Great Britain History Stuarts 1603 1714 Chronology : The historian's guide, or, Britain's remembrancer : being a summary of all the actions, exploits, sieges, battels, designs, attempts, preferments, honours, changes &c. and whatever else is worthy notice that hath happen'd in His Majesty's kingdoms from Anno. Dom. 1600 to this time : shewing the year, month and day of the month in which each action was done : with an alphabeticall table for the more easie finding any thing out.; Clarke, Samuel,
Great Britain History Stuarts 1603 1714 Sermons : A sermon preached in Christ-Church before His Excellency the Lord Deputy and the Parliament, on the fifth day of November, 1695 : being the anniversary thanksgiving for the happy deliverance of K. James Ist, and the three estates of the realm of England from the most trayterous intended massacre by gun-powder : and also for the happy arrival of His present Majesty K. William on that day, for the deliverance of our church and nation / by Tobias, Lord Bishop of Dromore.; Pullen, Tobias,
Great Britain History Tables Early Works To 1800 : A perfect and most usefull table to compute the year of our Lord, : with the several years of the Kings reigns, beginning with Henry the eight, which is 150 years since, whereby the true date of any deed since that time may presently be found out with much facility, and undoubted certainty. Also, to know the county dayes for each county in England for this year, and which hereby may be known for ever, because they are and must be constantly kept that day month in each county, London onely excepted, as underneath appears..; W. H.
Great Britain History To 55 B C Poetry : De rep. Anglorum instauranda libri decem, authore Thomas Chalonero Equite, Anglo. Huc accessit in laudem Henrici Octaui Regis quondam Angliæ præstantiss. carmen panegyricum. Item, de illustrium quorundam encomiis miscellanea, cum epigrammatis, ac epitaphijs nonnullis, eodem authore; Chaloner, Thomas,
Great Britain History To 449 Poetry Early Works To 1800 : The first parte of the Mirour for magistrates, : contayning the falles of the first infortunate princes of this lande: from the comming of Brute to the incarnation of our sauiour and redemer Iesu Christe.; Higgins, John,
Great Britain History To 1066 Poetry : The seconde part of the Mirrour for magistrates : conteining the falles of the infortunate princes of this lande, from the conquest of Cæsar, vnto the commyng of Duke William the Conquerour.; Blenerhasset, Thomas.