France History Charles Viii 1483 1498 Sources : Journal des états généraux de France tenus à Tours en 1484 sous le règne de Charles VIII / rédigé en latin par Jehan Masselin ; publié et traduit pour la première fois sur les manuscrits inédits de la bibliothèque du roi par A. Bernier.; Masselin, Jehan,
France History Colonies : History of capital punishment in the Australian colonies, 1788 to 1900 / Steven Anderson.; Anderson, Steven,
France History Francis I 1515 1547 : A ioyfull new tidynges of the goodly victory that was sent to the emperour, from the noble Capitayne Marcquis Delgasto : shewing how and in what maner all the Fre[n]chme[n] that were in Italy with all theyr captaynes be ouercome and destroyed of the valea[n]t Prince of Salerne : yet another new tidinges, shewyng howe that Barbarossa the great Turkes leuetenat and admiral of the see, is gone out of Fraunce wyth a great army, takyng many noble lordes & galleyes, as ye shall heare hereafter.; Vasto, Alfonso Avalos,
France History Henry Iv 158 1610 Early Works To 1800 : A true discourse of the whole occurrences in the Queenes voyage from her departure from Florence, vntil her arriuall at the citie of Marseilles : together with the triumphs there made at her entrie: whereto is adioyned her receiuing and entrie into Lyons. Hereunto is annexed, the first Sauoyan: wherein is set forth the right of the conquest of Sauoy by the French, and the importance of holding it. All faithfully translated out of French, by E.A.
France History Henryiii 1574 1589 Early Works To 1800 : A declaration and catholick exhortation to all Christian princes to succour the Church of God and realme of France. Written by Peter Erondelle, natife of Normandie. Faithfully translated out of the French; Erondelle, Pierre,