Boston Mass Gas Industries : Arguments on behalf of the people of Boston before a special committee of the legislature appointed to investigate the charges against certain gas companies doing business in the city of Boston.; Bay-State Gas Trust.
Boston Mass History Colonial Period Ca 1600 1775 Early Works To : The Bostonian Ebenezer. : Some historical remarks, on the state of Boston, the chief town of New England, and of English America. With some, agreeable methods, for preserving and promoting, the good state of that, as well as any other town, in the like circumstances. / Humbly offered, by a native of Boston.; Mather, Cotton,
Boston Mass History Colonial Period Ca 1600 1775 Sources : An account of the late revolution in New-England : together with the declaration of the gentlemen, merchants, and inhabitants of Boston and the country adjacent : April 18, 1689 / written by Mr. Nathanael Byfield ...; Byfield, Nathanael,
Boston Mass History Sources : The declaration of the gentlemen, merchants, and inhabitants of Boston, and the countrey adjacent, April 18th, 1689; Mather, Cotton,
Botanical Chemistry Congresses : Recent advances in the biochemistry of cereals / edited by D.L. Laidman and R.G. Wyn Jones.; Phytochemical Society of Europe.
Botanical Gardens England Oxford Catalogues Early Works To 1800 : Catalogus horti botanici Oxoniensis : alphabeticè digestus, duas, praeterpropter, plantarum chiliadas complectens, priore duplo auctior, idemque elimatior; nec non etymologiis, quà Graecis, quà Latinis, hinc inde petitis, enucleatior: in quo nomina Latina pariter & Graeca vernaculis; & in ejus sequiore parte, vernacula Latinis, praeponuntur. Cui accessere plantae minimùm sexaginta suis nominibus insignitae, quae nullibi nisi in hoc opusculo memorantur. Curâ & operâ sociâ Philippi Stephani M.D. et Gulielmi Brounei A.M. Adhibitis etiam in consilium D. Boberto patre, hortulano Academico ejusque filio, utpote rei herbariae callentissimis.; Stephens, Phillip,
Botanical Gardens France Blois : Hortus regius Blesensis auctus : cum notulis durationis & charactismis plantarum tam additarum quam non scriptarum : item plantarum in eodem horto regio Blesensi aucto contentarum nemini hucusque scriptarum brevis & succincta delineatio : quibus accessêre observationes generaliores (plantarum in eodem horto regio Blesensi aucto contentarum) rei herbariae studiosis valdè necessariae & cognitu perutiles : praeludiorum botanicorum pars prior.; Morison, Robert,
Botanical Gardens Malaysia Sabah : Report on the Experimental Garden, Silam, in the territory of North Borneo.; Donop, L.B. von.
Botanical Gardens Scotland : Hortus medicus Edinburgensis, or, A catalogue of the plants in the Physical Garden at Edinburgh : containing their most proper Latin and English names : with an English alphabetical index / by Mr. James Sutherland.; Sutherland, James,
Botanical Illustration Austria Vienna Exhibitions : Ein Garten Eden : Meisterwerke der botanischen Illustration = Garden of Eden : masterpieces of botanical illustration = Un jardin d'Eden : chefs-d'œuvre de l'illustration botanique / H. Walter Lack.; Lack, H. Walter.