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Election Officals England Early Works To 1800 : A True and perfect relation of the manner and proceeding, held by the sheriffe for the county of Berk: at Redding, upon the 20th. of Aug. last 1656. : being the day upon which five knights to serve in Parliament for the said county, should have been elected. With some preceding passages. / Published by a eye-witnesse, and one who can produce many unquestionable oaths and testimonies for every particular therein contained.  1656 1
Election Sermons   5
Election Sermons Connecticut   3
Election Sermons Connecticut Early Works To 1800 : Sound repentance the right way to escape deserved ruine; or A solid and awakening discourse : exhorting the people of God to comply with his counsel by a hearty practical turning from sin to himself and his service thereby to prevent their being made desolate by his departing from them. As it was delivered in a sermon preached at Hartford on Conecticut in New England, May 14th 1685 being the day of election there / by Mr. Samuel Wakeman, pastor of the Church of Christ in Fairfield.; Wakeman, Samuel,  1685 1
Election Sermons Massachusetts   10
Election Sermons Massachusetts Boston   5
Election Sermons Massachusetts Early Works To 1800   3
Election Sermons Scotland 17th Century : A sermon preached in the High-Church of Edinburgh, at the election of the magistrats of the city. : On the 2d. of Octob. 1694. / by James Webster, Minister of the Gospel.; Webster, James,  1694 1
Election Theology   36
Election Theology Early Works To 1800   37
Election Theology History Of Doctrines 16th Century : The Doctrine of Election and the Emergence of Elizabethan Tragedy.; Rozett, Martha Tuck.  2014 1
Election Theology Poetry : The Pharisee slain, or, A scriptural reply to Dagon-Fallen.  1819 1
Election Theology Sermons : The absolute and peremptory decree of election to eternal glory reprobated : in a sermon preached before the university in Great St. Maries Church in Cambridge / by Robert Neville ...; Neville, Robert,  1682 1
Election Theology Sermons Early Works To 1800   2
Electioneering   2
Electioneering England Early Works To 1800 : The moderate Parliament considered in this time of danger: : being an answer to a letter sent a person of quality about electing a member to sit in the ensuing Parliament.; G. P.  1679 1
Electioneering United States   2
Elections   20
Elections Africa West : Election management bodies in West Africa [electronic resource] : a comparative study of the contribution of electoral commissions to the strenthening of democracy / by Ismaila Madior Fall ... [et al.].; Fall, Ismaila Madior.  2011 1
Elections And Referenda   5
Elections Australia History : Directions in Australian electoral reform : professionalism and partisanship in electoral management / Norm Kelly.; Kelly, Norm.  2012 1
Elections Bolivia : The 1997 Bolivian election in historical perspective.; Dunkerley, James.  1998 1
Elections Brazil : The deadlock of democracy in Brazil.; Ames, Barry.  2002 1
Elections Canada : Making every vote count : reassessing Canada's electoral system / edited by Henry Milner.  1999 1
Elections Case Studies : Devolution and electoral politics / edited by Dan Hough and Charlie Jeffery.  2006 1
Elections Catalonia Spain : Leadership effects in regional elections : the Catalan case / Agustí Bosch, Guillem Rico.; Bosch, Agustí.  2003 1
Elections Chile : Democracy after Pinochet : politics, parties and elections in Chile / Alan Angell.; Angell, Alan.  c2007 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Bedford Early Works To 1800 : The case of Thomas Christy of Bedford, esquire.  1690 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Bridgwater Early Works To 1800 : The case of Robert Balch of Bridgwater gent., sitting member of Parliament for the borough of Bridgwater, in the county of Sommerset, : petitioned against by John Gardner of London merchant.  1692 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Cirencester Early Works To 1800 : The case of J. Howe, : touching the election of Cirencester.  1690 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Clitheroe Early Works To 1800 : The case of the honourable Fytton Gerard Esq; returned to serve in Parliament for the borough of Clitheroe, : against John Weddall Esq; appointed to be heard on the 15th day of this instant January.  1694 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Cornwall Early Works To 1800   3
Elections Corrupt Practices England Dartmouth Early Works To 1800 : The case of Nathaniel Herne, : relating to his election at Dartmouth in Devon.  1673 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Dorset Early Works To 1800   2
Elections Corrupt Practices England Early Works To 1800 : The case of Mr. William Cooke, &c..; Cooke, William,  1675 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Essex Early Works To 1800 : The case of John Lemott Honywood, Esq; : relating to the election for the county of Essex.  1693 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Essex England Early Works To 1800 : The case of Richard Hutchinson, Esq; : against Sir Eliab Harvey, return'd to serve as burgess for Malden, in the county of Essex, in the place of Sir Thomas Darcy, deceased. Appointed to be heard on the 10th day of January.  1694 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Hull : Report of the commissioners appointed under Her Majesty's Royal Sign Manual to inquire into the existence of corrupt practices in the Borough of Kingston-upon-Hull : together with the minutes of evidence, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty.; Great Britain.  1853 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Knaresborough Early Works To 1800 : The case of the ancient burrough of Knaresborough, in the county of York, : In the return of Thomas Fawkes Esq; to serve as one of the representatives of the said burrough, in this convention.  1689 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Somerset Early Works To 1800 : The case of the petitioners, William Strode and John Speke, Esquires.  1689 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Taunton Early Works To 1800 : The case of Sir William Portman, and John Sandford, Esq; : burgesses for the burrough of Taunton.  1689 1
Elections Corrupt Practices England Thetford Early Works To 1800 : The case of the right honourable William Harbourd, Esq; and Sir Francis Guybon, knight, : chosen members for thr burrough of Thetford, to serve in this present Parliament.  1690 1
Elections Corrupt Practices Scotland Wigtown Early Works To 1800 : Information for Lord Basil Hamilton : concerning the election of a commissioner for the barons of the shire of Wigton.  1700 1
Elections Corrupt Practices United States : All the President's men / [by] Carl Berstein [and] Bob Woodward.; Bernstein, Carl,  1974 1
Elections Denmark : Voting and political attitudes in Denmark : a study of the 1994 election / Ole Borre, Jorgen Goul Andersen.; Borre, Ole.  1997 1
Elections Eastern Europe   33
Elections Encyclopedias : International encyclopedia of elections / Richard Rose, editor in chief.  2000 1
Elections England   12
Elections England Berkshire : The Case of the burrough of New-Windsor, in the county of Berks, concerning the election of their burgesses to serve in this ensuing Parliament  1680? 1
Elections England Berkshire Early Works To 1800   2
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