Easter Dues Early Works To 1800 : A letter to the parishioners of St. B.--- A.--- [St. Botolph Aldgate] : shewing the use and necessity of paying Easter-offerings, now restored to the parish minister.; Brewster, Samuel,
Easter England Early Works To 1800 : Certaine queries proposed by the king : to the Lords and Commons Commissioners from the Honourable Houses for Parliament, attending His Majesty at Holdenby, the 23 of this instant Aprill, 1647 touching the celebration of the feast of Easter. With an answer thereunto, given and presented to His Majesty by Sir James Harrington Knight and Barronet a Commissioner there.; England and Wales.
Easter Island : The voyage of Captain Don Felipe González in the ship of the line San Lorenzo, with the frigate Santa Rosalia in company, to Easter island in 1770-1 : preceded by an extract from Mynheer Jacob Roggeveen's official log of his discovery of and visit to Easter Island, in 1772 / transcribed, translated, and edited by Bolton Glanvill Corney.; González y Haedo, Felipe,
Easter Island Antiquities : The enigmas of Easter Island : island on the edge / John Flenley and Paul Bahn.; Flenley, John.
Eastern Bengal And Assam India Description And Travel Early Works To 18 : Newes from the East-Indies; or, a voyage to Bengalla, one of the greatest kingdomes under the high and mighty prince Pedesha Shassallem, usually called the Great Mogull : With the state and magnificence of the court of Malcandy, kept by the nabob viceroy, or vice-king under the aforesayd monarch: also their detestable religion, mad and foppish rites, and ceremonies, and wicked sacrifices and impious customes used in those parts. Written by William Bruton, now resident in the parish of S. Saviours Southwark, who was an eye and eare witnesse ...; Bruton, William.