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Mark   Year Entries
Episcopacy Scotland : Some remarks on a scandalous paper entituled, The humble representation of the Presbyterians, to his Grace his Majesties high commissioner, and the estates of Parliament, May 30, 1695 : wherein the disingenuity of the present faction, that oppose episcopacy in Scotland, their inconsistency with their own principles, and cruelty towards all of a different perswasion, are clearly manifested.  1695 1
Episcopacy Scotland Early Works To 1800 : Cum bono deo. A remonstrance to the Godly party. : Two maine quæries, which stand much usefull fo these our times. ... And a vindication of both. / By Andrew Logie sometime Arch-Deane of Aberdene; Penned by the author, ann. 1654, and printed 1661.; Logie, Andrew.  1661 1
Episcopacy Sermons   2
Episcopacy Sermons 17th Century   2
  Episcopal Church -- See Also Anglican Communion
Episcopal Church   37
Episcopal Church Clergy   2
Episcopal Church Clergy Biography : Alexander Crummell (1819-1898) and the creation of an African-American church in Liberia / J.R. Oldfield.; Oldfield, J. R.  c1990 1
Episcopal Church Diocese Of Albany : A history of the Diocese of Albany 1704-1923 / by George E. DeMille. With foreword by the Bishop of Albany.; DeMille, George E. (George Edmed),  1946 1
Episcopal Church General Convention 1973 Louisville Ky : Essays on issues facing the Episcopal Church at its 1973 General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky / edited by W.T. Stevenson.; Stevenson, W. Taylor.  1973 1
Episcopal Church History Colonial Period Ca 1600 1775 : The Fulham papers in the Lambeth Palace library : American colonial section, calendar and indexes / compiled by William Wilson Manross.  1965 1
  Episcopal Church In Scotland -- See Also Anglican Communion
Episcopal Church In Scotland   21
Episcopal Church In Scotland Declinator And Protestation Of The Archbishops : The declinatour and protestation of the some some-times [sic] pretended bishops, presented in face of the last Assembly. Refuted and found futile, but full of insolent reproaches, and bold assertions; Church of Scotland.  1639 1
Episcopal Church In Scotland Diocese Of Aberdeen : Information for the ministers in the Diocess of Aberdene cited before the Parliament.; Episcopal Church in Scotland.  1695 1
Episcopal Church Southern States Clergy Biography : Led on ! step by step : scences from clerical, military educational, and plantation life in the South 1828-1898 : an autobiography / by A. Toomer Porter.; Porter, Anthony Toomer,  1969 1
Episcopal Conferences Catholic France Early Works To 1800 : The censure and declaration of the general assembly of the clergy of France : convened in the royal palace of St. Germain, in the year MDCC. concerning matters of faith and manners. / Published and printed by the order of the said general assembly, and printed with the approbation of the King at Paris, MDCC. Translated into English by O.R. Together with the original Latin.; Catholic Church.  1700 1
Episcopius Simon 1583 1643   2
Episcopius Simon 1583 1643 Institutionses Theologicae : Judicium Ecclesiae Catholicae trium primorum seculorum de necessitate credendi quod Dominus noster Jesus Churistus sit verus Deus : assertum contra M. Simonem Episcopium alisosque / authore Georgio Bullo ...; Bull, George,  1694 1
Episiotomy : Perineal tears / Chris Kettle.; Kettle, Chris.  c1999 1
Episodic Memory   2
Epistasis Genetics : Epistasis and the evolutionary process / edited by Jason B. Wolf, Edmund D. Brodie III, Michael J. Wade.  2000 1
Epistemic Logic : Indigenizing philosophy through the land : a trickster methodology for decolonizing environmental ethics and indigenous futures / Brian Burkhart.; Burkhart, Brian,  2019 1
Epistemics : Ignorance and imagination : the epistemic origin of the problem of consciousness / Daniel Stoljar.; Stoljar, Daniel.  2009 1
  Epistemology -- See Knowledge, Theory of
