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Castles Conservation And Restoration Scotland Early Works To 1800 : Unto His Majesties High Commissioner, and the Right Honourable Estates of Parliament. : the petition of James Bayne His Majesties late Mr. Wright.; Bayne, James,  1695 1
Castles Defences : Castle under siege.; Dargie, Richard.  1998 1
Castles Design And Construction : The medieval castle : design, construction, daily life : a fascinating behind-the-scenes study of how these formidable fortresses were built, maintained and lived in / Charles Phillips.; Phillips, Charles,  2018 1
Castles Design And Construction History To 1500 : James of St George and the castles of the Welsh wars / Malcolm Hislop.; Hislop, Malcolm,  2020 1
Castles England   11
Castles England Beeston Cheshire Guidebooks : Beeston Castle / Robert Liddiard and Rachel McGuicken.; Liddiard, Robert.  2007 1
Castles England Beeston Cheshire History : Beeston Castle / Robert Liddiard and Rachel McGuicken.; Liddiard, Robert.  2007 1
Castles England Bodiam Guidebooks : Bodiam castle : East Sussex.; Goodall, John A. A.  2001 1
Castles England Bodiam History : Bodiam castle : East Sussex.; Goodall, John A. A.  2001 1
Castles England Corfe Castle Guidebooks : Corfe Castle.; Yarrow, Anne.  c2003 1
Castles England Corfe Castle History : Corfe Castle.; Yarrow, Anne.  c2003 1
Castles England Dover Kent Guidebooks : Dover Castle / Jonathan Coad.; Coad, Jonathan George,  2007 1
Castles England Dover Kent History : Dover Castle / Jonathan Coad.; Coad, Jonathan George,  2007 1
Castles England Durham : Acts of perception : a study of Barnard Castle in Teesdale / David Austin ; with contributions by Peter Boland ...[et al].; Austin, David,  2007 1
Castles England Helmsley Guidebooks : Helmsley Castle, North Yorkshire/ Jonathan Clark.; Clark, Jonathan.  2004 1
Castles England Helmsley History : Helmsley Castle, North Yorkshire/ Jonathan Clark.; Clark, Jonathan.  2004 1
Castles England Herefordshire : A guide to castles & moated sites in Herefordshire.; Shoesmith, Ron,  1996 1
Castles England Herefordshire Guidebooks : Goodrich Castle / Jeremy Ashbee.; Ashbee, Jeremy.  c2005 1
Castles England Herefordshire History   2
Castles England History   11
Castles England History To 1500   3
Castles England Isle Of Wight : The Isle of Wight : report and proceedings of the 152nd Summer Meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute in 2006 / edited by Mark Gardiner and David Tomalin.; Royal Archaeological Institute (Great Britain).  2007 1
Castles England Legends : The Description of the castle of entertainment : as also the wonderful increase of the race of the Huffs : together with a relation of their first original as it was attested by Old Mother Huff in strange characters, and since discover'd and copied out by a pilgrim in the year 1668.  1679 1
Castles England London : The White Tower / Edward Impey.; Impey, Edward.  c2008 1
Castles England Midlands History To 1500 : Placing castles in the conquest : landscape, lordship and local politics in the South-Eastern Midlands, 1066-1100 / Andrew Lowerre.; Lowerre, Andrew.  2005 1
Castles England Norfolk History To 1500 : "Landscapes of Lordship" : Norman castles and the countryside in medieval Norfolk, 1066-1200 / Robert Liddiard.; Liddiard, Robert.  2000 1
Castles England Pevensey Guidebooks : Pevensey Castle, East Sussex / John Goodall.; Goodall, John A. A.  1999 1
Castles England Pevensey History : Pevensey Castle, East Sussex / John Goodall.; Goodall, John A. A.  1999 1
Castles England Portchester Guidebooks : Portchester Castle / John Goodall.; Goodall, John A. A.  2008 1
Castles England Portchester History : Portchester Castle / John Goodall.; Goodall, John A. A.  2008 1
Castles England Richmond Guidebooks : Richmond Castle, North Yorkshire ; St. Agatha's Abbey, Easby, North Yorkshire / John Goodall.; Goodall, John A. A.  c2001 1
Castles England Richmond History : Richmond Castle, North Yorkshire ; St. Agatha's Abbey, Easby, North Yorkshire / John Goodall.; Goodall, John A. A.  c2001 1
Castles England Shropshire History   2
Castles England Southern Congresses : Castles and the Anglo-Norman world : proceedings of a conference held at Norwich Castle in 2012 / edited by John A. Davies, Angela Riley, Jean-Marie Levesque and Charlotte Lapiche.  2016 1
Castles England Tattershall Guidebooks : Tattershall castle : Lincolnshire.; Avery, Tracey.  1997 1
Castles England Tattershall History : Tattershall castle : Lincolnshire.; Avery, Tracey.  1997 1
Castles England Wallingford : Wallingford : the castle and the town in context / edited by K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Neil Christie, David Roffe.  2015 1
Castles England Warkworth Guidebooks : Warkworth Castle and Hermitage / John Goodall.; Goodall, John A. A.  2006 1
Castles England Warkworth History : Warkworth Castle and Hermitage / John Goodall.; Goodall, John A. A.  2006 1
Castles England Yorkshire   2
Castles Europe   4
Castles Europe Congresses   2
Castles Europe Design And Construction History : Castle builders : approaches to castle design and construction in the Middle Ages / Malcolm Hislop.; Hislop, Malcolm.  2016 1
Castles Europe History Periodicals : Château Gaillard : études de castellologie médiévale.; Château Gaillard Conference  2016 1
Castles Europe History To 1500   3
Castles Europe History To 1500 Congresses : Château Gaillard : études de castellologie médiévale.; Château Gaillard Conference  2016 1
Castles France : Twenty-five great houses of France / by Sir Theodore Andrea Cook, M.A., F.S.A. With an introduction by W.H. Ward, M.A., F.S.A. and illustrations by Frederick H. Evans.; Cook, Theodore Andrea,  1916? 1
Castles France History   2
Castles France History To 1500 : Castles : history, archaeology, landscape, architecture and symbolism : essays in honour of Derek Renn / edited by Neil Guy.  2018 1
Castles France Languedoc : Cathar castles : fortresses of the Albigensian Crusade, 1209-1300 / Marcus Cowper.; Cowper, Marcus.  c2006 1
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