Gaging Tables Early Works To 1800 : A nevv booke of gauging : Very usefull and necessary for all vintners, salters, bruers, coopers, and all others that deale in liquid commodities, in all cities, and townes through-out the whole kingdome. Whereby any one that can but adde and subtract may (by a ruler of foure foote long, having one side divided into inches, and each inch divided into ten parts) very easily and exactly gauge any wine, oile, ale or beere vessell, according to that taught by that famous geometrician of worthie memorie, M. Henry Briggs in his treatise of Arithmetica logarithmica. By Henry Bond, practitioner in the mathematicks, and reader of navigation to the mariners of the Kings Maiesties Navy at Chattam.; Bond, Henry.
Gaiety Theatre Manchester : Granada's Manchester plays : television adaptations [by G. Savory] of six plays recalling the Horniman period at the Gaiety Theatre, Manchester.
Gaiferos Legendary Character : Épica germánica y tradiciones épicas hispánicas : Waltharius y Gaiferos : la leyenda de Walther de Aquitania y su relación con el romance de Gaiferos.; Millet, Víctor,
Gaignieres Francois Roger De 1642 1715 : The Oxford collection of the drawings of Roger de Gaignières and the royal tombs of Saint-Denis / Elizabeth A.R. Brown.; Brown, Elizabeth A. R.
Gailhard J Jean : A fair character of the Presbyterian reformling's just and sober vindication of his observations upon the 30th of January, and the 29th of May, in defence of the reformer rack'd. : Being an answer to J.G.G.'s new vile rant, and the Weekly Observator's invidious and false reflections on it.
Gailhard J Jean Blasphemous Socinian Heresie Disproved : An apology for the Parliament, humbly representing to Mr. John Gailhard some reasons why they did not at his request enact sanguinary laws against Protestants in their last session : in two letters by different hands.
Gailhard J Jean Blasphemous Socinian Heresie Disproved And Confuted : The epistle and preface to the book against the blasphemous Socinian heresie vindicated, and the charge therein against Socinianism, made good : in answer to two letters / by J. Gailhard ...; Gailhard, J.
Gaiman Neil : American gods / Neil Gaiman.; Gaiman, Neil,
Gain Sharing Germany West : Erfolgsbeteiligung und Vermögensbildung der Arbeitnehmer in der privaten Versicherungswirtschaft : (1820-1948).; Kalbaum, Günter.
Gainsborough England History Siege 1643 Early Works To 1800 : The copy of a letter written by Colonel Cromvvel, to the committee at Cambridge. Dated on Monday last being the 31 of Iuly. : Concerning the raising of the siege at Gainsborough, with the names of those that were slayne, and the number of the prisoners taken. This is licensed according to order.; Cromwell, Oliver,
Gainsborough Lincolnshire History Military : The copy of a letter written by Colonel Cromvvell, to the committee at Cambridge dated on Monday last being the 31 of Iuly : concerning the raising of the siege at Gainsborough, with the names of those that were slayne, and the number of the prisoners taken.; Cromwell, Oliver,
Gainsborough Thomas 1727 1788 Catalogues Raisonnes : Thomas Gainsborough : the portraits, fancy pictures and copies after old masters / Hugh Belsey ; with a contribution by Jonathan Yarker.; Belsey, Hugh,
Gal Henry : Un maire dans la tourmente, 1941-1944.; Gal, Henry.
Galactic Centre : The black hole at the center of the Milky Way / Andreas Eckart, Rainer Schödel, Christian Straubmeier.; Eckart, Andreas.
Galactic Dynamics : Galactic dynamics / James Binney and Scott Tremaine.; Binney, James,
Galactic Nuclei : Astrophysics of gaseous nebulae and active galactic nuclei.; Osterbrock, Donald E.,
Galahad Legendary Character : Galahad and Perceval, from the 'Tristan' ms. : Sir Thomas Malory's Le morte d'Arthur / ed by H.O. Sommer.; Sommer, Heinrich Oskar.
Galanskov Iurii T : The trial of the four : a collection of materials on the case of Galanskov, Ginzburg, Dobrovolsky and Lashkova, 1967-68 / compiled by P. Litvinov; English text edited and annotated by P. Reddaway.; Litvinov, Pavel Mikhailovich.