Bianciardi Luciano 1922 1971 : Utopisti ed eretici nella letteratura italiana contemporanea : saggi su Silone, Bilenchi, Fortini, Pasolini, Bianciardi, Roversi e Bellocchio.; Muraca, Giuseppe.
Bias Free Language : Inclusive cataloging : histories, context, and reparative approaches / edited by Amber Billey, Elizabeth Nelson, and Rebecca Uhl ; in collaboration with Core.
Bibbill Farm England Maps : [Bibbill Farm [cartographic material] : Yorkshire, East Riding 193.13].; Great Britain.
Biberman Herbert J : The suppression of Salt of the earth : how Hollywood, big labor, and politicians blacklisted a movie in Cold War America.; Lorence, James J.
Bible 1 Corinthians : Richardi Sampsonis nuper Cicestriæ, nunc vero Lichfeldiæ Episcopi, in D. Pauli epistolam ad Romanos : atq[ue] in priorem ad Corinthios breuissima explanatio; Sampson, Richard,
Bible 1 Corinthians Ii 2 : None but Christ, : or A plain and familiar treatise of the knowledge of Christ, exciting all men to study to know Jesus Christ and him crucified, with a particular, applicatory, and saving knowledge, in diverse sermons upon I Cor. 2. 2. / By John Wall B.D. preacher of the word of God at Mich. Cornhill London.; Wall, John,
Bible 1 John : Commentaire sur l'épistre canonique de S. Jean. English; Calvin, Jean,
Bible 1 Peter I : Sermons vpon the first chapter of the first epistle generall of Peter : Wherein method, sense, doctrine and vse is with great varietie of matter profitably handled. By Nicholas Byfeild preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex. The rest of the epistle may be published in due time, if God will.; Byfield, Nicholas,
Bible 1 Peter I Iii : A commentary upon the three first chapters of the first Epistle generall of St. Peter : VVherin are most judiciously and profitably handled such points of doctrine as naturally flow from the text. Together with a very usefull application thereof: and many good rules for a godly life. By Nicholas Byfield preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex. To which is now newly added an alphabeticall table, not formerly published.; Byfield, Nicholas,
Bible 1 Peter Ii : Sermons on St Peter. By Robert Gomersall Bachelar in Divinitie; Gomersall, Robert,
Bible 1 Peter Iii 11 : A sermon preached at St. Patrick's Church Dublin on the 23th of October 1690 : being the anniversary thanksgiving for putting an end to the Irish Rebellion which broke out on that 1641 before the Right Honorable the Lords Justices of Ireland / by Michael Jephson.; Jephson, Michael.
Bible 1 Timothy Iv 1 4 : Defense de la foy catholique. Book 3. English; Du Moulin, Pierre,
Bible 1 Timothy Iv 16 : [A sermon at Marlborough on 1. Tim.iv.16.]; Pinner, Charles.
Bible 1 Timothy Vi 17 19 : Foure sermons vpon seuerall partes of scripture, preached by George Gyffard, preacher of the worde, at Maudlin in Essex; Gifford, George,
Bible 1 Timothy Vi Xviiii : Christian directions shewing how to walk with God all the day long : drawn up for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of St. Sepulchres Parish / Tho. Gouge ; whereunto is added His sermon of almes on 1 Tim 6, 17, 18, 19 with a judicious discourse of Mr. Rich. Baxters, touching what proportion of his estate, every man should devote to charitable uses in a letter to the author.; Gouge, Thomas,
Bible 2 Kings Iv 1 7 : A very soueraigne oyle to restore debtors; being rightly and seasonably vsed : Extracted out of that most tried and quintessensed oyle, by the prophet Elisha. By vertue whereof the vviddovv indebted, (mentioned in the second booke of the Kings) was restored out of debt, and her children released of the bondage whereof they were in danger. Written by Samuel Cotesford, late minister at Stepney: and now newly published by W. Crashavve ...; Cottesford, Samuel.
Bible 2 Kings Ix X : An image of our reforming times: or, Jehu in his proper colours; : displayed in some exercitations on 2 Kings 9 and 10 chapters: setting forth the opportunity was given him to do his work in. cause he had committed to him to manage. Also, his policie, zeal, profession, hypocrisie: with his sins, and their aggravations. reason for all this. In all which he is proved to be a particular character of our times: by which, as in a glass, we may see the state and condition we have brought our selves into, by our deviations. Concluding with a word to Jehu, Jehonadah his counsellor, and the despised persecuted people of God.; Lane, Edward,
Bible 2 Peter I : An exposition vpon the first chapter of the second Epistle of Peter : with, the principall doctrines naturally arising from euery verse of the same chapter. By Stephen Denison minister of Kree-Church London.; Denison, Stephen,
Bible 2 Peter Ii : A commentary: or, sermons vpon the second chapter of the first epistle of Saint Peter : vvherein method, sense, doctrine, and vse, is, with great variety of matter, profitably handled; and sundry heads of diuinity largely discussed. By Nicholas Byfield, late preacher of God's Word at Isle-worth in Middlesex.; Byfield, Nicholas,
Bible 2 Peter Iii 1 10 : Sermons upon the ten first verses of the third chapter of the first Epistle of S. Peter : Being the last that were preached by the late faithfull and painfull minister of Gods word, Nicolas Byfield. Wherein method, sense, doctrine, and vse, is, with great varietie of matter, profitably handled; and sundry heads of divinitie largely discussed. Published since the authors death by William Gouge.; Byfield, Nicholas,
Bible 2 Peter Iii 18 : Saints duty discoursed, from 2 Pet. 3. 18. and the saints dignity handled, from Eph. chap. 1. v. 7. : with directions to both, delivered from a chatecheticall dialogue by him that was, and is ...; R. A.
