Brand Choice Developing Countries : Brand management in emerging markets : theories and practices / [edited by] Cheng Lu Wang, Jiaxun He.
Brand Choice Psychological Aspects : The hidden power of advertising : how low involvement processing influences the way we choose brands.; Heath, Robert,
Brand Loyalty : The Apple experience : secrets to building insanely great customer loyalty / Carmine Gallo.; Gallo, Carmine.
Brand Name Products Asia Marketing : The cult of the luxury brand : inside Asia's love affair with luxury / Radha Chadha & Paul Husband.; Chadha, Radha.
Brand Name Products Social Aspects Asia : The cult of the luxury brand : inside Asia's love affair with luxury / Radha Chadha & Paul Husband.; Chadha, Radha.
Brand Name Products Valuation Congresses : Brand equity & advertising : advertising's role in building strong brands / edited by David A. Aaker, Alexander L. Biel.
Brand Paul 1687 : Memoriam vesperiarum et comitiorum in Theatro Oxoniensi : triduo, sc: 6,7,&9. Jul: solenniter habitorum amico suo nobilissimo & doctissimo Dn. Paulo Brand serenissimi schlesvici Ernesti Guntheri medico aulico Oxonio lugdunum in batavis iter paraturo ...; Rother, M. E.
Brand Paul W : Heroes : five remarkable Christians who influenced Philip Yancey, Becky Pippert, J.I. Packer, Elisabeth Elliot and Charles Colson / edited by Ann Spangler and Charles Turner.
Brandenburg Germany Church History Early Works To 1800 : A proclamation, published by the high and mightie Prince Elector Iohn Sigismond Marquesse of Brandenburgh, the foure and twentieth day of February anno 1614. : Prohibiting all maner of scandalls and calumniations to be vsed by the clergie, in the pulpit or else-where, throughout his prouinces and dominions: commanding to preach only the true word of God to the edification of his subiects. / Translated faithfully out of the high-Dutch coppy. By Mich. Vanderstegen.; Brandenburg (Electorate)