Brettanby Covert England Maps : [Brettanby Covert [cartographic material] : Yorkshire, North Riding 25.3].; Great Britain.
Brettargh Katharin 1579 1601 : The Christian life and death of Mistris Katherin Brettergh, late wife of Master William Brettergh of Bretterghoult in the countie of Lancaster, gentleman : with the manner of a bitter conflict shee had with Satan and blessed conquest by Christ before her death, to the great glory of God, and comfort of all beholders.
Bretton Robert 1628 Or 9 1672 : A sermon preached at the funeral of that faithful servant of Christ, Robert Breton, D.D. : Pastor of Deptford in the county of Kent, Febr. 20. 1671/2. By Richard Parr, D.D. of Camerwel in the county of Surrey.; Parr, Richard,
Breviaries : Introduction to the English monastic breviaries / edited by J.B.L. Tolhurst.
Brew Family : West African trade and coast society : a family study.; Priestley, Margaret.
Brewen John 1590 : The trueth of the most wicked and secret murthering of Iohn Brewen, goldsmith of London : committed by his owne wife, through the prouocation of one Iohn Parker whom she loued: for which fact she was burned, and he hanged in Smithfield, on wednesday, the 28 of Iune, 1592. two yeares after the murther was committed.; Kyd, Thomas,
Brewer Anthony Active 1630 1655 Countrie Girle : The country innocence, or, The chamber-maid turn'd Quaker : a comedy : with alterations and amendments as it is now acted at the Theatre-Royal / written by John Leanerd.; Leanerd, John,
Breweries England Hull : Hull and East Riding breweries from the eighteenth century to the present / by Pat Aldabella and Robert Barnard.; Aldabella, Pat.
Breweries England Yorkshire : Hull and East Riding breweries from the eighteenth century to the present / by Pat Aldabella and Robert Barnard.; Aldabella, Pat.
Breweries Ireland Early Works To 1800 : By his grace, Richard Duke of Tyrconnell &c. Captain General of his Majesties forces. : Whereas upon application made by the Commissioners of his Majesties Revenue, to the King in council on the twenty sixth day of July last, setting forth that several officers of the army, ...; Tyrconnel, Richard Talbot,
Brewers Early Works To 1800 : Every man his own gauger: : Wherein not only the artist is shown a more ready and exact method of gauging than any hitherto extant. But the most ignorant, who can but read English, and tell twenty in figures, is taught to find the content of any sort of cask or vessel, either full, or in part full; and to know if they be right siz'd. Also what a pipe, hogshead, &c. amounts to at the common rate and measure they buy or sell at. With several useful tables to know the content of any vessel by. Likewise a table shewing the price of any commodity, from one pound to an hundred weight, and the contrary. To which is added, the art of brewing beer, ale, mum; of fining, preserving and botling brew'd liquors, of making the most common physical ales now in use, of making several fine English wines. The vintners art of fining, curing, preserving and rectifying all sorts of wines ... Together with the compleat coffee-man, teaching how to make coffee, tea, chocolate, ... / By James Lightbody, philomath.; Lightbody, James.
Brewers England London Early Works To 1800 : To the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament : The humble petition of the master, wardens, assistants, and company of brewers in London, and within foure miles compasse of the same citie.
Brewing : A new art of brewing beer, ale, and other sorts of liquors : so as to render them more healthfull to the body and agreeable to nature, and to keep them longer from souring, with less trouble and charge then generally practised, which will be a means to prevent those torturing distempers of the stone, gravel, gout, and dropsie : together with easie experiments for making excellent drinks with apples, currans, goodberries, cherries, herbs, seeds, and hay &c., and the way to preserve eggs five or six months from being musty or rotten : wih an appendix how to make fruit trees constantly fruitful : also a way how every one may purge themselves with common salad herbs and roots, and a method how to prevent constiveness in the body / by the author of The way to long life, health, and happiness &c.; Tryon, Thomas,
Brewing Amateurs Manuals : Beer : tap into the art and science of brewing.; Bamforth, Charles W.,
Brewing England Early Works To 1800 : The nature of fermentation explain'd; with the method of opening the body of any grain or vegetable subject, so as to obtain from it a spirituous liquor: : Exemplified by the process of perparing rum, as 'tis manag'd in the West-Indies. With many other useful reflections and observations. To which is added, a collection of several compound cordial waters, with the art of preparing some artificial wines, not hitherto publish'd. By way of appendix to the Compleat body of distilling. / By George Smith of Kendal in Westmoreland.; Smith, George,
Brewing Industry Early Works To 1800 : A brief case of the distillers, : and of the distilling trade in England, shewing how far it is the interest of England to encourage the said trade, as it is so considerable an advantage to the landed interest, to the trade and navigation, to the publick revenue, and to the employment of the poor. Humbly recommended to the Lords and Commons of Great Britain, in the present Parliament assembled.; Defoe, Daniel,
Brewing Industry England North East : Scottish and Newcastle Breweries Limited : report of an inquiry into industrial relations in the transport activities of the company's north east region.; Great Britain.
Brewing Industry France : L'evolution de la concentration dans l'industrie de la brasserie en France.; Boulet, D.