Cupid Roman Deity In Literature : Cupid in early modern literature and culture / Jane Kingsley-Smith.; Kingsley-Smith, Jane,
Cupif Francois Approximately 1552 1638 : Trueth triumphant, or The late conversion of a learned doctor of Sorbon, D. Francis Cupif, Doctor of Diuinite; from poperie, to the profession of the true religion : With the degradation of the fore-named doctor, for the cause fore-sayd, by the Facultie of Divinitie at Paris, in Iulie last, 1637. And the sayd D. Francis his answere to the decree thereof, most learnedlie and succinctlie set downe. Faythfullie translated into English, out of the Latine print copie, by William Guild, D.D. minister at Aberdene, and chaplaine to his Majestie.
Curie Marie : Madame Curie : the biography by her daughter.; Curie Eve.
Curimatella Classification : Systematics of the neotropical characiform genus Curimatella Eigenmann and Eigenmann (Pisces: Ostariophysi), with summary comments on the Curimatidae.; Vari, Richard P.
Curione Celio Secondo 1503 1569 De Amplitudine Beati Regni Dei Dial : Pusillus grex : Elegchos. Refutatio cuiusdam libelli de amplitudine regni coelestis sub ementito Caelii Secundi Curionis nomine in lucem emissi. Qua docetur ex scripturis beatorum numerum majorem non esse numero damnatorum, sed potius minorem. Ad excutiendum securitatis veternum nostris hominibus potissimùm conscripta. Authore Thoma de Vicariis S.T. Bac. Pastore Cockfieldiensi in agro quondam Australium Saxonum.; Vicars, Thomas,
Curiosities And Wonders Early Works To 1800 Catalogues : A catalogue of many natural rarities ... / collected by Robert Hubert, aliàs Forges, Gent. ... and dayly to be seen at the place called the Musick House at the Miter, near the west end of St. Pauls Church.; Hubert, Robert,
Curiosities And Wonders England History 16th Century : The extraordinary and the everyday in early modern England : essays in celebration of the work of Bernard Capp / edited by Angela McShane, Garthine Walker.
Curiosities And Wonders England History 17th Century : The extraordinary and the everyday in early modern England : essays in celebration of the work of Bernard Capp / edited by Angela McShane, Garthine Walker.
Curiosities And Wonders England London Early Works To 1800 : The phoenix of these late times: or The life of Mr. Henry Welby, Esq; who liued at his house in Grub-street forty foure yeares, and in that space, was neuer seene by any. Aged 84. : Who in all that time neither dranke wine, nor eate flesh, as it is testified. Shewing the first occasion, and the reasons thereof. There is also intermixt some other passages, with the manner of his bestowing his charity and pious uses. Whose portracture, you may behold, as it was taken at his death. With some new epitaphs by those who formerly knew this gentleman, who lyeth buried in S. Giles Church neere Criple gate, London.
Curiosities And Wonders Estonia Early Works To 1800 : A true reporte of three straunge and wonderful accidents, lately hapened at Pernaw, a cittie in Lifflande : Wherein is conteyned a prophesie of the greate dearth and famine, which (by reason of the warres in those partes) hath there come to passe in the yeare last past, 1602. And also of the great victorie lately atchiued by the great Sophy, who with the aide & assistance of the King of Persia, ouerthrew the Turkish emperour with all his forces neere vnto the riuer Euphrates. Truely translated out of the Dutch printed coppie, printed at Nimmegen.
Curiosities And Wonders Finland Aland : Sällsamheter på Åland : en bok om historiska platser, saga och sägen, märkliga tilldragelser till sjöss och till lands / av Edvard och Erling Matz.; Matz, Edvard.
Curiosities And Wonders Iraq Babylon Early Works To 1800 : Nevves from Babylon : of a new-found Prince, that assoone as he was borne, spake, and wrought miracles by word of mouth. Sent from thence to the Great Master of Malta, by his Lieger Ambassador resident there, and from Malta disperst into most parts of Christendome. Shewing also a relation of a vision that was seen at Medina Talnabi, (where Mahomets tombe is) in Arabia, of a woman in the firmament, with a book in her hand. With a description of the Ile of Malta, and the dignity of the Great Master and Knights of the Order; with many other historicall occurrences.
Curiosities And Wonders Norway Early Works To 1800 : A most strange and wonderfull herring : taken on the 26. day of Nouember 1597, neere vnto Drenton sometime the old and chiefe cittie of the kingdome of Norway. Hauing on the one side the picture of two armed men fighting, and on the other most strange characters, as in the picture is here expressed. First printed in Dutch at Roterdam by Ian van Doetecam. And now translated into English.
Curiosities And Wonders Scotland Dumfries Early Works To 1800 : Wonderful and strange news from Scotland, : being a true and full relation of a person lately deceased at the town of Dumfreez, whose corps could by no art of man, or strength of cattle, be removed from the place where it lay. And when the house wherein it was, was wholly burnt down to the ground, the body, coffin, and table whereon it stood, remained whole and untoucht, and so continues to the great astonishment of all spectators. / Faithfully communicated by a person of quality, in a letter from the said town of Dumfreez. Dated Septemb. 8. 1673.
Curiosities And Wonders Scotland Early Works To 1800 : A summers divertisemet of mathematical and mechanical curiosities. : Being an account of the things seen at the House of Curiosities, near Grange Park. Part First.
Curiosity Congresses : Curiositas / herausgegeben von Andreas Speer und Robert Maximilian Schneider.
Curiosity In Children : Enquiring children, challenging teaching : investigating science processes.; De Bóo, Max,
Curiosity In Literature : Curiosity : a cultural history of early modern inquiry.; Benedict, Barbara M.
Curland England Maps : Somerset [cartographic material] : sheet ST 21 NE.; Great Britain.
Curley James Michael : The issue of good government and James Micheal Curley. Curley and the Boston scene from 1897-1918.; Zolot, Herbert Marshall.
Currants England Early Works To 1800 : An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, inhibiting the importation of currans..; England and Wales.
Currants Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Die Jovis 29. Febr. 1643. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, enabling the commissioners of the customs to make saile of certaine parcels of currants formerly seized upon by order of Parliament : and that the moneyes so arising be payed to Sir Walter Earle for the use of Reformado officers.; England and Wales.
Currency Boards Singapore Congresses : Currency board system : a stop-gap measure or a necessity : Currency Board System Symposium '97.; Currency Board System Symposium '97