Customer Services Communication Systems : Reaching the interactive customer : integrated services for the digital world / Mai-lan Tomsen, Ron Faith.; Tomsen, Mai-lan.
Customer Services Great Britain : The consumer in public services : choices, values and difference / edited by Richard Simmons, Martin Powell and Ian Greener.
Customhouses England Early Works To 1800 : A whippe for the custome-house curre, or, A survey of Ieremiah Watts his scurrilous pamphlet, called An answer to quaeries, touching reducement of the excise to the customes.; Dakins, Thomas.
Customhouses England London Early Works To 1800 : An abstract of the grieuances of the poore clerkes of his Maiesties custome-house London : by reason of letters pattents lately obtained for the erecting of a new office called the office of clerke of the bils in all his Maiesties custome-houses of England, contained likewise in briefe in a petition by them exhibited vnto this honorable assembly: as also relating the grieuances and inconueniences that do arise thereby to many merchants and tradesmen of the Citie of London: as by certificates vnder the hands of neare three hundred of them (annexed to the said petition) may appeare: viz.
Customs Administration Early Works To 1800 : Rules and directions given by Coll: Edmond Harvy, and the rest of the Commissioners for the Customs, to the collectors and other officers, to be by them observed, in collecting the customs, and the mannagement [sic] of their respective offices; England and Wales.
Customs Administration England Norwich History Sources : Great Yarmouth assembly minutes, 1538-1545 / P. Rutledge. The Norwich accounts for the customs on strangers’ goods and merchandise 1582-1610 / D.L. Richwood.; Rutledge, Paul.
Customs Administration European Union Countries : Business, border controls and the Single European Market : free movement of goods in the EU? / Alan Butt Philip and Martin Porter.; Butt Philip, Alan,
Customs Administration Forms Early Works To 1800 : Whereas we are informed, that there is brought into the port of London from [ blank ] in the ship or vessel called the [ blank ] whereof [ blank ] is master, [ blank ] of books, marked as in the margent, and specified in a catalogue presented unto us upon the accompt of [ blank ]. : These are to certify that in pursuance of act of Parliament in that behalf made, we have appointed [ blank ] or either of them, with one or more of the Company of Stationers ... to be present at the opening thereof, and to view the same ...; England and Wales.
Customs Administration Handbooks Manuals Etc : The A.B.C. mariners' guide : containing complete information relative to the mercantile and maritime laws and customs.; Stevens, R. T.