Burton Henry 1578 1648 Truth Shut Out Of Doores : The door of truth opened: or, A brief and true narrative of the occasion how Mr Henry Burton came to shut himself out of the church-doors of Aldermanbury: : published in answer to a paper, called, Truth shut out of doors: for the vindication of the minister and people of Aldermanbury, who are in this paper most wrongfully and unjustly charged; and also for the undeceiving of the underwriters, and of all those that are misinformed about this businesse. In the name, and with the consent of the whole church of Aldermanburie.; Calamy, Edmund,
Burton Henry 1578 1648 Truth Still Truth Though Shut Out Of Doores : A just and necessary apology against an unjust invective, published by Mr Henry Burton in a late book of his, entituled, Truth still truth, though shut out of doors. / By Edmund Calamy B.D. and pastour of Aldermanbury.; Calamy, Edmund,
Burton Henry 1578 1648 Truth Still Truth Though Shut Out Of Doors : A just and necessary apology against an unjust invective published by Mr. Henry Burton in a late book of his entituled, Truth still truth, though shut out of doors / by Edmund Calamy ...; Calamy, Edmund,
Burton Henry 1578 1648 Vindication Of Churches Commonly Called Inde : Truth triumphing over falshood, antiquity over novelty. Or, The first part of a just and seasonable vindication of the undoubted ecclesiasticall iurisdiction, right, legislative, coercive power of Christian emperors, kings, magistrates, parliaments, in all matters of religion, church-government, discipline, ceremonies, manners: : summoning of, presiding, moderating in councells, synods; and ratifying their canons, determinations, decrees: as likewise of lay-mens right both to sit and vote in councells; ... In refutation of Mr. Iohn Goodwins Innocencies Triumph: my deare brother Burtons Vindication of churches, commonly called Independent: and of all anti-monarchicall, anti-parliamentall, anti-synodicall, and anarchicall paradoxes of papists, prelates, Anabaptists, Arminians, Socinians, Brownists, or Independents: whose old and new objections to the contrary, are here fully answered. / By William Prynne, of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire.; Prynne, William,
Burton Isabel 1831 1896 : Colonial discourses [microfilm] Series two ; Part 1 Imperial adventurers and explorers ; The papers of Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890) from the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office.
Burton Sam Samuel : By the com[missione]rs for the forfeitures in Ireland. We do hereby certify that Mr. Sam[uel] Burton of the Citty of Dublin haveing bin employed by the late com[missione]rs of inspection into forfeitures to collect the forfeited rents and arreares within the county & citty of Waterford ...
Burwell Thomas : York against Durham : the guardianship of the spiritualities in the Diocese of Durham "sede vacante".; Till, Barry.
Burwell Thomas 1626 1702 : The Case of the censors, and other members of the College of Physicians, London; : humbly offered to the right honourable the lords spiritual and temporal, now in Parliament assembled.
Bury John Capt : A true narrative of the late design of the papists to charge their horrid plot upon the Protestants by endeavouring to corrupt Captain Bury and Alderman Brooks of Dublin, and to take off the evidence of Mr. Oats and Mr. Bedlow, &c. : as appears by the depositions taken before the Right Honourable Sir Joseph Williamson, knight ... and the several examinations before Sir William Waller ...; Bury, John,
Bury St Edmunds England Antiquities : Bury St. Edmunds : medieval art, architecture, archaeology, and economy / edited by Antonia Gransden.; British Archaeological Association.