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Geothermal Resources European Union : Blue book on geothermal resources.; European Commission.  1999 1
Geouffre De La Pradelle Raymond Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Sainte-Marie v. France : judgment of 16 December 1992 : B - Case of De Geouffre de la Pradelle v. France : judgment of 16 December 1992.; European Court of Human Rights.  1993 1
Gerakan Keluarga Berencana Nasional Di Indonesia   2
  Gerald Of Wales 1146 1223 -- See Giraldus, Cambrensis, 1146?-1223?
Geraldine Colonel 1642   2
Geraldus Aurillacensis Saint 855 Approximately 909 : St. Odo of Cluny : being the Life of St. Odo of Cluny / by John of Salerno ; and the Life of St. Gerald of Aurillac / by St. Odo ; translated and edited by Gerard Sitwell.; Joannes,  1958 1
Gerard Charles Mr : The Tryal of Col. Ashburnham, : (prisoner in the tower of London) before His Highness the Lord Protectors council at White-hall: and the several examinations and confessions, taken on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday last. With a further discovery of the great plot, and desperate conspiracie; the time prefixed, and the manner how it should have been acted both in city and countrey, to the great wonder and admiration of all that shall read the ensuing subject. Likewise, the taking of Mr. Charles Gerhard, and committing of him to his two brothers in the Tower: the names of those who should have proclaimed Charles Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland; and the order of the lords of the council thereupon.  1654 1
Gerard Digby : Bedlam broke loose, : a review of that boist'rous uproar, whereby the lives of the right honourable Digby Lord Gerard and his mother were eminently endanger'd, June 1677.  1677 1
Gerard Gilbert : Sir Gilbert Gerards case, upon his petition against Sir. William Brownlow : sitting member for the borough of Bishop's-Castle.  1690 1
Gerard Gilbert Sir Active 1680   2
Gerard John 1545 1612 : Of books and botany in early modern England : sixteenth-century plants and print culture / Leah Knight.; Knight, Leah.  c2009 1
Gerard John 1632 1654   5
Gerard Thomas 1823 : Chief Officer in China, 1840-1853.; Jones, Clement Wakefield.  1955 1
Gerard William Sir   2
Gerbert De Montreuil Active 13th Century : Aristocratic life in medieval France : the romances of Jean Renart and Gerbert de Montreuil, 1190-1230.; Baldwin, John W.  2000 1
Gerbier Balthazar Sir 1592 1667   8
Gerbier Elizabeth : A letter from Sr. Balthazar Gerbier Knight. : To his three daughters inclosed. In a nunnery att Paris.; Gerbier, Balthazar,  1646 1
Gerbier Mary : A letter from Sr. Balthazar Gerbier Knight. : To his three daughters inclosed. In a nunnery att Paris.; Gerbier, Balthazar,  1646 1
Gerbier Susan : A letter from Sr. Balthazar Gerbier Knight. : To his three daughters inclosed. In a nunnery att Paris.; Gerbier, Balthazar,  1646 1
Geree John 1601 1649   2
Geree John 1601 1649 A Case Of Conscience Resolved : Siniorragia : the sifters sieve broken, or a reply to Doctor Boughen's sifting my case of conscience touching the Kings coronation oath : wherein is cleared that bishops are not jure divino, that their sole government without the help of presbyters is an ursurpation and an innovation, that the Kings oath at coronation is not to be extended to preserve bishops, with the ruine of himself and kingdome / by John Geree.; Geree, John,  1648 1
Geree John 1601 1649 Case Of Conscience Resolved   2
Geree John 1601 1649 Katadynastes : An ansvver to the London ministers letter: from them to his Excellency & his Counsel of VVar; : as also an answer to John Geree's book, entituled, Might overcomming right; with an answer to a book, entituled, The Armies remembrancer. Wherein it appears the accusations of the Army are unjust, and the Armies proceedings justified by the Word of God, and by the light of nature and reason. Also a discovery of that learning, and ordination these ministers have, and the vanity and insufficiencie thereof, by the Word of God, and that those are the things with which they delude and deceive the people. / By Samuel Richardson.; Richardson, Samuel,  1649 1
