Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Destruction And Plunder E : Englands petition to their soveraigne King: or, An humble petition of the distressed and almost destroyed subjects of England, to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. : Containing the very sense of the true-hearted of the kingdom; but because the way to the Kings eare is stopt, it was sent to London, and there printed, as it is briefly declared to the reader. And will shortly be presented to his Majesty at Newcastle, having the hands of ten hundred thousand of his subjects, from the severall counties of this kingdome. Printed and published according to order.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Early Works To 1800 C : A True relation of the approach of Prince Rupert to that good towne of Marlborow: : and how he was resisted by the townesmen, with the ayd of the faithfull militia of Wiltshire, till Serjeant Major Skippon arriv'd there with some of his excellence the Earle of Essex forces. With which he gave the said Prince Rupert battell, and obtained of him and his cavaliers a glorious victory. With a speech made by the said serjeant Major Skippon to his souldiers before the said battell, truly certified in a letter from thence to a citizen of good credit in London, and so published.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Finance Sources Early Wor : An ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, : for the speedy raising and levying of money, for the maintenance of the army raised by the Parliament, and other great affairs of the common-wealth, by a weekly assessement, upon the severall counties herein mentioned for two moneths, beginning from the third day of August. 1643. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsinge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.; England and Wales.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Flags : Die Martis, Iunii 24. 1645. : It is this day ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament that the ensignes and cornetts sent up now by Sir Thomas Fairfax ...; England and Wales.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Horses Early Works To : The reqvests of the gentlemen of the grandjury of this county of Oxford : Set under the hand of sixe of them, and presented to the commissioners, were read, and considered of: and thereupon the lords, and others the Kings commissioners have thought fit and ordered as followeth.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Humour Poetry Early Works : The Parliaments thanks to the Citie : for their kinde complyance with them in all their treasons from time to time committed against His Maiesties honor, crowne and dignitie. Dedicated to the loyall and treacherous citizens; the valiant and cowardly citizens; the wise and foolish citizens; the wealthy and poor citizens; the square and Round-headed citizens; the honored, and the horned citizens. By Mercurius Melancholicus:; Mercurius Melancholicus,
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Manpower Early Works To : A true relation of the army set out by the county of Essex, under the command of the Right Honourable, Robert Earle of Warwick: : for the defence of the King and Parliament, containing 12000. horse and foot, most of them having set out themselves at their owne costs and charges. Also the names of such gentlemen as are nominated to levy the said army in that county and be commanders of it, and the severall places out of which they are to be raised. Sir Tho. Barrington. M. Grimston. Sir John Sandys. Sir Tho. Wiseman. Sir Harb. Grimston. Sir Samuel Luke. M. Tho. Mildmay. M. William Wiseman M. Wright. Sir William Stewkly Sir Martin Lumley. M. Talbot. M. Wiseman. M. Alleston. M. Browne. Captain Mildmay. Captain Fleming. Captain Awdley. M. Gregory Baker. M. Thomas King. M. Whitaker. M. Peck. M. Sams. M. White. M. Thomas White. M. Isaac Joyner. M. Haddon. M. Bradley. M. Hugh Radley. Sir Henry Mildmay. Sir Humph. Mildmay M. Henry Fisher. Sir William Luckey. M. Tho. Harbottle. M. Ramsey.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Mass Media And The War Ea : The copy of a letter written from Northampton: : containing a true relation of the souldier's preaching, and murdering a woman: which are very grosly misreported by the Diurnal, and Moderate intelligencer. Together with some more new-light from Mr. Del, the chaplain to the army. As also, the quarter the souldiers give to the country where they are quartered.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Medical Care Early Works : An order of the Commons assembled in Parliament, : enabling the severall committees in the severall counties to examine the abuses in placing of officers in the severall hospitalls in the kingdome. And likewise to provide for the maintenance of such souldiers as have been maimed in the Parliaments service, and are of the said severall counties. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D Com.; England and Wales.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Military Intelligence Ear : Prince Roberts disguises; or A perfect true relation of the severall shapes he has taken, since the Lord Generall went forth first from London; : with a discovery of the pollicy he hath used, to be eye witnesse, and to know his Excellencies strength. Also how he came up to the city disguised like a vvoman, and viewed all the severall vvorkes, and trenches. Related to an inne-keeper at Colebrooke, who was toule it in a merry humour by one of the cavaliers, and sent by the said innekeeper, in a letter to Mr. Johnson, in Barbakin.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Naval Operations Sources : A message from both Houses of Parliament : sent to Yorke to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the 28 of March 1642. With His Majesties letter to the Lord Keeper, in answer to the same, dated March the last, 1642.; England and Wales.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Newspapers : The proceedings of the army under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax : From ... Containing the story of the Club-men, and relief of Taunton. Wherein is expressed the propositions of the Club-men, and Sir Thomas Fairfax his answer unto them. Sent from Mr Bowles (Chaplain to Sir Thomas Fairfax) to a friend of his in London.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Participation Foreign Ear : The true copy of a letter sent from the Hague in Holland to a great nobleman in England; : concerning the raising of a great army in France, Denmarke, Holland, &c. to assist the Kings Majesty in England. With the names of the commanders in chiefe; and the number and proportion both of men, money, armes, and ammunition. Intercepted, and read in both Houses of Parliament, and ordered to be printed and published, and read in all parish churches within the city of London, and the suburbs thereof, by the parsons, vicars, or curats of the same. Imprimatur, G.M.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Participation Scottish Ea : Foure speeches delivered in Guild-Hall on Friday the sixth of October, 1643. : At a common-hall, vpon occasion of desiring the assistance of our brethren of Scotland in this warre. / Viz. the [brace] 1. by Mr. Solicitor. 2. by Mr. Edmund Calamy. 3. by Mr. Jeremiah Burroughes. 4. by Mr. Obadiah Sedgewick. Published according to order.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Peace : Papers from the Scots quarters, : containing the substance of two votes made by the Estates at Edenburgh at their generall meeting this present Septemb. 1646. Concerning their armies marching home, and delivering up their garrisons; as also, concerning the peace and union of the kingdomes: with some other passages concerning the King; and other matters of note. And the taking of Cary Castle, and securing other parts in the north of Scotland by Major-Generall Middleton. Printed and published according to order, and for generall satisfaction.
Great Britain History Civil War 1642 1649 Prizes Early Works To : An ordinance by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, : for the preservation and keeping together for publique use, such books, evidenees [sic], records and writings sequestred or taken by distresse or otherwise, as are fit to be so preserved. 18 Novemb. 1643. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsinge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.; England and Wales.