Delta Miss Region Economic Conditions : The most southern place on earth : the Mississippi Delta and the roots of regional identity / James C. Cobb.; Cobb, James C.
Delta Miss Region Social Conditions : The most southern place on earth : the Mississippi Delta and the roots of regional identity / James C. Cobb.; Cobb, James C.
Deltas : Deltaic sedimentation, modern and ancient / edited by James P. Morgan with assistance from Robert H. Shaver.
Deluge Early Works To 1800 : An examination of Dr. Woodward's account of the deluge, &c. : with a comparison between Steno's philosophy and the doctor's, in the case of marine bodies dug out of the earth / by J.A. ... ; with a letter to the author concerning an abstract of Agostino Scilla's book on the same subject, printed in the philosophical transactions by W.W. ...; Arbuthnot, John,
Delusions England Early Works To 1800 : Pseudochristus: or, A true and faithful relation of the grand impostures, horrid blasphemies, abominable practises gross deceits; : lately spread abroad and acted in the county of Southampton, by William Frankelin and Mary Gadbury, and their companions. The one most blasphemously professing and asserting himself to be the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God who dyed and was crucified at Jerusalem for the sins of the people of God. The other as wickedly professing and asserting her self to be the Spouse of Christ, called, the Lady Mary, the Queen, and Bride, and Lambs Wife. Together with the visions and revelations, to which they did pretend their ways of deceiving, with the names and actions of sundry persons deceived by them. As also their examinations and confessions before the justices of the peace, their imprisonment, and their tryal before the judg of assize, at the last assize holden at Winchester, March 7. 1649. Published for a publique benefit and warning to every one to take heed to himself, that he be not deceived by the errors and deceits of these present times. / By Humphry Ellis, minister of the word in the city of Winton.; Ellis, Humphrey,
Delusions In Literature : Cognitive confusions : dreams, delusions and illusions in early modern European culture / edited by Ita Mac Carthy, Kirsti Sellevold and Olivia Smith.
Deluz Christiane : Espace vecu, mesure, imagine : numero en l'honneur de Christiane Deluz / (textes des melanges reunis par Christine Bousquet-Labouerie).
Delves England Maps : [Durham] [cartographic material] : sheet NZ 14 NW.; Great Britain.
Delvin Estate Montserrat : Delvin Estate papers (Montserrat, Leeward Islands) 1812-1838 from Rudding Park, Harrogate.
Demai Christian 1962 Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Vallée v. France : judgment of 26 April 1994 : B - Case of Karakaya v. France : judgment of 26 August 1994 : C - Case of Demai v. France : judgment of 28 October 1994.; European Court of Human Rights.
Demarcation Line Of Alexander Vi Early Works To 1800 : The Protestant religion is a sure foundation and principle of a true Christian, : and a good subject, a great friend to humane society, and a grand promoter of all virtues, both Christian and moral. / By Charles Earl of Derby, Lord of Mann, and the Isles.; Derby, Charles Stanley,
Demarolle Pierre : Mélanges de langue et de littérature françaises du Moyen Âge : offerts à Pierre Demarolle / réunis et présentés par Charles Brucker.
Dementia Nutritional Aspects : Eating and drinking well : supporting people living with dementia : workbook / Joanne Holmes, Jane Murphy & Janet Scammell.; Holmes, Joanne.
Dementia Palliative Care : Palliative care in severe dementia : in association with Nursing and residential care / edited by Julian C. Hughes.
Dementia Patients Care Case Studies : Remote and rural dementia care [electronic resource] : policy, research and practice / edited by Anthea Innes, Debra Morgan, Jane Farmer.
Dementia Patients Care Popular Works : Dementia positive : a handbook based on lived experiences : for everyone wishing to improve the lives of those with dementia / John Killick.; Killick, John,