Diplomacy Case Studies : The failure of the Middle East peace process? [electronic resource] : a comparative analysis of peace implementation in Israel/Palestine, Northern Ireland and South Africa / edited by Guy Ben-Porat.
Diplomacy Dictionaries : A dictionary of diplomacy / G.R. Berridge and Alan James.; Berridge, G. R.
Diplomacy Diplomatic Service : instruction in diplomacy : the liberal arts approach / editor S. Simpson.; Simpson, Smith.
Diplomacy History 18th Century : Settlers in Indian country : sovereignty and Indigenous power in early America / Charles W. A. Prior.; Prior, Charles W. A.,
Diplomatic And Consular Service England Early Works To 1800 : Finetti Philoxenis: som choice observations of Sr. John Finett knight, : and master of the ceremonies to the two last Kings, touching the reception, and precedence, the treatment and audience, the puntillios and contests of forren ambassadors in England.; Finet, John,
Diplomatic Etiquette Early Works To 1800 : Instructions for young gentlemen: or, The instructions of Cardinal Sermonetto to his cousin Petro Caetano, : at his first going into Flanders to the Duke of Parma, to serve Philip King of Spain.; Gaetani, Enrico,
Diplomatic Etiquette Germany Leipzig History : Theatrum Praecedentiae : zeremonieller Rang und gesellschaftliche Ordnung in der frühneuzeitlichen Stadt, Leipzig 1500-1800 / Thomas Weller.; Weller, Thomas.
Diplomatic Protection History : Palmerston and Africa : the Rio Nuñez affair, competition, diplomacy and justice / Roderick Braithwaite.; Braithwaite, Roderick