Great Britain History Commonwealth And Protectorate 1649 1660 Sermo : Britannia rediviva: or the proper and soveraign remedy for the healing and recovering of these three distracted nations; : as it was prescribed in a sermon preached in the minster at York, at the Assizes there held on Thursday morning, August 9. 1649. Before the Right Honorable Judges, the Right Worshipful the High Sheriff, the justices of peace, gentry, and others of the county of York. / By John Shaw, master of arts, sometimes of Christs Colledg in Cambridg, and now preacher of Gods Word at Kingston upon Hull.; Shawe, John,
Great Britain History Dhenry Viii 1509 1547 Early Works To 1800 : The expedicion into Scotla[n]de of the most woorthely fortunate prince Edward, Duke of Soomerset, vncle vnto our most noble souereign lord ye ki[n]ges Maiestie Edvvard the. VI. goouernour of hys hyghnes persone, and protectour of hys graces realmes, dominions [and] subiectes : made in the first yere of his Maiesties most prosperous reign, and set out by way of diarie, by W. Patten Londoner.; Patten, William,
Great Britain History Early Stuarts 1603 1649 Prophecies Early Work : The worlds wonder : being a true relation of the strange and dreadful apparitions seen in the air, on Tuesday last was seven-night, at New-Market-Heath, and in the western parts: wherein you might discern the flaming-sword, the fiery dragon, sparkling-coals, burning-beams, beating of drums, sounding of trumpets, and a desperate conflict between two armies. Likewise, the presenting of the earth with a mighty thunder-bolt, ... and the taking of it up, and carrying it to Justice Fosters, where many hundreds of people resort to see it, to the great admiration of all that behold it. As also, the strange and wonderful ringing of the bells, by four white spirits in the perfect shape of men, at Ferry-Briggs in York-shire, on the first of this instant March, betwixt 12 and one of the clock in the morning. With the minister, clerk, and others going to them, demanding, In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, what they meant, and what their business was? With the answer which proceeded from a vo
Great Britain History Edmund 855 870 : The Viking Great Army and the making of England [electronic resource] / Dawn Hadley, Julian Richards.; Hadley, D. M.
Great Britain History Edward Iv 1461 1483 : The boke of noblesse : and the English texts from its codicil / William Worcester ; edited by Catherine Nall and Daniel Wakelin.; Worcester, William,
Great Britain History Edward Iv 1461 1483 Poetry : The history of Mistris Jane Shore: : concubine to King Edward the fourth, who was wife to one Matthew Shore, a goldsmith in London. : Wherein is declared her wanton life, with her miserable end, and death of her husband.
Great Britain History Edward Vi And Mary 1547 1558 Early Works To : The historie of wyates rebellion : with the order and maner of resisting the same, wherunto in the ende is added an earnest conference with the degenerate and sedicious rebelles for the serche of the cause of their daily disorder. Made and compyled by Iohn Proctor.; Proctor, John,