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Cork Ireland County History Early Works To 1800 : A certaine and true relation of a great and glorious victory obtained by the Protestant party in Ireland, : under the conduct of the Lord Inchequid, Sir Iohn Paulet and others. Against Rori Mac-Guire in the assistance of the Munster Rebels, and the O Carty, and other of the Irish, to the great advancement of the Protestant cause in that Kingdome, and debiliting the rebels forces: they having lost in the said battell at least foure thousand foot and horse, and besides six or seven hundred prisoners. This conflict and victory hapning neare Bandon Bridge in the county of Korke, the 23 of November. 1642.  1642 1
Cork Ireland History : True nevves from Cork : being the copie of a letter sent from thence to Master Oliver Daniell citizen ..., from his brother ... in Cork : wherein is declared the severall proceedings of the Protestant armie from the fifth of May to the 12, 1642 : likevvise ... intelligence of a great insurrection made by the papists in Cork on the 7 day of this instant moneth : with a declaration how by the valour ... of my Lord of Cork and Sir Thomas Meer they were appeased, disarmed and their store and munition seized on for the use of our English : also many other ... passages concerning ... the Earl of Ormond, Sir Charles Coot, Sir Christopher Loftus, Captain Morra, and the Protestant army in the neweries : whereunto is annexed another remarkable passage concerning Oneal late prisoner in the Tower.; Daniell, Benjamin.  1642 1
Cork Ireland History Early Works To 1800   3
Cork Ireland History Fire 1622 Early Works To 1800 : A relation of the most lamentable burning of the cittie of Corke, in the west of Ireland, in the province of Monster, by thunder and lightning : With other most dolefull and miserable accidents, which fell out the last of May 1622. after the prodigious battell of the birds called stares, which fought strangely over and neare that citie the 12. & 14. of May 1621. As it hath beene reported to divers right honourable persons.  1622 1
Cork Ireland History Military : A great defeat given to the rebells in Ireland by Master George Courtney, governor of the Castle of Limbrick : wherein Colonell Geraldine one of the chief rebels, with divers captains and other officers and above 130 common souldiers were slaine : whereunto is added, the relation of the taking of the city of Corke by the rebells : all this being credibly related in a letter / sent from Master Francis Pursell to his kinsman G. Buck, esq.; Pursell, Francis.  1642 1
Cork Ireland History Military Early Works To 1800 : A great defeat given to the rebells in Ireland, by Master George Courtney, governor of the Castle of Limbrick: : wherein Colonell Geraldine, one of the chief rebels, with diuers captains and other officers and above 130 common souldiers were slaine. Whereunto is added, the relation of the taking of the city of Corke by the rebells. All this being credibly related in a letter sent from Master Francis Pursell, to his kinsman G. Buck, Esq;; Pursell, Francis.  1642 1
Cork Ireland History Siege 1642 : More happy and joyfull newes from Ireland, or, The victorious proceedings of the Protestants in that kingdome from the 28 day of March, to the 6 day of April, 1642 : shewing in a most reall and exact relation how these four famous pillars of Protestant religion, the Earl of Ormond, the Lord Iones, the Lord Moor, Sir Henrie Titchburn, and Sir Richard Grenville, with 4000 men, and 6 field-pieces gave battle to the rebels neer Corke, kild 5000 men, took some of their commanders prisoners : the rebels being in number 13000 conducted the great rebell Donmadoff, and the Lord Mountgarret, who after a long and tedious battle were forced to fly, leaving great store of ammunition behind them : such a tryumphant victory the Protestants never had since the rebellion : whereunto is annexed the copy of a letter sent from Mr. Hunt in Ireland, which was read in the honourable House of Commons ...  1642 1
Cork Ireland History Siege 1642 Early Works To 1800 : More happy and joyfull newes from Ireland: or, The victorious proceedings of the Protestants in that kingdome, from the 28. day of March, to the 6. day of Aprill, 1642. : Shewing, in a most reall, and exact relation, how these four famous pillars of Protestant religion, the Earl of Ormond, the Lord Iones, the Lord Moor, Sir Henrie Titchburn, and Sir Richard Grenvile, with 4000 men, and 6 field-pieces, gave battle to the rebels, neer Corke, kild 5000. men, took some of their commanders prisoners. The rebels being in number 13000. conducted the great rebell Donmadoff, and the Lord Mountgarret; who after a long and tedious battle were forced to fly, leaving great store of ammunition behind them, such a tryumphant victory the Protestants never had, since the rebellion. Whereunto is annexed the copy of a letter sent from Mr. Hunt in Ireland, which was read in the honourable House of Commons, and commanded immediately to be printed. Hen. Elsing. Cler. Parl. D. Com.  1642 1
Cork Ireland History Siege 1690 : A Full and true relation of the taking Cork by the Right Honourable the Earl of Marlborough, Lieut. Gen. of Their Majesties forces : together with the articles of their surrender.  1690 1
