Genus Glenanthe Haliday : Studies of Gymnomyzinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), VI : a revision of the genus glenanthe haliday from the new world.; Mathis, Wayne N.
Geobiology Philosophy : The revenge of Gaia : why the Earth is fighting back - and how we can still save humanity / James Lovelock ; foreword by Sir Crispin Tickell.; Lovelock, James,
Geodynamics Iceland : Geodynamics of Iceland and the North Atlantic area : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Reykjavik, Iceland, 1-7 July, 1974 / edited by L. Kristjansson.
Geodynamics Mathematical Models : Mathematical aspects of natural dynamos [electronic resource] / edited by Emmanuel Dormy & Andrew M. Soward.; Dormy, Emmanuel.
Geodynamics North Atlantic Region : Geodynamics of Iceland and the North Atlantic area : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Reykjavik, Iceland, 1-7 July, 1974 / edited by L. Kristjansson.
Geoffrey Of Aspall 1287 : Geoffrey of Aspall : questions on Aristotle's Physics / edited by Silvia Donati & Cecilia Trifogli ; English translation by E. Jennifer Ashworth & Cecilia Trifogli.; Geoffrey,
Geoffrey Of Vinsauf Active 1200 : Les arts poetiques du XIIe et du XIIIe siecle : recherches et documents with reference to Matthieu de Vendome, Geoffroi de Vinsauf, Gervais de Melkley, Evrard l'Allemand and Jean de Garlande.; Faral, Edmund.
Geoffrin Marie Therese : Un bureau d'esprit au XVIIIe siecle : le selon de Madame Geoffrin.; Tornezy, Albert.
Geoffroy De Paris : La chronique metrique attribuee a Geoffroy de Paris.; Universite de Strasbourg. Faculte des lettres.
Geoghegan James 1693 : The last speech and confession of Mr. James Geoghegan, priest of the Order of St. Francis : who was executed at the common place of execution near Dublin, on Saturday the tenth of this instant February, 1693 : as it was delivered by his own hand to be printed, before he went to execution.; Geoghegan, James,
Geographic Information Systems India Goa : Coastal zone management using remote sensing and GIS : a case study of Goa / P. Ramamohana Rao, P. Suneetha.; Rao, P. Ramamohana,
Geographical Discoveries In Literature : Writing North America in the seventeenth century : English representations in print and manuscript / Catherine Armstrong.; Armstrong, Catherine.