Gays With Disabilities Services For England Leeds : The Rainbow Ripples report : lesbians, gay and bisexual disabled people's experiences of service provision in Leeds / by Rainbow Ripples and Ruth Butler.; Rainbow Ripples (Organization)
Gays Writings : Gay signatures : gay and lesbian theory, fiction and film in France, 1945-1995 / edited by Owen Heathcote, Alex Hughes and James S. Williams.
Gaywood Richard Active 1650 1680 : A catalogue of plates, : the prints whereof are useful for gentlemen, artists, and gentlewomen, and school-mistresses works, sold by Arthur Tooker, stationer at the Globe over against Salisbury House in the Strand, where you may have choice of maps, and also Italian, German, and the Low Countrey prints, Indian ink, abortive skins, all sorts of paintings, and all stationary wares.; Tooker, Arthur.
Gdansk Poland Description : Gdańsk (Danzig) / Jan Kilarski ; translated by B. W. A. Massey.; Kilarski, Jan,
Gdansk Poland Foreign Relations Poland : Zbiór dokumentów urze̜dowych : dotyczacych stosunku Wolnego Miasta Gdańska do Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / zebrane i wydane przez Komisarjat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Gdańsku.
Geanor Petrus : Narratio facti, jurisque disquisitio : in lite jam vertente inter Rdos Adm P.P. Franciscum Copingerum, et P. Geanor, invictis rationibus, simul ac celebri auctoritate [que] roborata. Per R.P. Thomam Haroldum, S. Theologia lectorem jubilatum.; Harold, Thomas.
Gearhart Sally Miller : Science fiction and the return to the mother : an examination of Sally Miller Gearhart's the Wanderground in the light of French feminist theory.; Gough, Valerie Anne.
Gearing Exhibitions : Early gearing : geared mechanisms in the ancient and mediaeval world / J.V. Field & M.T. Wright.; Field, Judith Veronica,