Civilization Modern Greek Influences Congresses : Sparta in modern thought : politics, history and culture / editors, Stephen Hodkinson and Ian Macgregor Morris ; contributors, Paul Christensen ... [et al.].
Civilization Modern Italian Influences Congresses : Soavi sapori della cultura italiana : atti del 13. Congresso dell'A.I.P.I., Verona, Soave, 27-29 agosto 1998 / a cura di Bart van den Bossche, Michel Bastiaensen, Corinna Salvadori Lonergan ; con la collaborazione di Giovanna Domenichini.; Associazione internazionale professori di italiano.
Civilization Philosophy History : Enemies of hope : a critique of contemporary pessimism : irrationalism, anti-humanism and counter-enlightenment / [Raymond Tallis].; Tallis, Raymond.
Civilization Secular Sources : Medieval writings on secular women / translated and with an introduction by Patricia Skinner and Elisabeth van Houts.
Civilization Social Aspects History : The square and the tower : networks, hierarchies and the struggle for global power / Niall Ferguson.; Ferguson, Niall,
Civilization Spain 20th Century : La España del 98 : el fin de una era / Juan Eslava Galán, Diego Rojano Ortega.; Eslava Galán, Juan.