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Mark   Year Entries
Fletcher William 1677 : The confession and execution of the three prisoners suffering at Tyburn on Wednesday the 17th of October, 1677 : At which time suffered John S. William Fletcher, and Rob. Perkins. Together with their behaviour, and several remarkable discourses had with one of the highway-men in Newgate after his condemnation. Published for a warning-piece to all others to avoid the lewd courses which brought these poor men to this ignominious end. With allowance.  1677 1
Fletching England Maps : Sussex [cartographic material] : sheet TQ 42 SW.; Great Britain.  1961 1
Fleur De Lis In Art Early Works To 1800 : [Fleur-de-lis device with cherubim and the motto "In Domino confido"].  16--? 1
Fleurus Battle Of 1690 Sources : An impartial relation of all the transactions between the army of the confederates and that of the French king in their last summers campaign in Flanders, with a more particular respect to the battle of Fleury : the character of the generals and the reasons of that most unhappy miscarriage : with a list of the great officers slain : also observations on the grand consultations at the Hague ... / by W. Sawle ...; Sawle, William,  1691 1
Fleurus Battle Of 1794 : La déroute de l'armée de Cobourg, ou, Les environs de Charleroi : fait historique en un acte mêlé de vaudevilles (Paris, Théâtre patriotique, 1794) / publié avec une introduction et des notes par André Tissier avec la collaboration de Ling-Ling Sheu.; Bellement, André.  2001 1
Fleury Andre Hercule De 1653 1743 : French foreign policy during the administration of Cardinal Fleury, 1726-1743 : a study in diplomacy and commercial development.; Wilson, Arthur McCandless.  1972 1
Fleury Claude : Une pensee sociale catholique : Fleury, La Bruyere et Fenelon.; Cuche, Francois-Xavier.  1991 1
Flexham Park England Maps : Sussex [cartographic material] : sheet TQ 02 SW.; Great Britain.  1961 1
  Flexible Hours Of Labour -- See Flextime
  Flexible Learning -- See Open learning
Flexible Manufacturing Systems   3
Flexible Work Arrangements : Gigged : the gig economy, the end of the job and the future of work / Sarah Kessler.; Kessler, Sarah,  2019 1
  Flexible Work Hours -- See Flextime
  Flexitime -- See Flextime
Flextime   3
Flextime Europe : Flexibility and security : towards a new European balance.; Huws, Ursula.  1997 1
Flextime Europe Case Studies : Flexibility at work in Europe : strategies and practice : a report prepared for the European Association for Personnel Management / Sue Hutchinson and Chris Brewster.; Hutchinson, Sue.  1994 1
Flextime Germany West History : Time pioneers : flexible working time and new lifestyles / Karl H. Horning, Anette Gerhardt, and Matthias Michailow ; translated by Anthony Williams.; Horning, Karl H.,  1995 1
Flextime Great Britain   7
Flextime Great Britain Case Studies : Flexible patterns of work / edited Chris Curson.  1986 1
Fliegen Eve 1574 Or 5   2
Flies   4
Flies Great Britain : A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain (part 1).; Falk, Steven J.  1991 1
Flight   5
Flight Attendants United States : Airborne dreams : "Nisei" stewardesses and Pan American World Airways / Christine Yano.; Yano, Christine Reiko.  2011 1
Flight History : Introduction to flight / John D. Anderson, Jr.; Anderson, John D.  2005 1
Flight History Juvenile Literature : The Wright brothers.; Hudson, Margaret,  1998 1
Flight In Art Exhibitions : Futurism in flight : aeropittura paintings and sculptures of man's conquest of space (1913-1945) / edited by Bruno Mantura, Patrizia Rosazza-Ferraris, Livia Velani.  c1990 1
Flight Juvenile Literature : Looking at flight / Don Radford.; Radford, Don.  1984 1
Flimby England Maps : Cumberland [cartographic material] : sheet NY 03 SW & part of NX 93 SE.; Great Britain.  1957 1
Flimwell England Maps : East Sussex - Kent [cartographic material] : sheet TQ 73 SW.; Great Britain.  1978 1
Flinders Matthew 1751 1802 : Gratefull to providence : the diary and accounts of Matthew Flinders : surgeon, apothecary and man-midwife 1775-1802 / edited by Martyn Beardsley and Nicholas Bennett.  2009 1
Flinders Matthew 1774 1814   5
Flint   2
Flint Cross Cambridgeshire England Maps : Cambridgeshire - Essex - Hertfordshire [cartographic material] : sheet TL 44 SW.; Great Britain.  1983 1
Flint England : The nature and subsequent uses of flint. Volume 1, The basics of lithic technology / [John W. Lord].; Lord, John W.  1993 1
Flint Mich Economic Conditions 1981 : Roger & me [videorecording] / written, produced and directed by Michael Moore.  2003 1
Flint Mich Social Conditions 1981 : Roger & me [videorecording] / written, produced and directed by Michael Moore.  2003 1
Flint Sands Wales Maps : Cheshire - Flintshire [cartographic material] : sheet SJ 27 SE.; Great Britain.  1969 1
Flint Wales History Early Works To 1800 : His Majesties speech to the gentlemen, freeholders, and other inhabitants of the county of Denbigh and Flint. At Wrexam the 27 of September 1642.; England and Wales.  1642 1
Flint Wales Maps   7
Flint Wales Politics And Government Early Works To 1800 : The Case of George Wynne, Esq; : on a double return for the shire-town of Flint.  1728 1
Flintham England Maps : [Nottinghamshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SK 74 NW.; Great Britain.  1955 1
Flintknapping   3
Flinton England Maps   3
Flintshire History : Account of Master John de Burnham the Younger, Chamberlain of Chester, of the revenues of the counties of Chester and Flint, Michaelmas 1361 to Michaelmas 1362 / edited by P.H.W. Booth and A.D. Carr.  1991 1
Flintshire Wales History Early Works To 1800 : A petition of the gentry, ministers, and freeholders of the county of Flint, presented to His Majesty at York, August the fourth, 1642. : With His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto. Also His Majesties speech to the gentlemen of York, on Thursday the fourth of August.  1642 1
Flintshire Wales Maps   38
Flintshire Wales Storm 1677 : A Strange and wonderful relation of a clap of thunder : which lately set fire to the dwelling-house of one Widow Rosingrean, living in the town of Ewloe, in the parish of Howerden in the county of Flint ... : also another relation of a sow of one John Bartington's of Broad-Lane in the same town ...  1677 1
Flitcham England Maps : Norfolk [cartographic material] : sheet TF 72 NW.; Great Britain.  1979 1
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