Great Britain History Military 1603 1714 Poetry Early Works To : News from the camp, on Black Heath: or, The noble souldiers resolution: : expressing his heroick courage to serve his King, and country, to his utmost abillity, through all dangers and exigences.
Great Britain History Military 1603 1714 Sources Early Works To : A relation of the most remarkable transactions of the last campaigne, in the Confederate Army, : under the command of His Majesty of Great Britain; and after, of the elector of Bavaria, in the Spanish Netherlands, anno Dom. 1692.; D'Auvergne, Edward,
Great Britain History Military Civil War 1642 1649 Campaigns Early : A perfect and true relation of the great and bloudy skirmish, fought before the city of Worcester, upon Friday, Septemb. 23. 1642. : Between ten troops of our side, consisting but of 500. horse, and the troops of the cavaliers consisting of 1800. horse, commanded by Prince Robert and Prince Maurice. VVith the names of the captains and other officers and troopers that were slaine, wounded, 'and taken prisoners on our side, and also of theirs. Likewise some other passages, 'upon the comming of the Earl of Essex his armie into Worcester the next day. Sent in a letter from Worcester by Mr. William Bowen, ensigne to his Excellence the Earle of Essex. Dated Septemb. 26.; Bowen, William,
Great Britain History Military Congresses : War and society : papers delivered to the Sixth Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference / edited by A. C. Duke and C. A. Tamse.; Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference