Delivery Of Goods Law Terminology : Incoterms 2010 : ICC rules for the use of domestic and international trade terms : entry into force 1 January 2011.
Dell Francis 1843 1928 : Voyages under sail : 1864 - Eagle Speed from Gravesend to Auckland, New Zealand (127 days); 1867 - SS Great Britain from Melbourne to Liverpool (57 days, a record) : from the log of Francis Dell / edited by Allen Pearson.; Dell, Francis,
Dell George 1606 : The most cruell and bloody murther committed by an Inkeepers wife, called Annis Dell, and her sonne George Dell, foure yeeres since : On the bodie of a childe, called Anthony Iames in Bishops Hatfield in the countie of Hartford, and now most miraculously reuealed by the sister of the said Anthony, who at the time of the murther had her tongue cut out, and foure yeeres remayned dumme and speechlesse, and now perfectly speaketh, reuealing the murther, hauing no tongue to be seen. With the seuerall vvitch-crafts, and most damnable practises of one Iohane Harrison and her daughter vpon seuerall persons, men and women at Royston, who were all executed at Hartford the 4 of August last past. 1606.
Dell William 1664 Baptismon Didache : A plea for the vse of gospell ordinances: : against the practice and opinions of certain men of these times. Unto which is added by way of an illustrious instance; a vindication of the ordinance of baptisme: against Mr. Dels booke, entituled The doctrine of baptismes. Wherein it's proved that the ordinance of baptism is of gospel institution, and by divine appointment, to continue of use in the Church, to the end of the world. / By Hen: Laurence Esq;.; Lawrence, Henry,
Dell William 1664 Building And Glory Of The Truely Christian And Spirit : A vindication of certaine citizens that lately went to the leaguer, then before Oxford, or, Their answer to some prevaricating passages, inserted in an epistle, lately published by William Dell, minister of the Gospel. : Occasioned, by their attesting his delivering of certain positions, in a sermon at the leaguer, here set down, they being thereunto called by the House of Lords. Published by authoritie.
Dell William 1664 Stumbling Stone : A sermon, preached at St. Marie's in the University of Cambridge May 1st, 1653. Or, An essay to the discovery of the spirit of enthusiasme and pretended inspiration, that disturbs and strikes at the universities: / by Joseph Sedgwick, Mr. of Arts, and Fellow of Christs Coll: in the University of Cambridge. Together with an appendix, wherein Mr. Del's Stumblingstone is briefly repli'd unto: and a fuller discourse of the use of universities and learning upon an ecclesiasticall account, submitted by the same authour to the judgement of every impartial and rational Christian.; Sedgwick, Joseph,
Dell William 1664 Stumblingstone : A sermon, preached at St. Marie's in the University of Cambridge, May 1st, 1653, or, An essay to the discovery of the spirit of enthusiasme and pretended inspiration, that disturbs and strikes at the universities / by Joseph Sedgwick ... ; together with an appendix, wherein Mr. Del's Stumblingstone is briefly repli'd unto, and a fuller discourse of the use of universities and learning upon an ecclesiasticall account, submitted ...; Sedgwick, Joseph,
Delphi Method : Gazing into the oracle : the Delphi method and its application to social policy and public health / edited by Michael Adler and Erio Ziglio.
Delphian Oracle : Delphi phoenicizantes, sive, Tractatus, in quo Græcos, quicquid apud Delphos celebre erat : seu Poythonis & Apollinis historiam seu pœanica certamina & præmia, seu priscam templi fromam at que inscriptionem seu tripoden, oraculum, &c. spectes e josuæ historia scriptisque sacris effinxisse, rationibus haud inconcinnis ostenditur : et quamplurima quæ philogiæ studiosis apprime jucucda futurasunt : aliter ac vulog solent enarrantur : appenditur diatriba de Noae in italiam adventu ejusque nominibus ethnicis : nec non de origine Druidum : his accessit oratiuncula pro Philosophia liberanda / authore Edmundo Dickinsono ...; Dickinson, Edmund,
Delphic Oracle : Les themes de la propagande Delphique.; Defradas, Jean.
Delphinidae : Anatomy of the external nasal passages and facial complex in the Delphinidae (Mammalia:Cetacea).; Mead, James G.
Delta Jazzmen : Mike Daniels and the Delta Jazzmen.; Bowen, Michael.
Delta Michel Sophie Trials Litigation Etc : A : Delta case : judgment of 19 December 1990; B : Djeroud case : judgment of 23 January 1991.; European Court of Human Rights.
Delta Miss Region Civilization : The most southern place on earth : the Mississippi Delta and the roots of regional identity / James C. Cobb.; Cobb, James C.
Delta Miss Region Economic Conditions : The most southern place on earth : the Mississippi Delta and the roots of regional identity / James C. Cobb.; Cobb, James C.
Delta Miss Region Social Conditions : The most southern place on earth : the Mississippi Delta and the roots of regional identity / James C. Cobb.; Cobb, James C.
Deltas : Deltaic sedimentation, modern and ancient / edited by James P. Morgan with assistance from Robert H. Shaver.
Deluge Early Works To 1800 : An examination of Dr. Woodward's account of the deluge, &c. : with a comparison between Steno's philosophy and the doctor's, in the case of marine bodies dug out of the earth / by J.A. ... ; with a letter to the author concerning an abstract of Agostino Scilla's book on the same subject, printed in the philosophical transactions by W.W. ...; Arbuthnot, John,