Dutch Iran : The earliest relations between Persia and the Netherlands.; Meilink-Roelofsz, M.A.P.
Dutch Italy Genoa History 17th Century : Merchants, interlopers, seamen and corsairs : the "Flemish" community in Livorno and Genoa (1615-1635).; Engels, Marie-Christine.
Dutch Italy Livorno History 17th Century : Merchants, interlopers, seamen and corsairs : the "Flemish" community in Livorno and Genoa (1615-1635).; Engels, Marie-Christine.
Dutch Japan : De betrekkingen tusschen de Oost-Indische Compagnie en Japan.; Dekker, F.
Dutch Language Composition And Exercises : The English schole-master, or, Certaine rules and helpes : whereby the natives of the Netherlandes, may bee, in a short time, taught to read, understand, and speake, the English tongue : by the helpe whereof, the English also may be better instructed in the knowledge of the Dutch tongue, than by any vocabulars, or other Dutch and English books, which hitherto they have had for that purpose.
Dutch Language Composition And Exercises Early Works To 1800 : The English schole-master or certaine rules and helpes : whereby the natives of the Netherlandes, may bee, in a short time, taught to read, understand, and speake, the English tongue. By the helpe whereof, the English also may be better instructed in the knowledge of the Dutch tongue, than by any vocabulars, or other Dutch and English books, which hitherto they have had, for that purpose.
Dutch Language Conversation And Phrase Books French Early Works To 1800 : La vraye instruction des trois langues la Francoise, l'Angloise, & la Flamende : proposee en des regles fondamentelles & succinctes, un assemblage des mots les plus usitez, & des colloques utiles & recreatifs; ou, horsmis d'autres discours curieus, le gouvernement de la France se deduit historiquement & politiquement: mise en ces trois langues par Guillaume Beyer.; Beyer, Guillaume.
Dutch Language Dialectology : Naast het Nederlands : dialecten van Schelde tot Schiermonnikoog.; Scholtmeijer, Harrie,
Dutch Language Dialects Bibliography : Bibliografie der dialecten van Nederland 1800-1950 / in opdracht van de Dialectencommissie der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen samengesteld door P.J. Meertens en B. Wander.; Meertens, Pieter Jacobus.
Dutch Language Dialects Phonology : Dialectfonologie : lezingen gehouden op het symposion van de afdeling Dialectologie van het P.J. Mertens-Instituut op vrijdag 27 november 1992 / onder redactie van G.E. Booij en J. van Marle.
Dutch Language Dictionaries Malay : Maleisch woordenboek : Maleisch-Nederlandsch, Nederlandsch-Maleisch, in de officieele Maleisch spelling.; Ronkel, Philippus Samuel van.
Dutch Language Dictionaries Polyglot : Velder internationale vaktermenlijst voor juristen, fiscalisten, accountants, bankwesen, handel en industrie / M.A.A. van Capelle, H.G. Punt.; Capelle, M.A.A. van.
Dutch Language Dictionaries Polyglot Early Works To 1800 : Le dictionaire des huict langaiges: : c'est à sçauoir grec, latin, flameng, françois, espagnol, italien, anglois & aleman: fort vtile & necessaire pour tous studieux & amateurs des lettres..
Dutch Language Foreign Elements Greek : Nota bene : de invloed van het Latijn en Grieks op het Nederlands / Nicoline van der Sijs, Jaap Engelsman.; Sijs, Nicoline van der.