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Blum Leon 1872 1950   5
Blume Friedrich 1893 1975 : Festschrift Friedrich Blume zum 70. Geburtstag / herausgegeben von A.A. Abert und W. Pfannkuch.; Abert, Anna Amalie.  1963 1
Blumenfeld Erwin : Blumenfeld : a fetish for beauty / William A. Ewing ; in collaboration with Marina Schinz.; Ewing, William A.  1996 1
Blumer Herbert 1900 1987 : The dilemma of qualitative method : Herbert Blumer and the Chicago tradition.; Hammersley, Martyn.  1989 1
Blumlein Alan Dower 1903 1942   2
Blunck Hans Friedrich 1888 1961 : Hans Friedrich Blunck : poet and Nazi collaborator, 1888-1961.; Hoerle, W. Scott,  c2003 1
Blundell Nicholas : The great diurnal of Nicholas Blundell of Litttle Crosby, Lancasshire.; Blundell, Nicholas.  1968 1
Blundell Nicholas 1640 1680   2
Blundell Nicholas 1640 1680 Blundel The Jesuits Letter Of Intellige : An answer to Blundell the Jesuit's letter; that was taken about him at Lambeth, on Munday the 23d. of this instant June. : Directed to the Jesuits at Cambra in Flanders: wherein he gives them an account of several notorious untruths, concerning the proceedings in court, against the five Jesuits lately executed: with several other preposterous relations. The which being duly weighed, it was thought fit to exhibit this responsary to confute his errors, and for vindication of the wholesome laws, and impartial judicature of this our English nation, &c.  1679 1
Blundell William 1560 1638 : I. Abbott's journal. II. The trials at Manchester in 1694 / edited by Alexander Goss.  1864 1
Blunden Edmund 1896 1974 : Selected letters of Siegfried Sassoon and Edmund Blunden, 1919-1967 / edited by Carol Z. Rothkopf.  2012 1
Blunden Mrs 1674 : News from Basing-Stoak of one Mrs. Blunden, a maltsters vvife, who was buried alive : relating how she was over heard by the school-boys, that were playing neer her grave, and afterwards by their master ...  1680? 1
Blunham England Maps   2
Blunne Thomas : A challenge from Richard Grauener, gentleman and souldier, scholler to Thomas Musgrove, & seruant to Robert Battell, prouis masters of the noble sience [sic] of defence, against Thomas Blunne, shoo-maker, and scholler to Thomas Turpin, master of the noble science of defence : this to be performed at the Red Bull in St. Iohnstreet, on Tuesday next, being the 20 of October, 1629, if God permit.; Gravener, Richard.  1629 1
Blunsdon St Andrew England Maps : Wiltshire [cartographic material] : sheet SU 18 NW.; Great Britain.  1973 1
Blunt A W F Alfred Walter Frank 1879 1957 : Blunt.; Peart-Binns, John Stuart.  1969 1
Blunt Anthony 1907 1983 : Mark of treachery.; Costello, John.  1988 1
Bluntington England Maps : [Worcestershire] [cartographic material] : sheet SO 87 SE.; Great Britain.  1954 1
Bluntisham England Maps : Cambridgeshire [cartographic material] : sheet TL 37 SE.; Great Britain.  1976 1
Blur Building Expo 02 Switzerland : Arts of wonder : enchanting secularity--Walter de Maria, Diller + Scofidio, James Turrell, Andy Goldsworthy / Jeffrey L. Kosky.; Kosky, Jeffrey L.  2013 1
Bly Nellie 1864 1922 : Nellie Bly : daredevil, reporter, feminist / Brooke Kroeger.; Kroeger, Brooke,  c1994 1
Bly Robert W : Man enough : embodying masculinities.; Seidler, Victor J.,  1997 1
Blyborough England Maps : [Lincolnshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SK 99 SW.; Great Britain.  1956 1
Blyden Edward Wilmot 1832 1912 : Edward Wilmot Blyden : Pan-Negro patriot, 1832-1912 / Hollis R. Lynch.; Lynch, Hollis Ralph.  1967 1
Blytgen Petersen Emil : Frie Danske i London 1940-45.; Blytgen- Petersen, Emil.  1977 1
Blyth Alan : Breadth and balance in the primary curriculum / edited by R.J. Campbell.  1993 1
Blyth Geoffrey Approximately 14701530 : Bishop Geoffrey Blythe's visitations c.1515-1525 / edited by Peter Heath.  1973 1
Blyth Greene Jourdain And Company Limited : Blyth, Greene, Jourdain & Company Limited, 1810-1960.; Muir, Augustus.  1961 1
Blyth Northumberland England Economic Conditions : Blyth in the eighteenth century.; Sullivan, W. R.  1971 1
Blyth Northumberland England History : The history and development of the port of Blyth / by C.E. Baldwin.; Baldwin, C. E.  1929 1
Blyth Northumberland England Maps   3
Blyth Nottinghamshire England Maps   2
Blyth R Henderson : Four Scottish artists : Blyth, Donaldson, Henderson, Morrocco.; Arts Council of Great Britain.  1964 1
Blythburgh England Maps : Suffolk [cartographic material] : sheet TM 47 NE.; Great Britain.  1975 1
  Blythe George Bishop Of Coventry And Lichfield -- See Blyth, Geoffrey, approximately 1470–1530
Blythe Henry : De iure regni apud Scotos dialogus, / authore Georgio Buchanano Scoto.; Buchanan, George,  1579 1
Blythe Marsh England Maps : Staffordshire [cartographic material] : sheet SJ 94 SE.; Great Britain.  1966 1
Blyton England Maps   2
Blyton Enid   5
Bo Carlo : Per Carlo Bo : 25 gennaio 1991 / a cura di Giorgio Tabanelli.  1991 1
Bo Kaap Cape Town South Africa : The mosques of Bo-Kaap : a social history of Islam at the Cape / Achmat Davids.; Davids, Achmat.  1980 1
Bo Kaap Museum : Museums in South Africa by city, including: Hector Pieterson Museum, Apartheid Museum, Nelson Mandela National Museum, Museumafrica, Johannesburg Art Gallery, South Africa National Museum Of Military History, Mandela House, SAB World of Beer, Bo-Kaap / Hephaestus Books.  2011 1
Boa Esperanca Caravel : The Portuguese caravels : Bartolomeu Dias, 1987-1988 - Boa Esperança, 1989-1990.; Leitão, Manuel.    1
Boadicea Queen 62   4
Boakye Jeffrey : I heard what you said / Jeffrey Boakye.; Boakye, Jeffrey,  2022 1
Boal Augusto   4
Boal Augusto Criticism And Interpretation   2
Board Books   6
Board Edmund : A short discovery of the state of man : before the fall, in the fall, and out of the fall againe : wherein is also laid open the ignorance and error of Robert Hall, preacher at Colebrooke in Buckinghamshire, and Edmund Board, of the same town, a professor ... / by W.B.; Bayly, William,  1659 1
Board Games   2
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