Bible 2 Samuel Iii 33 34 : A sermon at the funeral of Sir Edmund-Bury Godfrey, one of His Majesties Justices of the Peace : who was barbarously murthered preached on Thursday the last day of October 1678 in the Parish-Church of St. Martin in the Fields / by William Lloyd.; Lloyd, William,
Bible 2 Timothy I : An exposition of the second epistle of the apostle Paul to Timothy, the first chapter : Wherein 1 The text is logically into it's parts resolved ... 4 The seuerall doctrines thence arising deduced. ... All which is accompanied with familiar and delightfull similitudes ... Lastly as the matter requireth: there is vsed, definitions, distributions, subdiuisions, trialls, motiues, and directions, all which be of great vse in their proper order. By Iohn Barlovv ...; Barlow, John,
Bible 2 Timothy I 13 : A good day vvell improved, or Five sermons upon Acts 9. 31. : Two of which were preached at Pauls, and ordered to be printed. To which is annexed a sermon on 2 Tim. 1. 13. Preached at St. Maries in Cambridge, on the Commencement Sabbath, June 30. 1650. / By Anthony Tuckney D.D. and Master of St Johns College in Cambridge.; Tuckney, Anthony,
Bible Acts And Epistles : The apostolical history : containing the acts, labours, travels, sermons, discourses, miracles, successes, and sufferings of the Holy Apostles from Christ's ascention to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus : a brief description whereof is here inserted : also, a narration of the particular times and occasions upon which the apostolical epistles were written, together with a brief analytical paraphrase of them : to which is added (for the better understanding of this history) a map of the Apostle Paul's travels ... / by Samuel Cradock.; Cradock, Samuel,
Bible Acts Commentaries Early Works To 1800 : Commentarii in sacram Actuum Apostolicorum historiam / facili & perspicua methodo conscripti a Benedicto Aretio Bernensi Theologo. Cum Indice rerum & verborum memorabilium, quae in hisce continentur.; Aretius, Benedictus,
Bible Acts I 1 : The preface to Luke's Gospel : literary convention and social context in Luke 1.1-4 and Acts 1.1.; Alexander, Loveday.
Bible Acts I 4 : Mr. Tillinghast's eight last sermons ... : to which is added The idols abolished, being his notes on Isa. 2: 18.; Tillinghast, John,
Bible Acts I Xii : A commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles, chronicall and criticall : the difficulties of the text explained, and the times of the story cast into annals : the first part, from the beginning of the Booke, to the end of the twelfth chapter : with a briefe survey of the contemporary story of the Jews and Romans / by John Lightfoot ...; Lightfoot, John,
Bible Acts Ii 1 : The Resurrection rescued from the souldiers calumnies, : in two sermons preached at St. Maries in Oxon. / By Robert Jones D.D.; Lushington, Thomas,
Bible Acts Ii 17 18 : An account of the spirits working upon the minds of men in the several ages of the Christian church : in a visitation sermon before the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry Lord Bishop of London, at Burntwood in Essex, Septemb. 14, 1680 / by Richard Hollingworth.; Hollingworth, Richard,
Bible Acts Ii 18 : A sermon preach'd before the Queen at New-Market, Octob. 5th 1707. / By Robert Cannon ... ; Published by Her Majesties special command.; Cannon, Robert,
Bible Acts Ii 24 : The first volume of discourses or sermons on several scriptures / by Ezekiel Hopkins ...; Hopkins, Ezekiel,
Bible Acts Ii 27 : A practical improvement of the articles of Christ's descent into hell and rising again from the dead : in a sermon, preach'd in the parish church of Bridgewater, on Easter-Day, Anno Domini, 1697 / by William Allen.; Allen, William,
Bible Acts Ii 36 : The knovvledge of Christ indispensably required of all men that would be saved, or, Demonstrative proofs from Scripture that crucified Jesus is the Christ : wherein the types, prophesies, genealogies, miracles, humiliation, exaltation, and the mediatorial office of Christ are opened and applyed : in sundry sermons on Acts 2:36 / by John Davenport ...; Davenport, John,
Bible Acts Ii 38 : A sermon preached in the parish church of St. Magnus the Martyr, by London-Bridge, on Sunday February 11th, 1699/700 : at the baptizing of some persons of riper years, brought up by Quakers and anabaptists, but now conform'd to the Church of England / by Richard Holland ...; Holland, Richard,
Bible Acts Ii 39 : Vindiciæ fœderis, or, A vindication of the interest that the children of believers as such have in the covenant of grace with their parents under the Gospel-dispensation : being the substance of two sermons, with additions preached to a congregation in Wapping : also some seasonable reflections upon various unsound and cruel passages taken forth of two furious books of Mr. H. Collins printed against infant-baptism / by Fran. Mence.; Mence, Francis,
Bible Acts Ii 46 : The Christian practise. : A sermon preached on the Act-Sunday in St. Maries Church in Oxford. Iul. 8. 1604. / By Rob. Wakeman bachelor of divinity and fellow of Balioll Colledge in Oxford..; Wakeman, Robert,