De La Grange Adolfo Katte Klitsche Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Vendittelli v. Italy : judgment of 18 July 1994 : B - Case of Katte Klitsche de la Grange v. Italy : judgment of 27 October 1994.; European Court of Human Rights.
De La Pryme Family : Wilburn family history : ancestors & famous relations / researched and compiled by Patricia Lilian Wilburn & Eric Wilburn.; Wilburn, Patricia Lilian.
De La Rue Mr : Mr. de la Rue's case. Humbly offer'd to the consideration of the Honourable the House of Commons.; De La Rue,
De Launay Andrew : Factum, or rehearsall of the whole cause, with proofes and reasons to maintaine and defend it
De Laune Thomas 1685 : A plea for the Non-Conformists : giving the true state of the dissenters case, and how far the Conformists separation from the Church of Rome, for their Popish superstitions and traditions introduced into the service of God, justifies the Non-Conformists separation from them for the same : in a letter to Dr. Benjamin Calamy, upon his sermon, called, Scrupulous conscience, inviting hereto : to which is added, A parallel scheme of the pagan, papal and Christian rites and ceremonies : with a narrative of the sufferings underwent for writing, printing and publishing hereof / by Thomas De Laune.; De Laune, Thomas,
De Laune Thomas 1685 Plea For The Non Conformists : A narrative of the sufferings of Thomas Delaune : for writing, printing and publishing a late book, called, A plea for the nonconformists, with some modest reflections thereon : directed to Doctor Calamy, in obedience to whose call, that work was undertaken / by Thomas Delaune.; De Laune, Thomas,
De Launey Nicolas : Tombel de Chartrose / édition critique par Audrey Sulpice.
De Leeuw Sarah : Unmarked : landscapes along Highway 16 / Sarah de Leeuw.; De Leeuw, Sarah.
De Maistre Roy Exhibitions : Roy de Maistre : a retrospective exhibition of paintings and drawings from 1917-1960 held at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, May-June 1960.
De Maria Walter 1935 2013 Lightning Field : Arts of wonder : enchanting secularity--Walter de Maria, Diller + Scofidio, James Turrell, Andy Goldsworthy / Jeffrey L. Kosky.; Kosky, Jeffrey L.
De Micheli Roberta Trials Litigation Etc : Cases of A - Zanghi, B - Padovani, C - Pizzetti, D - De Micheli, E - Salesi, F - Trevisan, G - Billi, H - Messina v. Italy : judgments of 10 and 26 February 1993.; European Court of Human Rights.
De Verdun Family : The fortunes of a Norman family : the de Verduns in England, Ireland and Wales, 1066-1316.; Hagger, Mark S.
De Vizars Gentleman : A copie of the letter, of the Nationall Synod of the Reformed Churches of France. Represented to the Kings Majesty. Together, with the complaint made to his Majestie, concerning divers aggrievances, at Campeigne the 16. of September, 1631. by the two deputies of the said synod, Mr. Amirault minister, and Mr. De Vizars gentleman. With the answer and the letter of his Majesty returned to the synod; Eglises réformées de France.
De Waal Kit Childhood And Youth : Without warning & only sometimes : scenes from an unpredictable childhood / Kit de Waal.; De Waal, Kit,
De Wet Christiaan Rudolf 1854 1922 : The great escape of the Boer Pimpernel : Christiaan de Wet - the making of a legend / Fransjohan Pretorius ; translated and adapted by Stephen Hofstätter assisted by Wilhelm Snyman.; Pretorius, F.
De Wint Peter : Masters of English landscape painting : J.S. Cotman, David Cox, Peter De Wint.
De Winton Jeffreys Parry 1829 1892 : De Winton's of Caernarfon, 1854-1892 : Mr. Owen Thomas and Jeffreys de Winton, Esq. : maritime aspects of the Union Foundry business, Caernarfon.; Lloyd, Lewis,
De Wintons Firm : De Winton's of Caernarfon, 1854-1892 : Mr. Owen Thomas and Jeffreys de Winton, Esq. : maritime aspects of the Union Foundry business, Caernarfon.; Lloyd, Lewis,
De Wolf Family : Traces of the trade [videorecording] : a story from the Deep North / directed, produced and written by Katrina Browne.
Deacon John Active 17th Century Dialogicall Discourses Of Spirits And : A suruey of certaine dialogical discourses: vvritten by Iohn Deacon, and Iohn Walker, concerning the doctrine of the possession and dispossession of diuels : VVherein is manifested the palpable ignorance and dangerous errors of the discoursers, and what according to proportion of God his truth, every christian is to hold in these poyntes. Published by Iohn Darrell minister of the gospell.; Darrel, John,
Deacon John Active 17th Century Publick Discovery Of A Secret Deceit : A publike discovery, of the open blindness of Babels builders, and their confused language, who have been building without, till they deny faith, knowledge and the Gospel light within, the law of the new covenant, and matter of the new creature. : Plainly laid open in an answer to a book intituled A publike discovery of a secret deceipt, subscribed John Deacon, in behalf of some who pretend a call to the ministry. Wherein their first queries their replyes; their answers to my queries, and their last queries is answered, and their whole work laid open, and the end thereof with queries sent back, by them to be answered, that their boasting spirit may be farther revealed, & its blindness. Here is also some of their confusions taken out of the heap, and set by themselves to be seen, how they will stand in the eye of truth, where but the least measure of God is known. / By an enemy to deceit, but a friend to the creation, called James Naylor.; Naylor, James,