Cork Ireland History Siege 1690 Early Works To 1800 : A full and true relation of the taking Cork, by the Right Honourable the Earl of Malborough, Lieut Gen. of their Majesties forces: : together with the articles of their surrender.  1690 1
Cork Ireland History Siege 1690 Sources Early Works To 1800 : A Full and true relation of the taking Cork, by the Right Honourable the Earl of Marlborough, Lieut. Gen. of Their Majesties forces: : together with the articles of their surrender.  1690 1
Cork Ireland Poetry Early Works To 1800 : A battell of birds : most strangly fought in Ireland, vpon the eight day of September last, 1621. where neere vnto the citty of Corke, ...  1621 1
Cork Richard Boyle Earl Of 1566 1643   13
Corker Edward : The case of Edward Corker, Esq;.; Corker, Edward.  1701? 1
Corker James Maurus 1636 1715   12
Corker James Maurus 1636 1715 Staffords Memoires   4
Corker John 1693 : The great necessity of preparation for death and judgment : a sermon preached in the parochial chappel of Macclesfield, in the county palatine of Chester, at the funeral of Mr. John Corker, als Cor Cor, of Hurdesfield, on the eleventh day of November, 1693, and since revised and enlarg'd at the request of the relations of the deceased / by Samuel Corker, als Cor Cor ...; Corker, Samuel,  1695 1
Corlet Elijah 1687 : An elegiack verse on the death of the pious and profound grammarian and rhetorician Mr. Elijah Corlet, schoolmaster of Cambridge : who deceased anno aetatis 77, Feb. 24, 1687.; Walter, Nehemiah,  1687 1
Corley England Maps   2
Corman Roger 1926   2
Cormio Armando Trials Litigation Etc : Cases of Nibbio, Borgese, Biondi, Monaco, Lestini, G, Andreucci, Arena and Cormio v. Italy : judgments of 26 and 27 February 1992.; European Court of Human Rights.  1992 1
Cormish John : Thunder haile, & lightn[ing] from heauen. : Sent against certaine couetous persons, inhabitants of Humerstone [Lin]colneshire, 5. miles from Grimsby: Thought to be a iust punish[ment] from God, in the behalfe of the poore, the 3. of Iuly last, 161[6?]. How their corne was destroyed: the like neuer heard of in a[nd?] onely one mans estate preserued, who gaue them releife. As it [was] iustified before the knights and iustices of that county at the quarter sessions holden at Lowth: the tenth day of Iuly. With the lamentable end of Iohn Cormish his wife and two child[ren] who were most strangly confounded in one day, at Strow in Staffor[d]sheire the ninth of May. 1616..  1616 1
Corn Industry Corrupt Practices Great Britain 17th Century Sermons : Gods blessing upon the providers of corne: : and Gods curse upon the hoarders. Read, judge, and consider, Gods judgements by the Sword. Plague. Famine. Together with the corn imported into London Port in four monthes. / By C. F-G.; Fitz-Geffry, Charles,  1648 1
Corn Industry England Law And Legislation Early Works To 1800 : An act touching corn and meal.; England and Wales.  1650 1
Corn Industry Law And Legislation England Early Works To 1800 : By the King. A proclamation to restraine the transportation of corne, vvooll, vvooll-fells, fullers earth, and leather..; England and Wales.  1632 1
Corn Industry Law And Legislation Ireland Early Works To 1800   5
Corn Law And Legislation Early Works To 1800   2
Corn Law And Legislation Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : By the King. A proclamation for restraint of the transportation of corne..; England and Wales.  1621 1
Corn Law And Legislation Scotland Early Works To 1800 : A proclamation against importing of corns. : Edinburgh, the fourth day of May, one thousand six hundred and seventy one.; Scotland.  1671 1
Corn Laws England Early Works To 1800   2
Corn Laws Great Britain   2
Corn Laws Great Britain History 19th Century   2
Cornaa Isle Of Man Maps : Isle of Man [cartographic material] : sheet SC 48 NE.; Great Britain.  1975 1
Corneille Pierre 1606 1684   65
Corneille Pierre 1606 1684 Horace : Corneille : "Horace".; Knight, R. C.  1981 1
Corneille Thomas 1625 1709 : Thomas Corneille : protean dramatist.; Collins, David A.  1966 1
Cornelius Saint 253   2
Cornell Joseph   2
Corner Brook Nfld Social Life And Customs : Corner Brook : a social history of a paper town.; Horwood, Harold.  1986 1
Corner Edred John Henry : The Marquis : a tale of Syonan-to.; Corner, Edred John Henry.  1981 1
Cornet Studies And Exercises : Specimen sight-reading tests for trumpet and brass band instruments [treble clef] (excluding trombone [treble clef]) : grades 6-8 / Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.; Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (Great Britain)  c1998 1
Cornford John 1915 1936 : Journey to the frontier : Julian Bell & John Cornford : their lives and the 1930s / by P. Stansky & W. Abrahams.; Stansky, Peter.  1966 1
Cornholme England Maps   2
Corning Erastus : Erastus Corning, merchant and financier, 1794-1872.; Neu, Irene Dorothy.  1960 1
Cornish Americans : The Cornish in America.; Rowse, A. L.  1969 1
Cornish Foreign Countries : The Cornish overseas : a history of Cornwall's 'great emigration' / Philip Payton.; Payton, Philip,  2005 1
Cornish Hall End England Maps : Essex [cartographic material] : sheet TL 63 NE.; Great Britain.  1983 1
Cornish Henry 1685   6
Cornish Henry 1698   3
Cornish Language   9
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