Economic History Great Britain 1600 1800 : The journals of two travellers in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England / Thomas Platter and Horatio Busino.; Platter, Thomas.
Economic History Historiography : The British Marxist historians : an introductory analysis / [with a new preface by the author and a foreword by Eric Hobsbawm].; Kaye, Harvey J.
Economic Indicators Oecd Countries : Industrial competitiveness : benchmarking business environments in the global economy / project co-ordinated by Mr Rauf Gonenc, assisted by Mr Osman Erogan.
Economic Indicators Statistical Methods : Large databases in economic history : research methods and case studies / edited by Mark Casson and Nigar Hashimzade.
Economic Lag : Unravelling global apartheid : an overview of world politics.; Alexander, Titus.
Economic Law International Congresses : Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992.; United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.
Economic Man Miscellanea : Superfreakonomics : global cooling, patriotic prostitutes, and why suicide bombers should buy life insurance / Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner.; Levitt, Steven D.
Economic Methodology : Critical realism in economics : development and debate / [editor], Steve Fleetwood.
Economic Policy Decision Making : Valuing nature with travel cost models : a manual / Frank A. Ward, Diana Beal.; Ward, Frank A.
Economic Policy Early Works To 1800 : Parte prima delle brevi dimostrationi, et precetti vtilissimi ne i quali si trattano diuersi propositi morali, politici, & iconomici : & che conuengono ancora ad ogni nobil Matrona. Cauati da una diligente osseruation di cose diuersʹe; et scritti al comun beneficio deli huomini ciuili. Da Petruccio Vbaldino cittadin Fiorentino.; Ubaldini, Petruccio,