Elnathan Parr Bachelor in Diuinity, and preacher of Gods word. To which is prefixed an alphabeticall table, containing the chiefe points and doctrines handled in the booke.; Parr, Elnathan,  1622 1
Bible Romans Xiv 17 : An effort against bigotry, and for Christian catholocism : being a discourse on Rom. 14, 17 / delivered at Andover in Hampshire by Henry Chandler.; Chandler, Henry.  1699 1
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