Geree John 1601 1649 Vindiciae Paedo Baptismi : Vindiciæ vindiciarum: or, A vindication of his Vindication of infant-baptisme, from the exceptions of M. Harrison, in his Pœdo-baptisme oppugned, and from the exceptions of Mr. Tombes, in his chief digressions of his late Apology, from the manner to the matter of his treatises. / By Io. Geree M. of Arts, and Preacher of the Word in S. Albanes. Imprimatur, Edm. Calamy.; Geree, John,  1647 1
Geree Stephen 1594 1656 : The re-assertion of grace, or, Vindiciæ evangelii : a vindication of the Gospell-truths, from the unjust censure and undue aspersions of Antinomians : in a modest reply to Mr. Anth. Burgesses Vindiciæ legis, Mr. Rutherfords Triall and tryumph of faith, from which also Mr. Geerie and M. Bedford may receive a satisfactory answer / by Robert Towne.; Towne, Robert,  1654 1
Geree Stephen 1594 1656 Doctrine Of The Antinomians : Divine consolations, or, The teachings of God : in three parts ... with an answer to the objections made against it, and Doctor Crips [sic] booke justified against Steven Geree / by Samuel Richardson.; Richardson, Samuel,  1649 1
Geree Stephen 1594 1656 Doctrine Of The Antinomians Confuted : Vindiciæ Evangelii, or, A vindication of the Gospel, with the establishment of the law : being a reply to Mr. Steven Geree's treatise entituled, The doctrine of the Antinomians confuted : wherein he pretends to charge divers dangerous doctrines on Dr. Crisp's sermons, as anti-evangelical and antinomical / by Robert Lancaster ...; Lancaster, Robert,  1694 1
Gereformeerde Kerk In De Nederlanden : Den kleynen cathechismus, oft kinder leere der Duytscher Ghemeynte van Londen : die welche nu al om ende om verbreyt is / ghemaeckt door Maerten Mikron.; Łaski, Jan,  1566 1
Gerhard John 1631 1658 : A vindication of Thomas Henshaw Esquire, sometimes Major in the French Kings service. : In justification of himself against the aspersions throwne vpon him. Concerning a pretended plott for which John Gerharde Esquire, and Peter Vovvell gent: were murthered on the of August, 1654.; Henshaw, Thomas,  1654 1
Geriatric Medicine : CBT for older people : an introduction / Ken Laidlaw.; Laidlaw, Ken,  2015 1
Geriatric Neurology : The neuropsychology of aging.; Woodruff-Pak, Diana S.,  1997 1
Geriatric Neuropsychiatry : The ageing brain : the neurobiology and neuropsychiatry of ageing / edited by Perminder S. Sachdev.  c2003 1
Geriatric Nursing   33
Geriatric Nursing Problems Exercises Etc : Client profiles in nursing : adult and the elderly 2 / edited by S. Parboteeah, P. Tremayne.  2003 1
Geriatric Orthopaedics : Orthogeriatrics : comprehensive orthopaedic care for the elderly patient / edited by Raymond J. Newman.  1992 1
Geriatric Pharmacology   2
Geriatric Pharmacology Great Britain   2
Geriatric Psychiatry   11
Geriatric Psychiatry Periodicals   2
Geriatric Psychopharmacology : Practical old age psychopharmacology : a multi-professional approach / edited by Stephen Curran and Roger Bullock.  c2005 1
Geriatrics   46
Geriatrics Diagnosis : Shared care of older people : medicine of old age for the primary care team / Gurcharan Rai ... [et al.].  2006 1
Geriatrics Early Works To 1800 : Gerontocomia. English; Zerbis, Gabriele de,  1988 1
Geriatrics Great Britain   2
Geriatrics Handbooks Manuals Etc : Oxford desk reference : geriatric medicine / edited by Margot Gosney, Adam Harper, Simon Conroy.  2012 1
Geriatrics History   2
Geriatrics History Sources : Old age and disease in early modern medicine / by Daniel Schäfer ; translated by Patrick Baker.; Schäfer, Daniel,  2016 1
Geriatrics Outlines Syllabi Etc : Lecture notes : elderly care medicine/ Claire Nicholl, K. Jane Wilson, Stephen Webster.; Nicholl, Claire.  2007 1
Geriatrics Periodicals   2
Gericault Theodore 1791 1824   6
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