Compendium Or A Short View Of The Late Tryals In Relation To The Present Pl : The additional narrative of Mr. Miles Prance of Covent-Garden, Goldsmith : who was the discoverer of the murther of Sr. Edmondbury Godfrey. I. Containing a vindication of the said Mr. Prance from the scandalous and false aspersions (cast upon him, on purpose to invalidate his testimony) by the nameless author of a late scandalous libel, entituled, The Compendium, or a short view of the late tryals &c. II. His further discovery of the machinations and attempts of the papal and Jesuitical party, for the introducing their religion into these kingdoms, and for the overthrow of His Majestie's person and government. III. Many historical observations, discovering the progress of the said design, with other material passages relating thereunto. IV. The names of the several colledges beyond the seas, erected for the use of the English nation, whence priests and emissaries are yearly sent over into our land for the seduction of the people, and carrying on their other designs, with an account of the English nunneries also in forreign parts.; Prance, Miles,
Compensation For Judicial Error Belgium : Cases of Farmakopoulos, Vidal, Kolompar, Boddaert v. Belgium : judgments of March, April, September and October, 1992.; European Court of Human Rights.
Compensation For Judicial Error Great Britain : Truths triumph over treacherous dealing, or, The innocency of Captain John Bernard : wherewith the Lord hath enabled him to confound the horrid conspiracies of many eminent officers, and other members of the army, and their confederates from time to time ever since August, 1649 ...; Bernard, John.
Compensation Law Europe : Compensation for physical injury or death : resolution (75) 7 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 14 March, 1975 and explanatory memorandum.; Council of Europe.
Compensation Law Germany : Compensation for personal injury in English, German and Italian law : a comparative outline / Basil Markesinis ... [et al.].
Compensation Law Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : The Case of Thomas Bulkley, late of New Providence, merchant : briefly represented to the Right Honourable the Lords of His Majesties Councel of Trade.
Compensation Law Greece : A - Case of Agrotexim and others v. Greece : judgment of 24 October 1995 : B - Case of Papamichalopoulos and others v. Greece : judgment of 31 October 1995 (Article 50).; European Court of Human Rights.