Criminal Law England 17th Century : A true narrative of the proceedings at the sessions-house in the Old-Baily: begiuning on the 11th of this instant July 1677. : Wherein is contained the tryal of the woman for committing that odius sin of buggery with a dog ... and all the rest of the most remarkable tryals there; with an account how many are condemned to die, how many burn'd in the hand, to be whip'd and transported.
Criminal Law England 17th Century Cases Early Works To 1800 : A dreadful warning for drunkards, or The execution and confession of Fabian Price, a souldier, : who was executed at Tyburn, on Wednesday the tenth of the instant July; for murdering another souldier in the parish of Chiswick, in his drink. As also of James Smith, who was executed on Thursday the eleventh, at Hounslow Heath, for running away from his Colours. With the manner of their behavior in prison, and at the places of execution.
Criminal Law England History : The criminal trial in later Medieval England : felony before the courts from Edward I to the sixteenth century.; Bellamy, John G.,
Criminal Law Ireland Early Works To 1800 : Rules for a Grand-Juror; or, Articles given in charge to, and enquired by the Grand-Jury in the general or quarter sessions of the peace. / By Sir Richard Bolton Knight, Chief Baron of His Majesties Court of Exchecquer, in Ireland.; Bolton, Richard,
Criminal Law Islamic Law Pakistan : Islamic criminal laws : Hudood laws & rules, with up-to-date commentary.; Waqar-ul-Haq, Mohammed.
Criminal Law New Zealand : Principles of criminal law / A.P. Simester, Warren J. Brookbanks, with a chapter on culpable homicide by Gerald Orchard.; Simester, A. P.
Criminal Law Oceania : Droit pénal international dans le Pacifique : tentatives d'harmonisation régionale = Regionalising international criminal law in the Pacific / Neil Boister, Alberto Cosit, editors.
Criminal Law Pakistan : Islamic criminal laws : Hudood laws & rules, with up-to-date commentary.; Waqar-ul-Haq, Mohammed.