Epistle Of Barnabas   2
Epistle Of Barnabas English : A prospect of the primitive Christianity, as it was left by Christ to his Apostles, by the Apostles to their disciples Saint Polycarp and Holy Ignatius, both contemporaries with and disciples to the Holy Evangelist and Apostle Saint John : whose lives follow in this short treatise, together with their famous epistles written to several churches / translated according to the best copies out of the original Greek into English, by Thomas Elborowe ...; Elborow, Thomas.  1668 1
Epistle Or Apologie Of A True And Charitable Brother Of The Reformed Church   2
Epistle To The Churches Of The Anabaptists So Called   2
Epistle Written By N E : An epistle dedicated to an honourable person : in the which are discouered a dozen bad spirits, who from the beginning haue much haunted & grieuously tormented the Protestant congregation, so that euery one may perceaue, if he be not tooto [sic] partiall, and ouermuch carryed away with affection, that such an assembly cannot be the true Church of God.; Wright, William,  1622 1
Epistles Of Phalaris : Dialogues of the dead : relating to the present controversy concerning the Epistles of Phalaris / by the author of the Journey to London.; King, William,  1699 1
Epistolaries Early Works To 1800 : Epistolae HN. : De Vornompste Epistelen HN, die he dorch den Hilligen geist der Lieften ...; Niclaes, Hendrik,  1577 1
Epistolary Fiction English : Samuel Richardson's fictions of gender / Tassie Gwilliam.; Gwilliam, Tassie,  c1993 1
Epistolary Fiction English Early Works To 1800 : Several letters; containing the amours of 1. The unfortunate dutchess; or, The lucky gamester. 2. Love after enjoyment; or, Fatal constancy. 3. The unhappy mistake; or, The fate of cross'd loves. / Written by Mr. Cr----rd, gent.; Craufurd, David,  1700 1
Epistolary Fiction English History And Criticism   8
Epistolary Fiction English History And Criticism Theory Etc : Clarissa : the eighteenth-century response, 1747-1804 / edited and introduced by Lois E. Bueler.  c2010 1
Epistolary Fiction French History And Criticism   2
Epistolary Fiction History And Criticism : Discourses of desire : gender, genre, and epistolary fictions.; Kauffman, Linda S.,  1986 1
Epistolary Poetry : An Epistle to Sr. Richard Blackmore : occasion'd by the new session of the poets.  1700 1
Epistolary Poetry Latin   2
Epistolary Poetry Latin Early Works To 1800 : Tristia; Ovid,  1681 1
Epistolary Poetry Latin History And Criticism : Q. Horatii Flacci liber de arte poetica / Jacobi Grifoli Lucinianensis interpretatione explicatus (1550).; Grifoli, Jacopo.  1967 1
Epitaphs   10
Epitaphs Belgium Early Works To 1800 : Collectio monumentorum, rerumque maxime insignium, Belgii fæderati; : e templ. & locis pub. urbium & academ. a primordiis reipub. hucusque deducta, qualis nunquam antehac divulgata: exhibens monumenta multa goriosissima, læsæ libertatis, at fortissime assertæ; et in ejusdaem assertione, victoriarum ac triumphorum; ut & imperatorum, et archithalassor. Heroumque aliorum, beatæ memoriæ, patr. libertatis resistutor . & tutorum: nec non alia, virorum quavis honoris specie eminentissimorum, tam indigenarum quam exterorum; multasque historias monumenta illustrantes, casus extraoridinarios, & res curiosas. Carmina & cætera Belgica Latine reddita. / Per Phileleutherum Timareten [pseud. of T. J. van Almeloveen].; Almeloveen, Theodoor Jansson ab,  1695 1
Epitaphs Early Works To 1800   14
Epitaphs England   3
Epitaphs England Early Works To 1800   11
Epitaphs England London Early Works To 1800   7
Epitaphs Great Britain : Epitaph upon the honourable and truly noble Sir Kenelm Digby Kt. Chancellour to Her Majesty the Queen-mother; R. F.  1665 1
Epitaphs Great Britain History And Criticism : The English poetic epitaph : commemoration and conflict from Jonson to Wordsworth / Joshua Scodel.; Scodel, Joshua,  1991 1
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