Church Of Ireland Collected Works : The judgement of the late Arch-Bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland : 1. Of the extent of Christs death and satisfaction &c, 2. Of the Sabbath, and observation of the Lords day, 3. Of the ordination in other reformed churches : with a vindication of him from a pretended change of opinion in the first, some advertisements upon the latter, and in prevention of further injuries, a declaration of his judgement in several other subjects / by N. Bernard.; Ussher, James,
Church Of Ireland Diocese Of Armagh : Articles to be inquired of by the church-wardens and questmen of every parish in the next metropolitical visitation to be made by His Grace Michael now Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, Lord Primate and Metropolitan of all Ireland and Lord High Chancellor of the same; Church of Ireland.
Church Of Ireland Diocese Of Ossory : The persecution and oppression (which, as Solomon saith, is able to make a wise man mad,) of John Bale : that was called to be Bishop of Ossory, by the sole election, without any other mans motion, of that pious king, Edw. 6 : and of Gruffith [sic] Williams, that was called after the same manner to the same bishoprick by the sole election, without any other mans motion, of that most excellent, pious king, and glorious martyr, Charles I : two learned men, and Right Reverend Bishops of Ossory.; Williams, Gryffith,
Church Of Scotland Confession Of Faith 1638 : The Popes conclave: or, A speech made by His Holinesse, upon the disastrous disappointments which the Romane cause hath received by the late proceedings, and the great Covenant of Scotland
Church Of Scotland General Assembly Short Reply Unto A Declaration Intitule : A short reply unto a declaration, entituled, The declaration of the Army of England, upon their march into Scotland. : Together with a vindication of The declaration of the Army of England upon their march into Scotland, from the uncharitable constructions, odious imputations, and scandalous aspersions of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, in their reply thereunto. Published by the special appointment of the Councel of State.
Church Of Scotland Presbytery Of Stirling : The remonstrance of the Presbyterie of Sterling, against the present conjunction with the malignant party. : To the commission of the Kirk at St. Johnstons.; Church of Scotland.
Church Of Scotland Synod Of Aberdeen : Some queries touching excommunication : published by the people of God, (termed in derision Quakers) to be considered by all the bishops and synods of this nation, or any others that may be concerned in such proceedings against them. But most especially, by the present bishop and synod of Aberdeen.; Cowie, John,
Church Of St Mary Overs Southwark London England : The true history of the life and sudden death of old Iohn Overs, the rich ferry-man of London : And how he lost his life by his owne covetousnesse. And of his daughter Mary, who caused the Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark to be built, and of the building of London-Bridge.
Church Officers Salaries Etc Scotland Early Works To 1800 : Act of Privy Council in favours of the clerks of kirk-sessions, and other church-officers of the regular established clergie. : Edinburgh, the first day of December, 1687.; Scotland.
Church Plate England London Early Works To 1800 : Whereas there is and hath been yeerely, and euery yeere, on festiual dayes, and others, great store of the siluer and guilt plate belonging to the Kings Maiestie, the Prince, and nobles of this realme lost ....; England and Wales.
Church Ploity Early Works To 1800 : To the Honourable the House of Commons assembled in high court of Parliament: : the humble remonstrance and petition of the Lord Major, aldermen, and commons of the city of London, in Common Councell assembled.; City of London (England).
Church Poetry : Protestantisme reviv'd, or, The persecuted church triumphing / [by] C.A., Linc. Coll. Oxon.; C. A.,
Church Polity England Early Works To 1800 : The way of the Presbiterian government, : as it is established by both Houses of Parliament, and to be setled in all parts of the kingdome of England. Published the 27. of May, 1947 [sic].
Church Polity History Early Works To 1800 : Sixteene propositions in Parliament. : Touching the manner and forme for church governement, by bishops and the clergie of this kingdome. Whereunto is added. The opinion of the English doctors and divines at the synod at Dort, concerning episcopacy and lay-elders. Also the names of 14. divines more which are added to the synod by the House of Parliament. With an order by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, touching the governement of the church. Hen. Elsing. Cler. Parl. D. Com.; England and Wales.