Flemish Language Dictionaries French : Le gazophylace de la langue francoise et flamende = Schat-kamer der Nederduitsche en Francoische tale.; Ende, Casparus van den.
Flemish Literature Bio Bibliography : Winkler Prins lexicon van de Nederlandse letterkunde : auteurs, anomieme werken, periodieken / redactieraad: R.F. Lissens (voorzitter) ... [et al.].
Flemish Literature History : Het donkere hart : romantische obsessies in de moderne Nederlandstalige literatuur.; Anbeek, Ton.
Flemish Literature History And Criticism : Van "Arm Vlaanderen" tot "De voorstad groeit" : de opbloei van de Vlaamse literatuur van Teirlinck-Stijns tot L.P. Boon (1888-1946) / onder redactie van M. Rutten, J. Weisgerber.
Flemish Periodicals : Van Nu en Straks, 1893-1901 : een vrij voorhoede-orgaan gewijd aan de kunst van Nu, nieuwsgierig naar de kunst-nog-in-wording - die van Straks : bloemlezing / ingeleid en toegelicht door Anne Marie Musschoot.
Flemish Poetry Women Authors : The defiant muse : Dutch and Flemish feminist poems from the Middle Ages to the present : a bilingual anthology / edited and with an introduction by Maaike Meijer ; co-editors, Erica Eijsker, Ankie Peypers, and Yopie Prins.
Flemish Poetry Women Authors Translations Into English : The defiant muse : Dutch and Flemish feminist poems from the Middle Ages to the present : a bilingual anthology / edited and with an introduction by Maaike Meijer ; co-editors, Erica Eijsker, Ankie Peypers, and Yopie Prins.
Flemming Oliver : To the honourable the knights, citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled. The humble petition of Oliver Flemming, knight; Flemming, Oliver,
Flesh Theology : The unknown being of the spirit, soul, and body, anatomized : wherein very many Scriptures falsly translated, and corruptly interpreted are clearly explained, by which, many doctrines now taught that subvert the faith of the gospel are discovered / written by him that is unworthy to be a witness of divine truth, John Brayne.; Brayne, John.
Fletcher Alice Cunningham : With the Nez Perces : Alice Fletcher in the field, 1889-92 / edited, with an introduction, by Frederick E. Hoxie and Joan T. Mark.; Gay, E. Jane.
Fletcher Andrew : Information for Andrew Fletcher of Aberlady and his tutor : against Sir Archibald Murray of Blackbarrony, and Sir Patrick Murray of Saltcoats and others.
Fletcher Joan : The uufortunate [sic] maid cheated : being a true and very pleasant relation of one Jone Fletcher, of High-Holborn (in the parish of St. Giles's in the Fields) a tripe-maid, who instead of a man, married a woman in man's apparel, who went by the name of Black Richard, alias John Hilliard, and bedded together thirteen weeks before it was discovered, which was found out on Wednesday the 2d. of this instant November, 1699. As also an account how this female bridegroom went six years in man's apparel, and worked with one Mr. Dorell as a labourer, against the Cole-yard-Gate in High-Holbourn, with the manner how she courted several others; as likewise of their preparation for the wedding. Being asked three several times in St. Giles's Church, and then was married, where the bride now lives. Also, the manner of the whole discovery by means of an acquaintance of the bridegroom's, who proved the bridegroom to be of the female kind, and to have two children, and how the neighbours searcht her, and found her to be a woman. With the manner of her confession. With a pleasant discourse betwixt the bride and an old woman, her friend.
Fletcher John 1579 1625 Island Princess : The island princess / John Fletcher, for the King's men at the Globe, Blackfriars and Whitehall ; edited by Clare McManus.; Fletcher, John,
Fletcher Martin 1947 : Fifty-six : the story of the Bradford fire / Martin Fletcher.; Fletcher, Martin,
Fletcher Robert Sir 1665 : A discourse on the memory of that rare and truely virtuous person Sir Robert Fletcher of Saltoun : who died the 13 of January last, in the thirty ninth year of his age / written by a gentleman of his acquaintance.; Burnet, Gilbert,
Fletcher Walter Chancellor 1767 1846 : The Diocese of Carlisle, 1814-1855 : Chancellor Walter Fletcher's 'Diocesan book', with additional material from Bishop Percy's parish notebooks / edited by Jane Platt.; Church of England.
Fletcher William 1677 : The confession and execution of the three prisoners suffering at Tyburn on Wednesday the 17th of October, 1677 : At which time suffered John S. William Fletcher, and Rob. Perkins. Together with their behaviour, and several remarkable discourses had with one of the highway-men in Newgate after his condemnation. Published for a warning-piece to all others to avoid the lewd courses which brought these poor men to this ignominious end. With allowance.
Fletching England Maps : Sussex [cartographic material] : sheet TQ 42 SW.; Great Britain.
Fleurus Battle Of 1690 Sources : An impartial relation of all the transactions between the army of the confederates and that of the French king in their last summers campaign in Flanders, with a more particular respect to the battle of Fleury : the character of the generals and the reasons of that most unhappy miscarriage : with a list of the great officers slain : also observations on the grand consultations at the Hague ... / by W. Sawle ...; Sawle, William,
Fleurus Battle Of 1794 : La déroute de l'armée de Cobourg, ou, Les environs de Charleroi : fait historique en un acte mêlé de vaudevilles (Paris, Théâtre patriotique, 1794) / publié avec une introduction et des notes par André Tissier avec la collaboration de Ling-Ling Sheu.; Bellement, André.
Fleury Andre Hercule De 1653 1743 : French foreign policy during the administration of Cardinal Fleury, 1726-1743 : a study in diplomacy and commercial development.; Wilson, Arthur McCandless.
Fleury Claude : Une pensee sociale catholique : Fleury, La Bruyere et Fenelon.; Cuche, Francois-Xavier.
Flextime Europe : Flexibility and security : towards a new European balance.; Huws, Ursula.
Flextime Europe Case Studies : Flexibility at work in Europe : strategies and practice : a report prepared for the European Association for Personnel Management / Sue Hutchinson and Chris Brewster.; Hutchinson, Sue.