Dutch Poetry Surinam : Spiegel van de Surinaamse poezie : van de oude liedkunst tot de jongste dichters / bijeengebracht, van een inleiding en aantekeningen voorzien door Michiel van Kempen.
Dutch Poetry Women Authors : The defiant muse : Dutch and Flemish feminist poems from the Middle Ages to the present : a bilingual anthology / edited and with an introduction by Maaike Meijer ; co-editors, Erica Eijsker, Ankie Peypers, and Yopie Prins.
Dutch Poetry Women Authors Translations Into English : The defiant muse : Dutch and Flemish feminist poems from the Middle Ages to the present : a bilingual anthology / edited and with an introduction by Maaike Meijer ; co-editors, Erica Eijsker, Ankie Peypers, and Yopie Prins.
Dutch Political Activity : Mondiger of moeilijker? : een studie naar de politieke habitus van hedendaagse burgers.; Brink, Gabriël van den.
Dutch War 1672 1678 Campaigns England : A True relation of the engagement of His Majesties fleet under the command of His Royal Highness with the Dutch fleet, May 28, 1672 / in a letter from H.S. Esquire, on board His Royal Highness, to the Earl of Arlington, principal secretary of state.; Savile, Henry,
Dutch War 1672 1678 Campaigns France Early Works To 1800 : Relation of the late battail between the two great armies of the Conferderates and the King of France, : at the River Pieton, between the Charleroy and Nieuell, on Saturday the 11. August N.S. 1674.
Dutch War 1672 1678 Campaigns Netherlands Early Works To 1800 : A perfect journal of what daily passed at the siege before the city of Grave : beginning the 27 of July 1674 till the surrender to His royal Highness the Prince of Orange, on the 28 of October 1674 : with articles agreed upon by the foresaid Prince of Orange, and the Governor Count de Chamilly : also a list of the canon, ammunition, armes and provision found in the city : likewise the order of the French marching out, with number, armes, and canon, &c. / translated from the true Dutch coppy [sic], by a person of quality.
Dutch War 1672 1678 Campaigns North Sea Early Works To 1800 : His Highness Prince Rupert's letter to the Earl of Arlington His Majesties Principal Secretary of State. : From on board the Royal Charles off the Oster-bank, the 29th of May, 1673. Distant for East Capel Seven Leagues, at one of the clock afternoon, the wind S.S.W.; Rupert,
Dutch War 1672 1678 Casualties Early Works To 1800 : A particular and exact list of such officers, as well of cheif as lower quality of his Highness, the Prince of Oranges army, : as were killed, wounded, and taken prisoner, in the late fight, which was on the ¹/₁₁ August, 1674 between his said Highness and the Prince of Conde. As likewise, a list of the killed and wounded in the French army, as it was published at the Hague by Arnout Lecours.
Dutch War 1672 1678 Early Works To 1800 Early Works To 1800 : His Majesties gracious speech together with the Lord Chancellors, : to both Houses of Parliament. To which is added His Lordships several speeches; as also those of Sir Job Charleton, at his admission as Speaker to the honourable House of Commons. Delivered at the opening of the Parliament, on Tuesday February 4. And Wednesday February 5. 1672.; England and Wales.
Dutch War 1672 1678 Finance : At the Court at White Hall, January 2, 1671/2 : present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ...; England and Wales.
Dutch War 1672 1678 Peace : Avertissement, l'allegation que l'autheur des considerations sur l'alliance de France, fait de la lettre du Roy T.C. aux estats du 18. May. 1678 ...
Dutch War 1672 1678 Personal Narratives : Two letters : the one from a Dutchman to his correspondent in England, the other an answer from the said correspondent : in which most things of note (that relate to, or have been transacted in this in this hostility) are very fully handled : with the present condition of both countries.; F. C.
Dutch War 1672 1678 Prophecies : A letter out of Holland, dated April 30, stilo novo : wherein is shewn the desperate and distracted condition of those countries and people : with a prophecie inclosed, made by one of their own astrologers, who predicts many strange and wonderful things that will happen amongst the states of the United Provinces.
Dutch War 1672 1678 Treaties Sources : A proclamation, : for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the States General of the United Netherlands.; England and Wales.
Dutourd Jean 1920 Au Bon Beurre : Jean Dutourd, Au bon beurre : scènes de la vie sous l'Occupation / Kay Chadwick.; Chadwick, Kay.
Dutten John : The innocent in prison complayning: or, A true relation of the proceedings of the committee at Ipswich, the committee at Bury St. Edmunds, in the county of Suffolke, against one Andrew Wyke : a witnesse of Jesus, in the same county; who was committed to prison, June 3, 1646 and there to abide without bayle or mainprise, untill the next sessions or assizes to be holden in the aforesayd country ... To which is annexed a relation of the imprisonment of John Dutten who was violently surprised in his bed in the towne of Strade-brooke, by the constables of the sayd towne, without any warrant from any justice of peace or any other in authority ...
Dutton England Maps : [Cheshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SJ 57 NE.; Great Britain.
Dutton Henry Sir : By the King, a proclamation for apprehending and securing the person of Robert Fielding; England and Wales.
Dutton John Active 1694 : John Dutton's, alias Prince Dutton's farewel to Temple-Bar. Licensed, June 19th, 1694; Dutton, John,