Church Missionary Society Nigeria History 19th Century : The journals of Church Missionary Society agent, James Thomas, in mid-nineteenth-century Nigeria / with introduction and notes by Femi J. Kolapo ; foreword by Ann O'Hear.; Thomas, James,
Church Music 16th Century : Symbolic scores : studies in the music of the Renaissance.; Elders, Willem.
Church Music 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : A sober reply to Mr Robert Steed's epistle concerning singing. : Wherein all his objections against that way he calls the common and popular way of singing psalms, &c. are impartially examined, and in the spirit of meekness, fully answered. Recommended to the consideration of all the saints and churches of Christ, by divers elders and ministers of baptized congregations. Who desire their brethren who are against such singing, without prejudice to read these lines, and consider them.; Whinnell, Thomas,
Church Music 500 1400 : The Christian West and its singers : the first thousand years / Christopher Page.; Page, Christopher,
Church Music Church Of England 16th Century : Humanism and the reform of sacred music in early modern England : John Merbecke the orator and The booke of common praier noted (1550) / Hyun-Ah Kim.; Kim, Hyun-Ah.
Church Music Church Of England Early Works To 1800 : An apology for the organs and prayers used in the Church of England, : in answer to some fanatical reflections upon bells and crutches in a letter from a gentleman in the city to his friend.
Church Music England Scores : Modern church-musick pre-accus'd, censur'd and obstructed in its performance before His Majesty, Aprill 1, 1666 / vindicated by the author, Matt. Lock ...; Locke, Matthew,
Church Music France : La musique religieuse en France, du Concile de Trente a 1804.; Launay, Denise.
Church Music Italy Venice 16th Century : Sound and space in Renaissance Venice : architecture, music, acoustics / Deborah Howard and Laura Moretti.; Howard, Deborah,
Church Music Korea South : Songs of Seoul [electronic resource] : an ethnography of voice and voicing in Christian South Korea; Harkness, Nicholas.
Church Music Protestant Churches : Te Deum : the church and music : a textbook, a reference, a history, an essay / Paul Westermeyer.; Westermeyer, Paul,
Church Necessity : Joshua's resolution, or, The private Christian's duty in times of publick corruption; Gouge, Thomas,
Church Of Christ Gosport Hampshire : The articles of the faith of the Church of Christ or congregation meeting at Gosport near Portsmouth, John Webbar, pastor; Church of Christ (Gosport, Hampshire)
Church Of England Apologetic Works Early Works To 1800 : A vvord to Dr. VVomocke. Or, A short reply to his pretended resolution of Mr. Croftons position : concerning ministers use of an imposed liturgie. To which is annexed, a blow at Jerubbaal redivivus: discovering his weakness and errours in defence of his groundless secession from solemn publick worship ministred by the English liturgie. By R.S. the publisher of reformation not separation.; R. S.
Church Of England Archdeaconry Of Bedford : Articles of enquiry concerning certain matters ecclesiastical, exhibited to the church-wardens and side-men of every parish within the arch-deaconry of Bedford: : for their better direction in their presentments in the visitation of Theophilus Dillingham D.D. Arch-Deacon of Bedford.; Church of England.